do you play on low difficulties? Might explain the misunderstanding here because on UV/Nightmare the game always demands you be on your toes, prioritize certain targets (e.g pain elementals need to be stopped else endless lost souls), dodge attacks, learn the AI behaviour, keep moving, look for weaknesses etc.
Finished the game on UV.
I know how the game works, I dare say I am (well, was, when I played) rather good at it - and that was with a mouse seriously unsuited for that kind of game. Pretty sure I could finish it on Nightmare, but also don't feel like it at all due to my gripes with the game (not only marauders, as they are actually rather rare in the main campaign).
God forbid a game change up any kind of pacing or introduce any kind of demanding challenge.
The Marauder is not a challenge, you goddamn fucking moron. I don't know how often this has to be said to you to get it into your skull.
Making your whole whiny bitching entirely pointless.
It is a change of pace, yes. But not one I find enjoyable in the slightest.
"Dancing around them" is the point, and it is supposed to be fun. Many of us find it thrilling.
Great for you.
But - very obviously - for a lot of people it isn't fun. At all. It is something so annoying it contributes to not wanting to play the game again, or its DLCs.
Which you and others keep on - due to sheer stupidity or knowingly as a strawman, I don't know - seeing as "it's too difficult".
I was not challenged by a marauder a single time - once I understood how to deal with them.
Pretty much every situation in the game other than an empty room is more challenging than a marauder. They aren't challenging with others in the room, either, you just have to avoid them which isn't an issue as being in constant motion is essential in the game anyway. A marauder merely determines the direction of that motion away from him, which is annoying but not hard.
Maybe they are actually a challenge to you, at least you keep on saying that there's more to them then their stupid "hit me now" gimmick. Maybe defeating one gave you that good feeling like a "well done!" pat on the back. Never felt like that to me, I was always only glad I could get back to the enjoyable parts of the game, so.... maybe stop projecting?
difficulty can easily be misconstrued as "a nuisance".
Yes, by idiots. You really do need to stop projecting.
A difficulty is something that actually demands something difficult to do of you. Which you can actually fail at. I'd put most of Doom Eternal's larger battles in the final third of the game (on UV) down as difficult. With the notable exception of marauders, as they do not require you to do anything difficult at all.
A nuisance is something that you have to do in order to proceed, but that doesn't pose any challenge or fun at all. Walking from A to B in games without quick travel while nothing at all happens or could potentially happen comes to mind. All that it requires is the spending of time to get through it and there is no possibility of failure. Huh. Pretty much like marauders...