Mainstream auteurs have been a thing in movies for years, what's so weird about seeing them in games?Martin is a mainstream auteur, if that makes sense. Seems like a contradiction but that's what he is.
Mainstream auteurs have been a thing in movies for years, what's so weird about seeing them in games?Martin is a mainstream auteur, if that makes sense. Seems like a contradiction but that's what he is.
Mainstream auteurs have been a thing in movies for years, what's so weird about seeing them in games?Martin is a mainstream auteur, if that makes sense. Seems like a contradiction but that's what he is.
Somehow i didnt register the last word in your post (moons). I thought you meant when things were simpler.Okay, but what does that have do with the game being set in Skyrim?That was in the old days, Unreal, when we didnt know much.Remember when Doom was about fighting monsters on moons?
However, recently Professor Martin has discovered new things like: weapon switching and enemy prioritizing (actually the Fun Zone). We used to think this meant just that you have different gun and enemy types in a game (lol). Also some mindblowing stuff like using different guns on enemies ( you dont have to shoot them with the same gun always - creativity).
So no matter what we may think we have to admit, nothing will be the same for shooters after the Marauder Paradigm.
I understand. But i dont see how thats commendable. Especially for Doom. And now probably there will never be a return to form considering how now things will have to be always more extreme ( retarded) .That was in the old days, Unreal, when we didnt know much.Remember when Doom was about fighting monsters on moons?
However, recently Professor Martin has discovered new things like: weapon switching and enemy prioritizing (actually the Fun Zone). We used to think this meant just that you have different gun and enemy types in a game (lol). Also some mindblowing stuff like using different guns on enemies ( you dont have to shoot them with the same gun always - creativity).
So no matter what we may think we have to admit, nothing will be the same for shooters after the Marauder Paradigm.
The game's aim is to force you into constant action with no "rest" zones of any kind.
It's like with death match. I remember when i replayed Quake 3 again, back when they released Quake Live, i had a lot of trouble getting in that kind of "zone" again because i hadn't played an online shooter for years (at the beginning i was actually struggling with the bots in the training levels lmao).
This game had me go through a similar ordeal. For a single player game, i think that's notable, especially in this day and age, but i can see why some people find that too tiring to deal with. Dark Souls isn't actually like this a closer point of comparison would be Sekiro, or Devil May Cry (which if i understand is where they ripped the Marauder out of in the first place).
Ultimately, the game feels overwhelming and straining until finger memory starts to play into it. Just like with an online shooter ultimately.
Doom 2016 had a better aesthetic, i'm sorry to say, even if you could say grim dark is generic. This pastel looking shit just doesn't jibe with me.
Martin's doubling down on the Marauder shows exactly what i said about him. The guy is a stubborn bastard and that can work in the game's favor. The Marauder is all about exploiting a new variable, which goes in line with the general design philosophy of the whole game, which is about leaving no stone unturned when it comes to exploiting possibilities in terms of gameplay opportunities. Even the "vertical" design of the arenas is supposed to serve this overall quest to leave no redundant or vacant gameplay possibilities.
Which is not to say that all of his ideas are good. The jumping puzzles are a down grade from the the level exploration of Doom 2016 when it coms to filling downtime with shit to do. Martin doesn't obviously understand the role atmosphere had in the original, where moments of contemplatively and study followed intense action. He wants you to spaz out even between fights by jumping around like a retard and for this reason Eternal was more fatiguing than Doom 2016.
But i think overall the positives of his pigheadedness outweigh the negatives. In the pantheon of shit nu-shooters, nu-Doom stands as something unique. Martin is a mainstream auteur, if that makes sense. Seems like a contradiction but that's what he is.
What should be next for this series? Boss fights that are actually hard. That, i think, is the current lacuna in the series. Eternal improved that a bit compared to 2016 but it wasn't enough. He needs to go full Dark Souls with that shit or remove boss fights altogether. You can't have a game that is total rape when fighting normal enemies but turns into popamole early 2000 simplicity when fighting bosses. You have to go all the fucking way with this formula or else it won't work.
The Khan Makyr came closest to what i'm talking about. Icon of Sin was pretty bad, easier (considering all the ammo you get, with the Khan Makyr you had to actually fight for ammo) and the idea of the Icon being this giant monster was retarded.
Dark Souls isn't actually like this a closer point of comparison would be Sekiro, or Devil May Cry (which if i understand is where they ripped the Marauder out of in the first place).
Has the change to the Marauder been implemented game-wide? In TAG2 if you stun one it gets these cartoons stars over its head with a matching sound, which is dumb as fuck.
In TAG2 if you stun one it gets these cartoons stars over its head with a matching sound, which is dumb as fuck.
I read steam forums a few days ago and seems like first level had the most amount of monster spawn changes, 2nd had a little bit (from what I understood first encounter with possesed + normal baron got changed to 2 hell knights) and in 3rd they apparently changed only slayer gate. There was a talk that they also nerfed monsters themselves: arachnotrons fire slower, blood maykrs have longer vulnerability window and fire slower and maybe slow effect is weaker.Did the update also change TAG1?
Not sure if there is a full list of changes somewhere, would be interesting to read. Apparently it was made to improve pacing and make it a bit easier since they want really hard stuff in master levels:
Here is an iteresting post of changes in first level: https://steamcommunity.com/app/782330/discussions/0/3099012755253887947/?ctp=3#c3099012755255669655