Vault Dweller said:
Who cares what you expect (with all due respect)? What do you usually get? A new expansion pack will cost you about 50% of the original game. You never ever get more than 25% of the content of the original game. This is how it always works, so unless you're complaining about all expansion packs in general, you don't really have a point.
[BIFF! WHAM! COUNTER-EXAMPLE!!] The Frozen Throne expansion to WC3 cost about 50% of the price, but added the same amount of gameplay. Same with Brood War for SC, Similar counter-examples can be raised with various GTA3 and 4 expansions.
Expansions should always be more value for money, not less, than the original campaign. The reason is that when making the original campaign, the developer has to actually create the engine - you know, the actual game. When making DLC and expansions (yes, I realise that some expansions - e.g. Throne of Bhaal - fall outside of this, but they are partway between expansions and sequels, and ToB was noted as such at the time), the developer is only cranking out levels and story - essentially they're doing the same that modders could do with access to the development tools, except with professional-sized teams, and professional writers, coders and so on.
But the work required to make and implement the story, where you're using the same iteration of the engine, is a miniscule fraction of the work required to produce the game itself.
Which is why expansions are usually, in terms of 'developer effort' vs 'what we pay them' rip-offs, with the exception of the aforementioned Brood War, Frozen Throne, GTA4 storypacks etc. And unlike, say, MoTB, the WK DLC didn't introduce much in the way of new mobs and mechanics - it was pretty much a well-made mod.
However, the rip-off aspect of expansions are often balanced by their targetting a more niche/dedicated market (ala MoTB), refining existing mechanics to create a much improved overall game (Frozen Throne, Brood War) or a better story focus. DLC is usually too narrow to do that, and the DA:O DLC is no exception.
Not that it bothers me - I'm happy to buy it because I'm at an age and income (correction: my WIFE is at an income, while I'm working hard to further the feminist cause by being financially supported by her while doing more interesting but lower paying academia - yeah, take THAT KOTOR-The-Restoration-Project-modder-guy! I can beat YOU at SMUGGNESS HANDS DOWN!!!) where the cost is pretty insignficant regardless. Nonetheless, I can still sit back and recognise when gamers are being ripped off.