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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
I got an idea. They would make sooo much money if they remove all romances in Inquisition and release em as DLC. 5 bucks a pop. If gay/lesbian 10 bucks cuz its edgy.
They could improve even further by implementing sex as microtransactions: 1 bang with your love interest for $4,99 // 5 bangs for $24.95 $21,20 (you save: 15%!)


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Testosterone and B class S-F Movie climate was only present in ME2, the first part was bad RPG and last took itself too seriously, was full of estrogen and had most :retarded:ending in any video game Commissar played; so you can say that even as provider of Lulz
Pretty much.





Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
Still haven't played ME series, very happy, sadly Codex won't shut up about it it's almost like it wants to encourage me to play them +M
When the world sets shit up on a pedestal and praises it as the new gold, sane people have to check in with each other periodically in order to reassure themselves that they are indeed sane, and that there is still sanity elsewhere in the world. Or to put in another way, the more hype there is, the more anti-hype is necessary for people to restore the balance. Judge ye not by the number of posts, but by the words that lie within those posts.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
My major complains about ME1 are exploration and simplistic combat. Otherwise it was good for what it was - action TPS with RPG elements. Story? Yeah, sure, like other sci-fi space operas were not about Ancient Evil(Shadowns in Babylon 5), Good vs Bad(Star Wars) and so on. I can play a game about ancient machines on a mission to wipe organics.
DA:O - same. Biowhores managed to make a decent fantasy setting with the same problems - exploraion(Deep Roads, gather 99 elfroots) and clunky combat.
It is spectacular how things go down the drain after first installment. ME2 gone full retard with cinematics and interruptions. DA2 is self-explanatory. Now with DA:I biowhore tries to strap some prosthetic limbs to their stillborn baby. "Tactical combat", exlanation of dialogue options etc. Still trying to cure a sympthoms - combat will remain the same arcade slasher as before, dialogue wheel will be the same crap with coloured icons for imbeciles. Romances with dogs and darkspawn, faggotry and other degenerade crap so beloved by bioware


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hahaha loved those pics of Sheppard
It is easy to point out ME as the very avatar of the Decline aye but in my circle of friends who play videogames (and aren't shy to admit it) they play much worse shit like the yearly instalments of Call of Duty, Madden and Battelfield and the riskiest ones might even try out XCOM or Shadow of the Colossus and feel they are "hiper" than the rest...I can only change the subject or be plesantly surprised when one of them asks me about Stalker or wonder whatever happened to the Might and Magic series


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
You are fucking retarded if you put DA and ME on the same level regarding sequels. DA2 was seriously lazy slam dunk but ME2 was a big improvement. Less retarded plot, more renegade stuff, much better gameplay.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Airing your Bioware grievances: the thread.

I bet DAI is going to be more fun than half of Obsidian's current catalogue. Much like all their post-ME games with no exceptions.


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hey Dalek Fly there is nothing better for laughs in the Codex than a Bioware game thread; the shit that some posters can dream of with is just priceless and makes my day
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
You are fucking retarded if you put DA and ME on the same level regarding sequels. DA2 was seriously lazy slam dunk but ME2 was a big improvement. Less retarded plot, more renegade stuff, much better gameplay.

Really? I thought ME1's plotting was the best in the series.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
You are fucking retarded if you put DA and ME on the same level regarding sequels. DA2 was seriously lazy slam dunk but ME2 was a big improvement. Less retarded plot, more renegade stuff, much better gameplay.

DA2 was a big improvement over DA1 too. :smug:


May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
It'll be mediocre with the return to DAO's "epic" plot. I know I won't be able to play a frothing Andrastian who burns heretics and traitors into the depths of the hell they belong in. Bioware's agenda will force me into a polygamous bestial relationship with a demon, a dog and fucking darkspawn. It'll really get the tears flowing from the drones looking for deep sex and romance. Here's hoping you can burn the world along with yourself going "AHAHAHAHAHAHA" as everyone dies. Is that too much to ask for?

Now I'm glad Jade Empire will never get a sequel, they'll end up raping its corpse and retconning the whole kung-fu mystical China setting into another Dragon Age dark and gritty hack/slash.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
^ :lol::lol::lol: What are you talking about, Jade Empire was as dark and gritty as anything Bioware has ever done,
letting demon's have little girl's bodies, betrayal by your master, cannibalism, annihilating the souls of your ancestors, a torturer's guild, oppression by a god emperor who was draining a god of life from it's power (which you could then continue doing), forcing people souls to obey you, being able to romance THEN betray you love interest etc etc.
Sure it looked like a Disney world but the actual content was some of the darkest shit Bioware has ever managed to push out. The "white knights" would have a field day if any of them actually bothered playing games that aren't 100% well known. Granted most of that dark closet crap only comes out if you play the evil side but as far as dark sides go its pretty fucking bleak. :roll: people these days are so jaded they think dark means blood + swearing like the Twitcher.


May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
The content was dark but the tone of the game prevented it from being soul crushing. I mean sure you can...
force a man to marry his childhood crush/kill his wife, die and come back like Jesus Christ, sacrifice yourself to create a false legend where an empire continues to oppress the shit out of its people. Play rivals schools off each other and lead to massacres.

Oh my god, oh my god I see the blood on my hands when I followed the way of the closed fist now. Binding the dread lord and my allies, betraying everyone and...my god we were all monsters without realizing it. I was the bad guy the whole time? You're right though it was dark as shit but the tone/atomsphere wasn't shit like Dragon Age. I guess it had the right blend of dark moments without going to Joe Abercrombie nihilism "the world is fucked and you are are fucked too" and the traditional fuck yeah rise from your grave good guy tones. Plus the music downplayed the depressing shit.

Oh and everyone speaking a weird version of Mandarin as well was a plus.


Nov 8, 2012
You are fucking retarded if you put DA and ME on the same level regarding sequels. DA2 was seriously lazy slam dunk but ME2 was a big improvement. Less retarded plot, more renegade stuff, much better gameplay.
Yeah, ME 2 was the only kinda playable game of the Mass Effect trilogy. ME 1 has more RPG elements but a third person shooter where shooting sucks isn't something inspiring. ME 3 is the one with the best gameplay of the three, it's a pity that the story gone for so much lulzs that it's painful to watch.


May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
The ending for ME3 was perfect (for a BioWare game, what were you expecting?). People are retards.

This is the correct answer to every biodrone complaint in the story department. Bioware abandoned the dark energy plot in the first game and went full on "ancient evil space beings of ominous vagueness." What did these retards expect? Bioware wrote themselves into a corner and made the best of their own dumb decisions. Fuck indoctrination and head canon numb skulls about "Muh Shepard". I'd rather take a definite motivation for the Reapers than some H.P. Lovecraft bullshit "We are beyond the realm of comprehension" shit fest. The game/plot hinted at there being some machine behind the machine bullshit throughout the whole game. When you beat Tuchanka, the Reaper straight out says "We're nothing but pawns of a greater being." Yes, the logic of the star child is retarded at times but this is Bioware, they've been on a decline into poorly written lgbt romances since ME1.

ME3's "progressive romances" are so fucking hamfisted I need to eat them up with a big helping of swiss cheese. Don't even get me started on mage terrorista, Anders and getting rival points for turning down a cock-corral, sorry man I'm not interested but we can still be friends? +10 rival points. Fuck you Gaider. If they can't even do their secondary plots right, what did people expect of the main writing? It's not all shit, there are some moment of solid writing but a lot of it just sputters into mediocrity with Bioware.:rpgcodex:

And fuck Bioware for making a joke about Jade Empire threesome every game since. I can sleep with Don Gigolo and Little Prayer Bard but can't sandwich Survival of the Bitchiest and Prayer Bard? Not cool man, not cool at all. I want my cis male power fantasy while listening to White Leopard.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
You are fucking retarded if you put DA and ME on the same level regarding sequels. DA2 was seriously lazy slam dunk but ME2 was a big improvement. Less retarded plot, more renegade stuff, much better gameplay.
Nope. ME2 featured more cinematics and less actual choices. Exploration was a horrible mess, skills dumbed down, renegade and paragon options were just as umb as "choices" in DA2. Combat got a bit better but all other elements shifted towards Gears of War.


Sep 1, 2013
Holy shit, what the fuck is with Bioware games making so many people butthurt? Fans will talk about this all the time because they care, I get it... but majority of you guys don't give a shit about ME or DA (or at least that's what you said...) yet there is not a single month without some serious bitching. I. JUST. DON'T. GET. IT.

The ending for ME3 was perfect (for a BioWare game, what were you expecting?). People are retards.
I actually agree. I think that first ME was overall very well thought and coherent, has some great twists and quite a hard sci-fi feeling (which slowly faded away unfortunetly). The second game has much much better gameplay, ME1 was clumsy in this regard... The plot was significantly worse (it was series of episodes actually) but had some great moments, for example Garrus's loaylity mission was very well written with pretty thoughtfull conclusion. After first ME1 this became somewhat of a tradition in Bioware games; quality of writing is really inconsistent. That said, ME3 has lot of week points, but the ending really suprised me in a good way. It made the game something more than just a b-space opera popcorn with some great parts... It showed that Hudson and his team got pretty ambitious, which of course could mean anything for future projects...

The thing is you're not making games for ancient Greek or medieval gamers.

Are you trolling me? Do I really have to add general result in case of every single example? Ok, here we go: The point is, with the help of special ruleset, you can present your universe in its uniqueness.

For example: You can show the player what does it mean to be just, unjust, good, evil, right, wrong in that particular universe. So no, you are not making game for medieval knights, but you can make a game where the player simulate medieval knight PROPERLY. Therefore you, the player, are actually aware of what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is wrong with all these people bitching/want to kill me when I'm just politely expressing my atheism in a game set in 11. century... So, I know what is going on... And that is one of the example "why" should you know...

You mean like deconstruction?


Links or it didn't happen
discussion starts her + next pages: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/so-baldurs-gate.88121/page-3#post-2981957[/quote]
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Sep 29, 2013
I actually enjoy DA:O and think it's a quite good game. It's in the same situation as the first KOTOR game in my opinion, the plot is rather generic and doesn't try to do anything new at all but it's still executed in a satisfactory manner. I don't consider generic to mean bad. Most of the characters are enjoyable (with a couple of exceptions), the game is long, polished, and the Origins system plus the absence of the dialogue wheel gives you more freedom to roleplay your PC. It also has much less of the "cinematic" crap that plagues Bioware's recent games. Of course DA:O has many flaws, but I still like it overall.

Mass Effect 1's plot is on the same level, it is generic sci-fi space opera with lovecraftian horrors from outer space, but it's not bad. Bioware always did better whenever they tackled a simple, generic plot, because they (used to) execute them well. The problem is when their delusions of grandeur caused them to aim for more creative personal plots or plain deeper plots, which Bioware writers simply cannot grasp. Anyways while the plot of the first ME wasn't bad, it is the game that marked the rise of that accursed dialogue wheel and Bioware's infatuation with the "cinematic" corruption, a sign of the decline to come. Also, the combat system was atrocious, not only did they make the game popamole, but they failed at making the shooting decent.

Mass Effect 2 did the characters much better than the first one and the plot is more personal, sadly for Bioware the plot itself happens to suck, starting with the nonsensical death and resurrection of Shepard (senseless christian imagery 2deep4u) and culminating in the retarded giant Terminator that the Collectors were building. The shooting, in turn, was better done this time around, because it seems that in Mass Effect its quality is inversely proportional to the quality of the plot. Good characters and some rare good moments (like the Suicide Mission pre-retarded Terminator) salvage several parts of the game, and the plot, while awful, has yet to reach the hilarious depths of fail where ME3's plot resides. Also, "progressive and mature" Bioware shoves Miranda's ass on the screen ever second, which is hilarious.

Mass Effect 3 finishes improving the shooting, the force of inertia causes the game to have a couple of good character moments, all of this while the rest of the game descends to storytelling hell in a spiral of shit, of course.

It made the game something more than just a b-space opera popcorn with some great parts... It showed that Hudson and his team got pretty ambitious, which of course could mean anything for future projects...

The ending is actually the worst part of the entire series, but it's not the isolated mistake some people believe it is - it's actually a symptom of what happens when you take Bioware's delusions of grandeur, obsession for the cinematic and a desire to leave "safe" plots behind and try to make something with more depth and creativity. It represents the failure of the writers and a massive decline from the generic, safe, but ultimately well executed plots. It is both pretentious and hilariously shallow, comes out of nowhere -with the exception of some rushed, extremely amateur failures at foreshadowing- and both the idea and execution were incredibly retarded. This is because the intent of the ending wasn't providing a satisfactory conclusion, it was a desire to aim for the artsy without knowing what the artsy even is.

This is what happens when Bioware writers have their ego stroked so much that they believe they can make a story with the potential to be more than -good for what it is-
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