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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread


Sep 29, 2013
I used artsy, not art. Stop trying to muddle things with useless discussions such as "what is art?" for lack of a proper response.

Anyways, I was referring to the difference between an actual deep, thought-provoking and rich storyline as opposed to this shallow, pretentious kind of faux-artsy crap. Bioware proceeded to throw a bunch of empty symbolism and randomness into a broken ending and behaved as if it had some kind of higher meaning.

To the uneducated, the fact that the ending was unexpected and the presence of illusion of depth and empty symbolism makes them believe that it was actually something with some sort of artistic merit, which is not the case.

It is the difference between a beautiful storyline that explores "what can change the nature of a man" among other things and a bunch of writers that, unable to keep a coherent plot between 3 games, decide to throw random and empty stuff at an ending full of plotholes for the sake of "speculation from everyone". There is nothing but bad writing to be found in that ending.

1) Empty christian symbolism that serves no purpose.
2) Creativity-bankrupt motivation for the Reapers that pops in at the last second.
3) Glowing hologram kid whose form harkens back to Shepard's dream sequences, awful heavy-handed attempts at emotional manipulation and symbolism which show just how bad these writers are.
4) Nonsensical space magic endings, including the ability to rape everyone's DNA to turn them into vague organic-synthetic beings, one of the worst attempts at approaching the concept of transhumanism that I've ever seen.

The list goes on.
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Aug 1, 2013
Didn't the writer of ME1 leave after that game, making place for the "grittier" guys of ME2 and 3?


Sep 1, 2013
I used artsy, not art. Stop trying to muddle things with useless discussions such as "what is art?" for lack of a proper response.

Lack of proper response? Your entire post is just a bunch of subjective statements without arguments. I could just write down negations of your statements and both posts would have zero value... Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit and I certainly don't wanna talk about ME3 and its ending, you just got my attention with that "I know what artsy/art mean" bullshit... Carry on.;)


Sep 29, 2013
I used artsy, not art. Stop trying to muddle things with useless discussions such as "what is art?" for lack of a proper response.

Lack of proper response? Your entire post is just a bunch of subjective statements without arguments. I could just write down negations of your statements and both posts would have zero value... Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit and I certainly don't wanna talk about ME3 and its ending, you just got my attention with that "I know what artsy/art mean" bullshit... Carry on.;)

Heh, of course, the subjectivity card.

I live in fear of your elusive arguments negating all my lowly posts.

If only I could be good enough to grasp the true depths of Bioware storytelling like you do.

I could negate all your posts as well but I'm too busy replaying Merrill's romance for the tenth time.


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
what the artsy even is.

Please sir, educate me what art actually is.:roll:
For the uninitiated, Art is drawing naked women with big breasts. I thought that was something established long ago.

Artsy, on the other hand, is when a group of people sit around a table wearing their berets and fedoras while sipping their lattes and discussing the monomyth after having read (well skimmed) the Joseph Cambell book* on the subject, and only that book.

*Yes, Bioware brings this up in interviews


Nov 8, 2012
You are fucking retarded if you put DA and ME on the same level regarding sequels. DA2 was seriously lazy slam dunk but ME2 was a big improvement. Less retarded plot, more renegade stuff, much better gameplay.
Nope. ME2 featured more cinematics and less actual choices. Exploration was a horrible mess, skills dumbed down, renegade and paragon options were just as umb as "choices" in DA2. Combat got a bit better but all other elements shifted towards Gears of War.
ME 1 plays like a really shitty third person shooter, the thing you do most is shooting so that is the most important aspect. Yes, ME 2 was similar to Gears of War but compared to what was before it was actually an improvement. ME 1 had exploration?I remember doing alot of backtracking and being pushed foward on a linear progression or landing on procedural generated planets with nothing in it.The only thing ME 2 is lacking in relation to 1 was the weapon customization aspect, with the weapon mods and ammunition. The Mako sections were unbelievable boring on ME 1, if Bioware couldn't or didn't wanted to make big areas to explore, those tank sections one shoting anything on sight and easily avoiding missiles and cannon shots while driving on a corridor almost made me sleep.

ffs ME 1 and 2 aren't RPGs, doesn't matter how hard Bioware says that and in terms of pure shooting... ME 2 is better.


Oct 11, 2012
Therefore you, the player, are actually aware of what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is wrong with all these people bitching/want to kill me when I'm just politely expressing my atheism in a game set in 11. century... So, I know what is going on... And that is one of the example "why" should you know...
God, you are sure dumb. Reputation mechanics have nothing to do with morality meters. The people in the game world should react to your choices in the most appropriate manner. That has nothing to do with the game treating morality as an absolute, black/white thing. People in the game world treating it that way is ok.
Even in medieval times people's motivations weren't binary. Most of them were the same as ours today. There were Inquisitors who didn't give a rat's ass about God and liked the power to burn people. Others truly believed they did the right thing and helped people's souls go to heaven. Having the world react in both groups the same is good, actions is what cound and not motivations.
But having tha GAME classify both groups in a good or evii scale just the same, doesn't help the game at all.
As for your Planescape constant mentioning, having a spesific race tied to a particular alignement can be used indeed in an interesting way, IF there is a convinsing thematic reason for that.(angels and fiends are ok, elves=good orks=evil is not)But human beings should behave like human beings regardless the setting they are in.
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May 5, 2012
Airing your Bioware grievances: the thread.

I bet DAI is going to be more fun than half of Obsidian's current catalogue. Much like all their post-ME games with no exceptions.
It will also be less boring than any Twitcher,including 3 despite what local potatoes will like to believe.+M


Sep 1, 2013
Therefore you, the player, are actually aware of what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is wrong with all these people bitching/want to kill me when I'm just politely expressing my atheism in a game set in 11. century... So, I know what is going on... And that is one of the example "why" should you know...
God, you are sure dumb. Reputation mechanics have nothing to do with morality meters. The people in the game world should react to your choices in the most appropriate manner. That has nothing to do with the game treating morality as an absolute, black/white thing. People in the game world treating it that way is ok.
Nope, you're dumb, because you obviously have no clue what was I talking about (rules vs ambivalence, not reputation or particular reactions...) and I'm not gonna explain myself any further to you because you're acting like arrogant little prick...


Sep 29, 2013
Therefore you, the player, are actually aware of what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is wrong with all these people bitching/want to kill me when I'm just politely expressing my atheism in a game set in 11. century... So, I know what is going on... And that is one of the example "why" should you know...
God, you are sure dumb. Reputation mechanics have nothing to do with morality meters. The people in the game world should react to your choices in the most appropriate manner. That has nothing to do with the game treating morality as an absolute, black/white thing. People in the game world treating it that way is ok.
Nope, you're dumb, because you obviously have no clue what was I talking about



May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
what the artsy even is.

Please sir, educate me what art actually is.:roll:
For the uninitiated, Art is drawing naked women with big breasts. I thought that was something established long ago.

Artsy, on the other hand, is when a group of people sit around a table wearing their berets and fedoras while sipping their lattes and discussing the monomyth after having read (well skimmed) the Joseph Cambell book* on the subject, and only that book.

*Yes, Bioware brings this up in interviews

Campbell can burn in literary hell along with his folklore cycle. But yes good sir, art is all about the study and perfection of the female form. All the curves and folds on the female specimen are to be praised at any turn.
The Hero's Journey wormed itself into almost every epic fantasy/sci-fi epic in the past 40 years or so. Well, that's what literary disciples of Campbell will say. The cycle itself isn't terrible per say, it's just a template/formula so worn out fantasy needs something else. Yes, DAII was a mess of a plot, characters all over the place but from a story perspective, it didn't have that monomyth which I why I enjoyed its concept but its execution was a shit fest. ME3 on the other hand had the problem of its "last second ending" even though once again the writers/the game hinted at star derp's existence throughout it. It wasn't an ass pull like people said, it's there own fault for being short-sighted and too retarded to notice obvious foreshadow/details. Stil, the ending not being themetically consistent which is the reason why the star child was a shitty plot device. It'd have been more bearable if it's existence had been hinted at throughout ME2 in the classic "but he's not the real final boss, I am!" it would have been easier to swallow. Who am I kidding? Bioware wrote themselves into a corner and it'll probably reflect in DAI

The only decent character in DAII was the 70s porn star dwarf because he wasn't full pants on retarded and was only in it for the money. At least that's what I tell my special head canon.

So, game play mechanics? Is it going to be the ultimate hack/slash since Gauntlet? I sure hope so.


How the fuck did a thread about piece of shit turdsucking Faggot Age get 132 pages of responses, and its own Faggot Rage tag? What the fuck is wrong with this forum, you people cocksuckers are actually looking forward to this turd? What, you haven't had enough of brain-dead two-dimensional stock characters reused over the last 15+ years? The same wide selection of three dialogue options, one more mentally challenged than the rest, all three leading to the exact same outcome? Oh, I forgot, Faggot Cock 3 will have a full-retard dialogue wheel and a fully voiced protagonist like utra-shitty Faggot AIDS 2. Lots of potential for roleplaying right there.

I mean, even the promotional backstory of this game makes no fucking sense. Here's what we know. For no reason, there's a sudden Tear in the Veil - boy that's convenient, you can have as many Tears in the Hymen as your two-bit storyline needs with no need for logic - and the "decision is made" to restore the Inquisition which existed centuries ago but eventually became the Templars and Seekers of the Anus over time. The new Inquisition is going to be totally independent and separate from the Chantry, and our protagonist will be the first Inquisitor. We can choose from four races - Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Qunari, and three classes - Warrior, Rogue, Mage.

WHAT?! First off, on whose authority other than the Chantry is the Inquisition restored, isn't it kind of an important detail? How is it even possible to RESTORE the Inquisition if it was never disbanded - they simply became Templars. What the fuck does the INQUISITION have to do with tears in the hymen? What will the Chantry's position be on this, they already lost control over Templars, Seekers of the Anus and Circles of Mages - will they approve of yet another militaristic order running around killing shit? And most importantly, if the Inquisition is a religious order that believes in the Maker and Andraste, how the fuck is it possible for the Head Inquisitor to be Qunari, or a mage? Or a dwarf, elf, or a rogue for that matter? What, is the organization of hard-line religious fanatics now the most open-minded and cosmopolitan organization in the world, even amidst a war between templars and mages? Nothing makes sense!


Dragon Age 1 was a fairly shitty Biowhorian attempt at securing the sword-and-sorcery fantasy niche, but it had a surprisingly detailed and interesting original setting and backstory which drew me to this game. Nothing groundbreaking and highly derivative off a multitude of sources, including Warhammer, shitty Wheel of Time, and even VtM at some points. It was interesting to finally play a medieval fantasy game whose world was rooted in monotheistic religion and a powerful church-like organization - hello, the defining aspects of the medieval period. Unfortunately, the actual game shat all over its own backstory and delivered extremely flat stock characters, a completely generic kill-army-of-nasty-monsters plot, and generally offered no meaningful ways of interacting with the world in any but the most primitive and half-asses Biowhorian ways. Simply giving your protagonist the option to say "Maker bless us all" two times in the game doesn't count as roleplaying, Biowhore, if the contrast between believers and non-believers in the Maker is such an important feature of your universe, give us a real way of making and expressing our allegiance.

Faggot Age 2 shat on the backstory and basic-fucking-logic some more - yeah like hell the Knights Templar and Seekers of the Anus are going to separate from the Chantry, considering their entire job is to uphold the military power of the Chantry, that's the equivalent of the US Military and the FBI deciding they no longer need to answer to the President of the USA - not the current president mind you, but any President or the Federal Government in principle - it doesn't happen, the military and intelligence wing of an organization doesn't just permanently separate itself from the organization, that's bullshit. The military can turn on the LEADERSHIP of the organization in an attempt to remove the current leaders from power and replace them with someone else - that's what they call a military coup/junta, but it can't wave goodbye to the entire organization and keep on living separately, it's idiocy. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEIR RELIGION MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO STOP BEING A PART OF THE CHANTRY. It was also a pretty bad game in purely gameplay terms as well, severely constrained and out of balance - they even somehow managed to make its graphics look much WORSE than that of the first game.

And now we have Faggot Age 3 which is based on a nonsensical backstory that looks like it was written by a five year-old. Yeah, totally 150+ pages material right there.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Foung this month old video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80frogBXfNY

So its a canadian Witcher with followers. Pretty, I'll give em that. No sign of sex cards. :decline:

edit: And Glyphy bro, everybody knows its gonna be a generic POS typical Bio game, only with 5 times moar DLC and romances that make baby Jesus cry. What do you think its gonna happen with a game that costs as much money like this one does? Its a CoD of RPG's, Activision have been churning out same game for 7-8 years now, why should Bio do something different and make a FUN game for a change. If you skim through the thread or last 10-20 pages you'll see DAI is barely mentioned. Everybody is aware what this game is gonna be like.
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edit: And Glyphy bro, everybody knows its gonna be a generic POS typical Bio game, only with 5 times moar DLC and romances that make baby Jesus cry. What do you think its gonna happen with a game that costs as much money like this one does? Its a CoD of RPG's, Activision have been churning out same game for 7-8 years now, why should Bio do something different and make a FUN game for a change. If you skim through the thread or last 10-20 pages you'll see DAI is barely mentioned. Everybody is aware what this game is gonna be like.
Except, gamers everywhere will declare that Faggot Age Inquisition is the most thrilling gaming experience of their lives and that Biowhore is awesome. Faggot Age 1 already has a near-universal reputation of being one of the best fantasy RPGs ever, despite its crap writing.

Even if everyone on the Fagdex is aware that DAI will be shit, it still doesn't explain the 130+ page thread. What have you faggots been dicksucking this whole time, the creases on the protagonist's butt?
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
edit: And Glyphy bro, everybody knows its gonna be a generic POS typical Bio game, only with 5 times moar DLC and romances that make baby Jesus cry. What do you think its gonna happen with a game that costs as much money like this one does? Its a CoD of RPG's, Activision have been churning out same game for 7-8 years now, why should Bio do something different and make a FUN game for a change. If you skim through the thread or last 10-20 pages you'll see DAI is barely mentioned. Everybody is aware what this game is gonna be like.
Except, gamers everywhere will declare that Faggot Age Inquisition is the most thrilling gaming experience of their lives and that Biowhore is awesome. Faggot Age 1 already has a near-universal reputation of being one of the best fantasy RPGs ever, despite its crap writing.

Even if everyone on the Fagdex is aware that DAI will be shit, it still doesn't explain the 130+ page thread. What have you faggots been dicksucking this whole time, the creases on the protagonist's butt?

If Bioware fans have a bad marriage with the company, Codex is their divorced spouse who doesn't know why they ever got married but won't get over the break up. The kind of divorcee who "secretly" goes crawling through the snow to peek through their ex's window while publicly complaining about them to everyone who will listen.

Bioware, establishing toxic relationships with customers since 1998.
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Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
edit: And Glyphy bro, everybody knows its gonna be a generic POS typical Bio game, only with 5 times moar DLC and romances that make baby Jesus cry. What do you think its gonna happen with a game that costs as much money like this one does? Its a CoD of RPG's, Activision have been churning out same game for 7-8 years now, why should Bio do something different and make a FUN game for a change. If you skim through the thread or last 10-20 pages you'll see DAI is barely mentioned. Everybody is aware what this game is gonna be like.
Except, gamers everywhere will declare that Faggot Age Inquisition is the most thrilling gaming experience of their lives and that Biowhore is awesome. Faggot Age 1 already has a near-universal reputation of being one of the best fantasy RPGs ever, despite its crap writing.

Even if everyone on the Fagdex is aware that DAI will be shit, it still doesn't explain the 130+ page thread. What have you faggots been dicksucking this whole time, the creases on the protagonist's butt?

If Bioware fans have a bad marriage with the company, Codex is their divorced spouse who doesn't know why they ever got married but won't get over the break up. The kind of divorcee who "secretly" goes crawling through the snow to peek through their ex's window while publicly complaining about them to everyone who will listen.

Bioware, establishing toxic relationships with customers since 1998.

You just called the Codex Bioware's bitch. Reported.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
edit: And Glyphy bro, everybody knows its gonna be a generic POS typical Bio game, only with 5 times moar DLC and romances that make baby Jesus cry. What do you think its gonna happen with a game that costs as much money like this one does? Its a CoD of RPG's, Activision have been churning out same game for 7-8 years now, why should Bio do something different and make a FUN game for a change. If you skim through the thread or last 10-20 pages you'll see DAI is barely mentioned. Everybody is aware what this game is gonna be like.
Except, gamers everywhere will declare that Faggot Age Inquisition is the most thrilling gaming experience of their lives and that Biowhore is awesome. Faggot Age 1 already has a near-universal reputation of being one of the best fantasy RPGs ever, despite its crap writing.

Even if everyone on the Fagdex is aware that DAI will be shit, it still doesn't explain the 130+ page thread. What have you faggots been dicksucking this whole time, the creases on the protagonist's butt?

If Bioware fans have a bad marriage with the company, Codex is their divorced spouse who doesn't know why they ever got married but won't get over the break up. The kind of divorcee who "secretly" goes crawling through the snow to peek through their ex's window while publicly complaining about them to everyone who will listen.

Bioware, establishing toxic relationships with customers since 1998.

You just called the Codex Bioware's bitch. Reported.

This is 132 pages of giving Bioware attention. The "Bioware and Mass Effect" thread has nearly 500. The other websites will begin to wonder.
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Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Even if everyone on the Fagdex is aware that DAI will be shit, it still doesn't explain the 130+ page thread.

Every 15 pages someone discovers the never seen before vid of DA:I on some event. Cue 15 pages of the same jokes about the overenthusiatic chick that seems to be masturbating over Laidlaw's voice. Ad infinitum.

And of course this is Day 1 Torrent for most people here.


Oct 11, 2012
And of course this is Day 1 Torrent for most people here.

Day 1? PE will be out before DA:I (i hope) W2 will be for sure. So it's not as if you won't have games to play. DA:I will be Day {unspecified} Torrent

Unless somehow Bioware produces a good game for a change, confirmed by Vault Dweller and Gamebanshee's Review, plus Codex general opinion is positive by the time i get to download it. In that case i'll buy it
and still play the Free version because fuck Origin


Jul 30, 2010
I am just here to confirm that they did in fact give up on calling it a Baldur's Gate spiritual successor, correct?


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
Even if everyone on the Fagdex is aware that DAI will be shit, it still doesn't explain the 130+ page thread.

Every 15 pages someone discovers the never seen before vid of DA:I on some event. Cue 15 pages of the same jokes about the overenthusiatic chick that seems to be masturbating over Laidlaw's voice. Ad infinitum.

And of course this is Day 1 Torrent for most people here.
You forgot the 5 pages of people complaining that the Codex is complaining too much about Biwoare.

I mean, really. Complaining that Codex is complaining too much. Just what site do thing they're on?

Oh wait, they're complaining about complaining. Dear god. Maybe they've just evolved into a meta-Codexian form.


May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
Bioware prevents critiquing their own shit on their forums. Hatred must spread on the Codex to never forgive mediocrity. Biodrones eat that shit up. Or we could talk about princess parties and how we dress up in pretty larp armor stroking our beards.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Have they shown char gen? Does it have body morph?

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