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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread


May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
If they replace DMC with sock puppet for the character models and made it a 2.5D side scroller like Castlevania, it'd be an amazing experience with it's expertly crafted story and adorable visuals.

I'm glad they have time to rewrite things now, considering DA2 suffered heavily from lack of this. The difference between a bad story and a bad story that's palatable to the majority of the fanbase.
the only way bioware is going to rewrite anything is with "more faggots, more tolerance, more dumbing down"

X-Com Enemy Unknown: This game should set the standard for how games should be updated. It preserved almost everything I loved most about the original, and did some things better. I played the hell out of this—about six or seven complete games, followed by two more when the expansion came out. Now update Alpha Centauri and I’ll be in bliss.
Funny, becase they've done the opposite with DA2 - removed all advantages and replaced them with most hated features. And adding Orsino as an additional boss would not help at all.

Love and peace man, will all sing anti-templar songs while smuggling mages throughout the Mage Underground. Woah, that obvious metaphor in DA is so righteous!

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
They vomited another interview
I was struck by how much the premise of Inquisition seems to resemble Mass Effect 3's premise, where you have a bunch of factions, all at loggerheads, and a broad threat that nobody seems to be focusing on. How do you allow for shared DNA between the franchises without just regurgitating stuff?
Well, it's interesting that that's the impression that you got - it's not really the case. We have this event that occurs and the world is in chaos, sure, but in Mass Effect, you always knew what the threat was, you always knew that the reapers were there. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, whilst there is a humongous tear in the sky, and all these powerful factions and nations are in chaos - all this is happening at once, and that's a little too strange to just suddenly occur and be coincidence.So the player has more of an investment in uncovering what's going on here. And it's not necessarily about uncover some truths and get this person on side in order to deal with the thing at the end, it's a lot more complex than that. And you know, you are a force. Yes you're a character, but you lead this organisation, this inquisition, which has a really significant presence in the world, a presence and an influence on these different nations and factions.
So in Mass Effect you formed factions but it was mostly on a personal scale, whereas in Inquisition you're talking about having a personal impact, but mostly through these big crunchy, meaty decisions and impacts that the Inquisition can have on the world. It's kind of like the difference between being a Jedi, and founding the Jedi Order.

Where did the strategic side of Inquisition come from? Was that something that you were throwing around for Origins - the keeps and such?
I wasn't actually around for Origins, so I couldn't really speak for it, but I don't think so. In terms of striving to make a game that is this large and this detailed, that has this much depth to it, this overarching story has been [planned] from the very beginning. I know that, but the strategic part of it may have come in at a later point.
I think we've reached a point now where we have the technology on the gen 4 platforms, the higher platforms, and even on gen 3 when you downgrade some of the graphics and stuff like that, that, combined with the new engine which we've rebuilt the entire Dragon Age game in, it gives us the opportunity to bring some of these more interesting gameplay experiences in, so strategy, keeps, tactics, stuff like that, and throw it all into one big mix.
Which I find really exciting personally, as a hardcore RPG player - to have that really strong story, along with open world kind of experiences and bring in that sense of leadership over a keep and armies and stuff like that. It's pretty cool, I'm keen for it.

In terms of the Inquisitor, how do you define the character within the story while allowing him or her to be a completely customisable entity?
It's interesting, when you think about Dragon Age: Origins, it's a very similar situation to what we have in Inquisition, because there's an overarching narrative and story that takes place. In Origins you could pick your race, it's the same in Inquisition, you pick your classes, the sorts of decisions that you make across the board are very similar in terms of scope - in Inquisition it's probably a lot larger actually.
And there's much more customisation in Inquisition than there was in Origins, in terms of what you can craft, how you look, how you can look after your followers and all that sort of stuff, so I think there's more choice and more customisation and the ability for the player to feel like the character is their own.
Balancing that against the story is always interesting, but it's up to the player, because there's so much dialogue, so much story, so much involvement that the player has in the story, and once that the player feels that they have created their story, it works itself into the experience of ownership. Whereas DA2 was more like pick this character kind of thing. We see it as more of an Origins experience in that sense.

I've heard that BioWare has hired multiplayer designers for Inquisition. Do you have anything to declare on that front?
I have no idea at all in terms of hiring, but you know, the Mass Effect multiplayer stuff is really good, so we've certainly looked at options like that, but we haven't decided on anything in terms of multiplayer at this point.

It's presumably harder to make a multiplayer RPG than a multiplayer shooter, given that you've got to account for much more in the way of player customisation.
Shooters are really easy to make - well, not really easy to make, I shouldn't say that! But certainly there's a known quantity about what you want to try and create.

This has been delayed to a late 2014 release. You've said that you'll spend the extra time adding Qunari to the playable races. How else are you making use of that time?
That's a good question. I think we'll just do more of what we were doing originally - more space, more content. The scope of what you can give to the player is really important in terms of how much they can enjoy and get into the world, so we'll be able to do more of that with the time that we have. But the other thing you use time like this for in development is just to hone and polish so much more.

Taking something from 90 to 95 per cent is just incredibly difficult and it requires a lot of time and focus and energy to do it. So this extra time will allow us to do even more of that than we would have previously, along with bringing in playable races. And playable races have broad-reaching impact on game development. It fuses and ripples along the entire story and all the side bits and pieces as well, with recordings and such as well. It's crazy. So that was a pretty big shift, especially to bring in a fourth one as well with the Qunari.

That must be tricky to justify, putting a Qunari in charge of the organisation that polices the human realm from the shadows...
It's interesting. Tthere'll be people out there who understand the Qunari and their religious beliefs and how all that works. There is a valid reason why Qunari are sitting on the throne of the Inquisition, as there is for an elf. Elves have been persecuted in this world, so how would a human nation feel about having an Elven inquisitor come up to them and talk to them? So there are ways that all this fits together. David Gaider and the writers are hard at work putting that together. But it's interesting to see it all take shape.

Can you talk at all about skill trees and how they've changed?
I can't talk about the details. There will be skill trees, in terms of specialisations and stuff like that, for different classes. We want combat to feel a little more open this time around, in that we want people to have particular roles, and to fill those roles using different weapons and armour, etc, combined with that skill tree openness. And ultimately, I think players will be able to fill the roles in their party that they want to fill, which is very important to us.

One of the things I liked about DA2, and I can't remember if it was in Origins as well, was the fact that each character had two or three skill trees that were very specific to their storyline, like Varric's crossbow. Is that the sort of thing you're aiming for?
We haven't really decided on it in terms of that specific an unlock system, we do want to make sure that people feel unique, so no doubt we'll look at something, but yeah, details we're not sure yet.

Can you talk about the difference between Orlais and Ferelden in particular? That seems to be the big cultural split for the Inquisition world. I know some people aren't that fond of Orlais because - and I quote - "it's too French".

Yeah! There's a new novel coming out by Patrick Weeks, centred around Orlais, so that'll be a great place for information but, Orlais it's very - it has a thin veneer of splendour to it, but there's a lot of underbelly as well. Ferelden is more, I guess, in your face about its different classes and social statuses etc and what it's trying to accomplish. Of course there's also Tevinter, which is north of Orlais, that's a big factor in Dragon Age and is talked about a lot.

That's the old empire that used to run the universe, isn't it.
That's right. It was eventually pushed back over the course of years so you certainly uncover a lot of Tevinter ruins and things like that as you explore through the world of Dragon Age: Inquisition. So there are those three big parts but then there are other nations as well, like the Qunari are another big force off to the sides. There's Aktiva and things like that. There's so much depth and rich lore in the world of Dragon Age that you can kind of get lost into it, and big fans actually do - it's interesting to see how much they know about it.

BioWare has - I don't want to say "made a name for itself", because that sounds too calculating, but you're known as a studio that explores gender and sexuality in your games. Can we expect anything along those lines in Inquisition?
I think that the writers in particular are really good with this and everyone in the team wants to be really inclusive about how we make these games. We have a medium at our disposal that reaches millions of people. And we have the ability to make certain kinds of social commentary within that, which we think is a great opportunity, so we'd like to continue to do that.
Like I said - "let's make our game more appealing to furries, faggots and fat fangirls and fanboys."


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
And the big threat in DA:I most likely is a tear in the veil which allows demons from the fade to corrupt the hearts and soul of men and you, along with the Hero of Ferelden and the Champion of Kirlwall, must unite the land and sacrifice yourself to either:
  • Close the tear, freeing the land from that eminent threat;
  • Control the demons to your own advantage, turning the region/faction of your choice into a force to be reckoned with;
  • Turn everything into a clusterfuck and allowing demons and angels and men and women and elf and dwarven and dogs and darkspawn and dragons to become one happily ever after family;
  • 7rVhdxA.gif
It's going to be Awesome.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Like I said - "let's make our game more appealing to furries"
Last time I checked furries were playing TES.
They would be playing Wizardry too but alas the series died.

And the big threat in DA:I most likely is a tear in the veil which allows demons from the fade to corrupt the hearts and soul of men and you, along with the Hero of Ferelden and the Champion of Kirlwall, must unite the land and sacrifice yourself to either:
  • Close the tear, freeing the land from that eminent threat;
  • Control the demons to your own advantage, turning the region/faction of your choice into a force to be reckoned with;
  • Turn everything into a clusterfuck and allowing demons and angels and men and women and elf and dwarven and dogs and darkspawn and dragons to become one happily ever after family;

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
Turn everything into a clusterfuck and allowing demons and angels and men and women and elf and dwarven and dogs and darkspawn and dragons to become one happily ever after family;
One sect of the Orthodoxy is founded on the ideal of the rejection of the selfish ego and the total unification of all things. Their twisted, almost naïve conception of the perfect community is the elimination of all barriers between individuals. The Phyrexian tendency toward literalism takes this to a frightening extreme: Phyrexians of this sect seek to literally connect all beings to one another and to become a single, vast, organic-and-metal organism, the end-state of which they call, among other names, the Flesh Singularity. (The term "flesh" here means both organic and inorganic matter; like most Phyrexians, they don't distinguish between living and dead things as potential materials for their form of life.) When all life is literally attached to all other life—by sutured skin, riveted metal, woven fur, whatever—only then will true, perfect unity be achieved.
In other words - steal corrupting Chaos from Warhammer, The Flesh Singularity from MTG, add a bit of romances(with taseful nudity™) and happilyeverafters and voila - new age of Prosperity!


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Like I said - "let's make our game more appealing to furries"
Last time I checked furries were playing TES.
They would be playing Wizardry too but alas the series died.

And the big threat in DA:I most likely is a tear in the veil which allows demons from the fade to corrupt the hearts and soul of men and you, along with the Hero of Ferelden and the Champion of Kirlwall, must unite the land and sacrifice yourself to either:
  • Close the tear, freeing the land from that eminent threat;
  • Control the demons to your own advantage, turning the region/faction of your choice into a force to be reckoned with;
  • Turn everything into a clusterfuck and allowing demons and angels and men and women and elf and dwarven and dogs and darkspawn and dragons to become one happily ever after family;

DON'T use that color scheme. That one belongs to VTMB, a much, much better game than anything Bioshit has ever done.


BioWare has - I don't want to say "made a name for itself", because that sounds too calculating, but you're known as a studio that explores gender and sexuality in your games. Can we expect anything along those lines in Inquisition?
I think that the writers in particular are really good with this and everyone in the team wants to be really inclusive about how we make these games. We have a medium at our disposal that reaches millions of people. And we have the ability to make certain kinds of social commentary within that, which we think is a great opportunity, so we'd like to continue to do that.
How does Bioware "explore" gender and sexuality exactly? Just because they include fuckable babes with big boobs and gay elves doesn't mean they are exploring anything - unless the interviewer also thinks that porn explores gender and sexuality. What social commentary? What the fuck are they even talking about?


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
BioWare explores sex, not sexuality. Sexuality, you'd think, is a major part of a someone's identity. Therefore its can't be as malleable in the writting as it is since Dragon Age 2. True, characters aren't all technically bisexual, but their sexuality is completely disconnected from everythng else. They claim it was all to make sure everyone finds their perfect waifu (though with kinder words), except that's not how things work. Which is kinda sad -- Dragon Age 2 is no MoTB or PS:T, but its romances were, at least, better integrated into the overarching plot.


Aug 1, 2013
Sex in Dragon Age is just so disjointed from reality. In DA1 you could have a foursome with the Warden, Leliana, Zevran and Captain STD who went on to be a party character in DA2. Notable is that this happens right after you killed a dozen or so men, their bodies still warm and within sight when the foursome is proposed. Only insane people work this way, and as the old saying goes: don't stick it in the crazy (or let the crazy stick it into you).


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
DON'T use that color scheme. That one belongs to VTMB, a much, much better game than anything Bioshit has ever done.
You must be mistaken.

Glorious Bioware invented and holds all rights to this color scheme as evidenced by their masterful and heart-wrenching conclusion to their pinnacle of high art in the form of Mass Effect saga, which was both visionary on intellectual level and most emotionaly engaging masterpiece ever created.

And what is VTMB? Is it something like Diablo 3? :?


I googled some stuff about VTMB after a friend showed me how and it's a Twilight based game.
Looks ugly tho, I don't know how anyone could play it.

Last edited:


May 21, 2013
Brick Mansion
DON'T use that color scheme. That one belongs to VTMB, a much, much better game than anything Bioshit has ever done.
You must be mistaken.

Glorious Bioware invented and holds all rights to this color scheme as evidenced by their masterful and heart-wrenching conclusion to their pinnacle of high art in the form of Mass Effect saga, which was both visionary on intellectual level and most emotionaly engaging masterpiece ever created.

And what is VTMB? Is it something like Diablo 3? :?


Capitalism man, it's all about cynically exploiting your fanbase for their hard earned cash. Expect DLC for darkspawn, dragon and demon romances along with the first DLC, Den of The Magisters. Travel to Tevinter and uncover a plot regarding the local dragon cult while engaging in riveting and heartfelt bloodshed and tender romance with oily magisters and Varric's cousin in law, a blond flat chested man who has a penchant for dresses. Have a three way with him and Varric for all your fangirl needs. And don't worry fellas, I hear there's an extra oily magister named Altus for you as well. Only $20 on PSN, Xbox Live and Origin! A full half hour of epic content awaits you.


Dec 5, 2012
While i do enjoy flinging shit at bioware romances the truth is they do not really bother me because they are 100% optional. Unless developing them siphons off resources from more important things, then we have a problem.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Let's see...

  • the only romance quest I played so far was Ahnassi in Morrowind :lol: (not counting PS:T anti-romances)
  • I played DX:HR but pretty much only used cover system for screenshots - the most actual popamole I engaged in was Quake 2
  • Only ever bought expansion sized DLC in physical box edition (even if it required download afterwards :( )
Pretty. Fucking. Clean.



Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
DON'T use that color scheme. That one belongs to VTMB, a much, much better game than anything Bioshit has ever done.
You must be mistaken.

Glorious Bioware invented and holds all rights to this color scheme as evidenced by their masterful and heart-wrenching conclusion to their pinnacle of high art in the form of Mass Effect saga, which was both visionary on intellectual level and most emotionaly engaging masterpiece ever created.

And what is VTMB? Is it something like Diablo 3? :?


I googled some stuff about VTMB after a friend showed me how and it's a Twilight based game.
Looks ugly tho, I don't know how anyone could play it.



Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Sex in Dragon Age is just so disjointed from reality. In DA1 you could have a foursome with the Warden, Leliana, Zevran and Captain STD who went on to be a party character in DA2. Notable is that this happens right after you killed a dozen or so men, their bodies still warm and within sight when the foursome is proposed. Only insane people work this way, and as the old saying goes: don't stick it in the crazy (or let the crazy stick it into you).
a little necrophilia on the side is not so bad once in a while, also don't fuck with Isabella you wussie


People actually took ZevRRRRan into their party? Biowhore so shamelessly insisted on shoehorning him as the resident fem-boy sex symbol that I ended up killing him on the spot, and never looked back. I mean, he just attacked me with a shitload of people for no apparent reason, confessed to be an assassin working for Kain Loghain against the Gay Wardens, made up a whole bunch of excuses for himself, and here he is lying calmly on the ground, talking to me like he's my long-lost gay boyfriend while lying on the ground in an oddly homoerotic pose, trying to go from my would-be murderer to joining my party and nonchalantly cracking jokes like he already knows he's too big of a character to be killed off in the very beginning? He even refused my offer to go and try assassinating Loghain, instead of agreeing and running the fuck out of the country - defeated assassins for hire sure are honest these days. Fuck that, I'll just slit his throat with a knife I didn't have in my inventory, despite being a mage who has no proficiency with melee weapons.

Another thing that really pissed me off about Faggot Age were the staves. Why the fuck did mages' staves fart out some ridiculous multicolored piece of shit that NEVER MISSED their target, could not be blocked/resisted, and cost absolutely no mana? True, the damage wasn't much, but that just made it all the more annoying - I just neautralized an enemy mage with the Glyph of Neutralization, and he keepts squirting green goo that does no real damage but keeps distracting me from the battle. Wtf am I playing, medieval fantasy or Star Wars? Is this a staff or a blaster rifle? Arcane projectile - what? Oh, I forgot. It's magic. The lazy writer's get out of jail free card. Magic can justify any sort of ridiculousness, I guess. And the game doesn't even give me an option to turn off this bullshit at least just for myself. When I play a mage (and I always play as a mage), I want to be a pure mage who has no attack save for his spells. The only thing I want my mage to do when I right-click on an enemy is to get within casting distance and wait for further instructions - not shoot glowing jizz with no justification in the backstory at them. A staff is just a tool of concentration and magic support, one that makes my spells more powerful and helps me aim/direct them with more precision - it doesn't need to have its own attack, spells alone will suffice. It didn't hlp that Faggot Age had only like four different models for staves, one uglier than the other, and the ugliest of them was, of course, the most powerful staff in the game (that you just buy off a random merchant for 100 gold - no no, don't bother writing an exciting mage-only quest or treasure hunt that ends with obtaining this staff as a reward, simply buying it off a random merchant and reading a forgettable description because it has nothing to do with the player will suffice. Nothing must distract me from gathering ten toxine samples in exchange for 1 gold, the best and rarest type of quest in Faggot Age. Awakening added a new and ultra-tacky model that looked like I needed to stick it into the ground and do a strip-dance around it.

This game wascshit.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Now that's just beautiful. Someone complaining that they didn't find the option to unequip their weapon. Still, the post is salvaged by the common sense of killing gay-sex-elf-with-a-dark-past.


Someone complaining that they didn't find the option to unequip their weapon
I don't want to unequip my staff, I want my staff not to fire useless magic missiles when I'm not casting a spell. Besides, not having a staff in hand would simply result in my mage running towards the enemies to attack them with his bare hands (and get killed) whenever I wanted to target one of them. Somehow, Biowhore was too stupid to include the "always stay within casting distance of the enemy and never engage in melee/ranged combat" option.


AI takes over when I'm not controlling a party member. Since my mage is my main character , I am almost always controlling him, and right-clicking an enemy will still be interpreted as "start farting arcane bolt every 2 seconds/run at him with your bare hands and get killed".

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