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Game News Dragon Age is too hard; 1st patch makes it easier

Sep 4, 2009
Volourn said:
Damange, and spell checks, btw are largely determined by your magic stat which the game fuckin' tells you repeatedly FFS.

Fuckin' people can't use their common sense to figure things fuckin' out. Use your fuckin' brains for fuckin' once.

Yeah, well when I cast "blizzard" on a group maybe 1/3-1/2 of the enemies will fail their check. Cast "Cone of Cold" and pretty much 100% of enemies will fail the check. The game doesn't fucking mention that blizzard is half as likely to work as cone of cold. Is it common sense to be forced to reverse engineer the game code to figure out how spells work?

Name a single other good or even decent RPG with a combat system so vague.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
That's because games that allow you tos witch spells so eaisly are for pussies who need to have their hands held while playing. Tough up, and get your ballz, please.

If you screwed up choosing an ability, DEAL WITH IT!

You know that journalism course you took in college even thoguh it's useless in your current field of head chef? Deal with it. You cna't unlearn it so suck it up, and keep the knowledge and move on.

DA gives enough information on talents/spells/stats/equipment if you bother to take your time to nread and pay attention. Gosh. Espicially, since due to all the requirements for different talents, you have limited chocies on what to take early on until you get more freedom.


"Yeah, well when I cast "blizzard" on a group maybe 1/3-1/2 of the enemies will fail their check. Cast "Cone of Cold" and pretty much 100% of enemies will fail the check. The game doesn't fucking mention that blizzard is half as likely to work as cone of cold. Is it common sense to be forced to reverse engineer the game code to figure out how spells work?"


You ar eignorant. Did you not notice that by the time you get blizzard youa re likely facing tougher, higher level enemies? By golly. Use. common. sense.

P.S. DA talents/spells aren't vague. That's bulslhit. So, it does state 10-15 damage. Big fuckin' deal.

P.S.S. Arcanum. Hell, pretty much 90% of non D&D CRPGs are rather vague.
Sep 4, 2009
Volourn said:
You ar eignorant. Did you not notice that by the time you get blizzard youa re likely facing tougher, higher level enemies? By golly. Use. common. sense.

No dumbass. I'm replaying the same encounter, casting the exact same spell on the same enemies. Nevermind that I got blizzard about 5 mins after I got cone of cold.

There are plenty of other instances. For one, please point out where in spell description for "crushing prison" is states that it prevents the target enemy from attacking? Preventing movement is semi-obvious, but how are we supposed to know it prevents them from attacking? Pure lucky guessing?

Volourn said:
P.S.S. Arcanum. Hell, pretty much 90% of non D&D CRPGs are rather vague.

I already mentioned Arcanum. You think Arcanum had good combat? :roll:


Oct 21, 2002
Don't you understand? They didn't put it in the manual so that you buy the Prima guide.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"There are plenty of other instances. For one, please point out where in spell description for "crushing prison" is states that it prevents the target enemy from attacking? Preventing movement is semi-obvious, but how are we supposed to know it prevents them from attacking? Pure lucky guessing?"{

Common sense. 'Crushing prison' shoudl tell you everything. read the description. It should be very clear UNLESS YOU ARE RETARDED.

"You think Arcanum had good combat? "

It's alright. Not a sbad as some claim it to be.

EOTB had shit combat. POR2 had shit combat. Both D&D games with well documented spells. Both shit games. Go figure.

Seriously, the Codex needs their hands held. The Codex prefers dumbed down shit. Fuck, that's wack.
Sep 4, 2009
Volourn said:
Common sense. 'Crushing prison' shoudl tell you everything. read the description. It should be very clear UNLESS YOU ARE RETARDED.

Crushing prison? How do those words mean anything near "target paralyzation? Last I checked, when in prison you could still move your arms freely.

Heres another spell comparison:

"Winter's Grasp" : "Freezes lower-level targets"

"Cone of Cold" : "Freezes targets unless they pass a physical resistance check"

Now let me tell you how these actually work. Winters grasp works on targets of all level, the higher the level the target the more likely to be resisted. It doesn't want to mention what resistance works against it. I can only guess that its physical since the other ice skills are physical. Frankly having it based on ice resistance, since its a freezing spell, makes a bit more sense, but who fucking knows? It also happens to deal damage, though the skill description doesn't think that is important to mention. So the skill description LIES COMPLETELY. Then Cone of Cold happens to freeze targets for about 5x longer then Winter's Grasp. GOOD THING THE SPELL DESCRIPTION FUCKING TOLD ME THAT, otherwise if I had to land a critical hit to shatter them within the half second that winter's grasp worked it would be a useless spell.


Oct 7, 2005
Volourn said:
"I'm sorry, but that's not what I said. I said that there should be a disclaimer about the need for certain spells while progressing through the game, so that when leveling up people don't pick the wrong spells (because they sound nice on description but suck in reality) and fuck themselves. The reason D&D was brought up is because in D&D, you can switch your spells around without replaying an 80-hour game; plus, because it's D&D, you already know what most of the spells do in exact terms. This is not true in Dragon Age, and is exacerbated by the way Bioware has it setup, where once you've invested in a certain branch, you have to keep at it in order to get the last, and frequently most powerful, spell. Consequently, if that branch isn't viable, then you just screwed yourself. "

Youa re a fuckin' tool. You want to be babysat, and have your hand held. In essence, you want the game dumbed down. The game is very clear what the spells do. The only thing the spell descriptions don't do is tell you EXACTLY how much damage they do. They tell you exactly how they work.

If people fuck themsleves because theya re retarded, that's their fuckin' problem. Stop being a pussy, and stop asking for a fuckin' babysitter.

While DA's actual manual isn't impressive (though it shares some details), the in game shit and desription is more than enough. If you know how to fuckin' read, and press the x once and a fuckin' while.

Damange, and spell checks, btw are largely determined by your magic stat which the game fuckin' tells you repeatedly FFS.

Fuckin' people can't use their common sense to figure things fuckin' out. Use your fuckin' brains for fuckin' once.


You can't reason from what you don't know. Let me give you an example. The description for Mass Rejuvenation states that it regenerates stamina and mana for all party members. Sounds great. Except when you use it, you realize that it regenerates diddly squat. You barely get any mana back from it, making it worthless for the purpose you got it for. Here, as in other cases, the *size* of the effect matters, and with *no* descriptions of the size, you can't plan for shit.

Meaning you screw yourself over ... and can't undo it, because you just got three spells in the chain to reach the fourth. See Overweight Manatee for other examples.

BTW, I'm not a "carebear" player. I've done my share of hardcore min/maxing in my MMO days. But to min/max, you have to know what an ability actually does, exactly. Otherwise, it's just dumb luck. I'm fine with planning shit out BUT I CAN'T DO THAT because Bioware tells you to go fuck yourself when it comes to giving specific details about the spells. The melee abilities are much better in this regard because they actually say, for example, that "you attack three times for normal damage." The spells you have to figure out on your own, which is great in a game where you can swap them in and out, but absolute fail in a game where you can learn only a limited number of spells and can't see, for the most part, what they do until you actually use them.


Mar 12, 2007
Another thing I just realized is that it is actually better if you don't scout too far ahead with your rogue, right now I just finished a tough battle but do not gain the stat reset because I scouted enemies in a room nearby that normally I would not have know about.
Aug 25, 2009
So, um for the record, what is the current patch?

This thread is about 1.01a, the EA website talks about 1.02 but the download link is for 1.0b... and I was sure I read 1.03 somewhere.


May 14, 2008
made said:
Stalin said:
Ausir said:
How about reading the fucking manual before playing the game?
what fucking manual you smelly git
The Missing Manual

Fan-made, apparently, and far from complete, but better than nothing.
There is a manual. I remember reading the pdf for it before I even had the game. But the spell descriptions are basically the same or less than what is in-game.


May 14, 2008
Volourn said:
"I'm sorry, but that's not what I said. I said that there should be a disclaimer about the need for certain spells while progressing through the game, so that when leveling up people don't pick the wrong spells (because they sound nice on description but suck in reality) and fuck themselves. The reason D&D was brought up is because in D&D, you can switch your spells around without replaying an 80-hour game; plus, because it's D&D, you already know what most of the spells do in exact terms. This is not true in Dragon Age, and is exacerbated by the way Bioware has it setup, where once you've invested in a certain branch, you have to keep at it in order to get the last, and frequently most powerful, spell. Consequently, if that branch isn't viable, then you just screwed yourself. "

Youa re a fuckin' tool. You want to be babysat, and have your hand held. In essence, you want the game dumbed down. The game is very clear what the spells do. The only thing the spell descriptions don't do is tell you EXACTLY how much damage they do. They tell you exactly how they work.

If people fuck themsleves because theya re retarded, that's their fuckin' problem. Stop being a pussy, and stop asking for a fuckin' babysitter.

While DA's actual manual isn't impressive (though it shares some details), the in game shit and desription is more than enough. If you know how to fuckin' read, and press the x once and a fuckin' while.

Damange, and spell checks, btw are largely determined by your magic stat which the game fuckin' tells you repeatedly FFS.

Fuckin' people can't use their common sense to figure things fuckin' out. Use your fuckin' brains for fuckin' once.

Oh, you are playing the easier console version. Interesting.


Dec 27, 2008
Dec 5, 2009
Codex 2012 Serpent in the Staglands
Hobbit Lord of Mordor said:
So, um for the record, what is the current patch?

This thread is about 1.01a, the EA website talks about 1.02 but the download link is for 1.0b... and I was sure I read 1.03 somewhere.

I'm sure the latest patch is 1.02, but I've just come home, I'm drunk and far too tired from a week of coralling mad folks to check my version number..
Aug 25, 2009
And you manually download/apply it? I thought with all this Bioware Social Network and logging in/out during the game it would be automatic.

nvm, got to go into Dragon Age Configuration from launcher.


Nov 25, 2008
Volourn said:
By all reports, PC version is easier.

I'm unpatched on PC. And it's not easy.

It is that it is not difficult per se-- the odds are just hopelessly skewed in favor of the enemy for nearly every battle.

Moreover, it isn't 'strategic' in the way we were led to believe; there isn't something special I would have to use my brain to figure out about my enemy or their tactics in order to win, the way a truly well-designed encounter would be: you just have to get lucky.

And when the best tactic is focus all NPCs on one target at a time-- or just run 3 mages in your party, well, the old combat system isn't as elegant and complex as advertised.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"And when the best tactic is focus all NPCs on one target at a time-- or just run 3 mages in your party"

Sound slike any RPG ever for the first part, and the second part sound slike any RPG that has any magic ever. *shruG*


Mar 2, 2010
CrusaderTemplar said:
Nightmare is easy =/ I did spend most of the time reading and just finished the game today. Then I had to finish it 2 more times using previous saves to see the endings. I'm thinking the 4th one might need to be backtrack a whole lot.

This is a joke right? It's easy to say that Nightmare is easy but I doubt if you've actually played the game on Nightmare without cheating and found it easy you're pretty much lying or you have a definition of "easy" that is different from the rest of us! :D


May 1, 2008
Overweight Manatee said:
Worm said:
Overweight Manatee said:
Worm said:
That's a pretty weak deflection of the video above, fyi.
Please tell us your non-exploitable AI then.
haha christ. So basically you're saying that preventing kiting is NP-Complete. Try not to look like too much of a sycophant here.

You show your ignorance well. Please do look up what an NP complete problem is. It is completely unrelated to a question of whether an AI can accomplish this task. Its a very narrow set of problems. Saying words you do not know the meaning of makes you retarded.

Given an opponent can do these two things:

A. Attack in melee range.
B. Move (at the same speed as its enemy).

Tell me how it can attack a ranged opponent. The fact is it can't. There is no AI in the world that can do this, and no human in the world that can do this. I can prove this by a very simple AI that PREVENTS any melee opponent that operating under these rules from doing so:

IF enemy within melee range + max movement speed * time to being able to move
THEN Move away
Else Shoot.

Frankly the easiest and most reasonably realistic way to fix this (other then simply giving every enemy snares and ranged attacks), is simply to have enemies not engage and avoid players if its obvious they are outnumbered and outclassed. Unfortunately then we have the problem of the entire enemy army gathering up until the player has to face them all at once.

Thats a good solution for Achilles, a Dragon or a Bullett. The Darkspawn in that vid should have been killed after the first or second volley. Ranged weapons are too weak in DA.


May 26, 2006
Ohio, USA
posthaste said:
CrusaderTemplar said:
Nightmare is easy =/ I did spend most of the time reading and just finished the game today. Then I had to finish it 2 more times using previous saves to see the endings. I'm thinking the 4th one might need to be backtrack a whole lot.

This is a joke right? It's easy to say that Nightmare is easy but I doubt if you've actually played the game on Nightmare without cheating and found it easy you're pretty much lying or you have a definition of "easy" that is different from the rest of us! :D

When I was playing Dragon Age, my party got ambushed in the forest while I was on the world map. A group of archers and a handful of goons attacked me. The archers launched that party stun arrow attack (scatter shot?) and then the enemy boss plus a few goons closed in. Two of my guys were dead in about five seconds and the next two guys were dead about five seconds later. So yeah, the game is really easy.

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