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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


Sep 10, 2021
Quite the opposite, I am impressed by your ability to play every single popular release for hundreds of hours while simultaneously belittling everyone else who has the same taste in games as you. No games for me to be insulted on behalf of because I haven't touched any of the big releases in which you've thrown a lot of time at BG3, Starfield, Cyberpunk, and Rogue Trader.
Fedora autistically rates you Stop posting in the Rogue Trader and DA 4 threads.
Also Fedora.
Did I say I wouldn't play it anywhere?


Oct 21, 2021
Occupied Gallia Celtica
Oh shit man. I am in bad health, I do not know If I am going to make it till the end of this year. RELEASE YOUR SHIT GAME ALREADY, Biowere. I want to laugh at this futur walking abortion of a game. :P

"Always queer" what ? The only thing resembling "queer" to those retarded degenerates I remember from DAO was this

For sure, some of those behind DA4 were already represented by the broodmothers. Probably abused, fat, hugly, mentally ill, hysterical or retarded like the broodmothers. The only difference is that at least the broodmothers had children, they had more or less a futur. :lol:
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Nov 21, 2021
Part of it's because Dragon Age never really ever had an identity.

Original Dragon Age Origins was some Chinese wuxia fantasy shit that was retreading Jade Empire to the point I think they said it was originally a JE spinoff. Then it turned into medieval fantasy that was intended as an homage to BG but they wanted it to be more like Warhammer, then Warcraft got popular and that became a direct inspiration for its aesthetics but less cartoony.

So right off the bat you've got a game with no solid idea of what it wants to be but it was just bare minimum consistent enough to make a game that was at least tolerable for the most part but by no means great and not really that good.

Then Dragon Age 2 comes along and directly rips from JRPGs and anime and leans back to Jade Empire. Much cartoonier and exaggerated aesthetic and tone and way more Whedonesque dialogue. Unfocused design. No C&C whatsoever. Mindless by design Awesome Button combat. Crashes and burns.

Then Inquisition which also went through multistage development hell is trying to be a dozen different games at once and bounces all over the place like it's got severe DID on top of cashing in on the early 2010s trend of aggressive prewoke pandering and doubling down on the Whedonisms. More random cock ball dick shit swearing and well THAT just happened moments. Gameplay so boring it'll put you into a coma. Obviously went through multiple iterations and content purges like the removal of the sailing and naval combat they said would be a feature because of AssCreed. Maintains raving fans because of the pandering but crashed and burned with other audiences.

At no point have the developers ever appeared to be have a single consistent vision for Dragon Age and in every sense Genderwolf's shaping up to be the worst of them all by a wide margin. The only constant is that they keep fucking it up.

I dunno, DA:O did come across as having a unified identity - Ferelden being a pretty dark and gritty scenario, and the lore was rather well done by David Gaider (wasn't it?). Maybe they were following trends, but the end product was alright. The other two are as you say though.
Agreed. Thought the setting was awesome. Gritty and based in Europe from what I remember. One area felt like Britian, one area felt like France. The one race that started with Q felt like Muslims. They felt women shouldn't be warriors and should stay at home.

Yet in the second game, the Muslim inspired race suddenly is full fag (ride the bull) and supports trannies identifying as whatever they want.

You cannot even have a single faction who is opposed to faggotry and trans bullshit in fantasy games now. 99% of in-game groups could support it but you still cannot even have a single race or faction opposed to it.


Mar 24, 2023
Have they given up and admitted they're canceling the project yet?

Can EA really afford to pay trannies to do nothing for over a decade?
If Creative Assembly can spend millions on a project canceled after one trailer I figure EA can waste much less money on some idiots farting around in an office a few hours a week.

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
So...at least 24 million copies? It needs to be one of the biggest games ever released? (We're talking record-setting sales for both the industry and Bioware) If I cared about Bioware at this point I'd be very worried.
Also, Reorigins is a terrible name for a game, even a remake.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Dragon Age: The Re-Originating

Dragon Age: The Only Good One

Subtitle: From the Time When We Still Gave a Shit

2nd subtitle, much smaller font: Now By People Who Don't


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
I bet it will sell a lot, BG3 showed that gaymers crave that kind of crap.

Yeah but BioWare doesn't have a history of the kind of reactivity (at least in the first Act of BG3) that Larian's so good at.

You'll notice, when gaymers stop gushing over the faggotry for 5 minutes and talk about what they love about the actual gameplay, it's about the variety of ways you can do things, and about how the game responds to just about any damn fool thing that comes into your head to do - which is after all something we all here like too. I think, apart from the woke bs and the IP, in terms of gameplay it's the reactivity that captured the audience's hearts and made it a standout hit.

I don't recall that ever being a long-standing house tradition at BioWare, the way it has always been at Larian.


Nov 12, 2023
Santa Monica Pier
Gotta try one day to put some made up trifle on 4chan. And the sheep will follow and even some will make Youtube videos for the clickbaits.
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Oct 21, 2021
Occupied Gallia Celtica
So DA4 MOSTLY lacks its fresh coat of paint after 2 or 3 reboot. Cool. So I guess I might see it coming this year after all. :lol:

As for Origin, rumors only for now and I truly hope it will stay that way. Strangely, I am not looking forward to those retards probably censoring the game to accommodate a certain public, doing a "Beamdog" or both.


Exploring and Enjoying
Jul 23, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!

For fuck's sake. I just know for a fact they are going to shit all over the floor with the DA:O remake. Fucking retards. Can't make a good game to save their lives so they want to go back in time and shit over everything.

Tho with a name like "Reorigins" I have some faith that this is all fake. Can you imagine people actually sitting in a room, getting paid and coming up with a name like that? Ain't no fucking way this is real.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Wouldn’t worry much. Like the new ME editions it‘s prolly just a light graphical enhancement to make some quick cash, not a full remake.


unida e indivisible
Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Vatnik In My Safe Space
Sep 7, 2015
Make the Codex Great Again!
There is a charm to the 3D graphics of DAO, ME, Dead Space and a lot of these games from the 2007-2009 (more or less) era.

They're simple and clean, but complex enough to portray exactly what they are intended to do.


May 2, 2021
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Tho with a name like "Reorigins" I have some faith that this is all fake. Can you imagine people actually sitting in a room, getting paid and coming up with a name like that? Ain't no fucking way this is real.
If there's any studio that I expect to come up with stupid shit like that, it IS Bioware.

"The New Shit"

"Button = Awesome"

"My face is tired"


Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
Wouldn’t worry much. Like the new ME editions it‘s prolly just a light graphical enhancement to make some quick cash, not a full remake.
Let's not forget the change they went out of their way to implement and brag about it as if they were mythical heroes who just slew the monster and saved the princess: removing all of miranda's buttshots (and only hers, still perfectly fine to stare at everyone elses whilst they are pouring their heart out about their personal issues).
Also graphical enhancement is a misnomer, a lot of the changes they made are for the worst, particularly in Me2 LE, because it turns out a lot of those colors and lens flares were not there randomly but chosen to set up a specific mood or aesthetic.

But yeah admittedly can at least give them credit for not changing dialogues at least... But i don't expect them to be so kind towards DAO due to its age and it being a singular title that now has to be aligned with the belief that dragon age has ALWAYS been queer.

So with that in mind what can I expect/fear from a DAO remake made by a bunch of trans activists that want to push their world views via historical revisionism?

-Making all characters player sexual. DAO is actually based in this regard because whilst you do have a few bisexuals like leliana or zevrana, everyone else has a strong preference in who they bonk. And you have morrigan actively trying to get a warden baby for plot reasons, whether that be MC or one of your companions, which necessitates a man and a woman.
Naturally this is way too heteronormative, so every character would be bi and want to bone you as soon as you make camp for the first time (it worked out great for bg3 after all and modern bioware is a firm believer in imitation being the sincerest form of flattery) and every mention of male and females in the context of relationships is completely removed because fereldens are enlightened folk who understand gender identity is a construct. This allows morrigan to freely go after female warden PCs and get pregnant with them via "witch magic" that allows the caster to express their true authentic selves.

-Removing Sten or outright replacing him with another character like ironbull who is more palatable to modern audience. Because you can't just edit a few lines with sten, you'd have to mute him completely, and his beliefs on strict gender and social roles just don't match the qunari in the following games so yeah Sten would need some changes done to avoid tonal whiplash if you are playing the dragon age games consecutively and notice the qunari beliefs seem to completely change every game. Hell by the end of DA Inquisition you are mostly killing just hordes of qunari women warriors, so sten you liar wtf was this about women belonging in the kitchen?

-Increased references to gay marriages and lovers everywhere in codex lore entries. Insist on having gay/lesbian characters kiss in front of the player at every opportunity so they know that they are indeed, very very gay.

-Edit stories like that of Aveline the first female chevalier to include references to the patriarchy and oppressive power structures and all those lovely buzzwords that will really make people THINK.

I will laugh/cry if any of the above comes true. The main reason i'm not willing to bet money is that they require a bit more work then messing with camera settings and i am a firm believer in the power of human laziness.
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