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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I pirated Inquisition back in the day and still ended up feeling scammed by the faggotry, the ugly characters, the woke and the MMO-style filler quests.

But this...there's just nothing here to even entice me to even look at another trailer. It's a dead game from a franchise that's been riding on the fumes of the first lackluster game for 15 years.

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Are there any jrpgs that do the Arx fatalis/Ultima Underworld vibe? Real question. Not 3rd person like Dark souls, they good games and all but want the first person perspective from someone. Anyone.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I find it interesting that the only elf companions on this game are black and asian. I guess the opressed and enslaved race couldn't be white anymore.
Elves are an inherent symbol of whiteness. A mythical race dreamt of by white people. An idealized European.

Just as every redheaded character must be replaced with an African in a crimson wig, you cannot eliminate the spirit of whiteness from media so long as the idea of elves remains intact.

When Lenin and co took over Russia and formed the Soviet Union, one of the first things they did was to destroy all of the tsarist monuments of the past so that no one would remember the dignity of what came before. In their place:


This ugly shit.

So too must the Left destroy what came before, or everyone will remember the old and say it was better.


Dec 11, 2018
The companions.
I feel like I've met all these characters before. I've met them in Mass Effect. I've met them in other Dragon Age games. I've met them in Baldur's Gate. And of course, I've seen them in movies and TV for the past two decades. I already know everything they're going to say. I already know everything they're going to do. I already know which ones I'll have to help heal from their dark pasts. I already know which ones are staying in camp and never being spoken to.
Trying to guess at the companions (I skipped through the reveal so might have missed any who already have characterisations). Left to right:
Elf Man With Extreme V Neck Shirt: Will be very annoying, and will no doubt have some trauma backstory that gets resolved after four lines of dialogue. May have suffered from last minute rewrites to make him more like Astarion in the wake of BG3's success, which will mean he's utterly incoherent. May end up being likeable at times if the voice actor gives an absolute A-grade performance, otherwise will just be irritating.

Qunari: This is hard to predict. She (I think that's a she?) will either be the only tolerable character, or a total void that you repeatedly forget is actually in your party. She will have a camp dialogue where she reveals that Qunari culture has a belief in nonbinary gender, and respects it greatly. Your dialogue options will all express your agreement. The writers, low on original ideas and able to think only in terms of existing tropes, may just write her as Worf, in which case she'll be the best companion.

Chirpy Elf Lady With Big Hair: She will be "comic relief" who makes you want to commit suicide whenever she's on-screen. If we're very very unlucky, she'll have a tortured backstory, offering us the true reason behind her joviality- it's a shield to hide her pain. Players will put her in camp ASAP and not take her out.

Old Man With Staff: Will have no character. Is there for people without fathers to enjoy the vicarious thrill of having a virtual father figure.

Goatee Man: I think he's the Alistair/Gale/etc equivalent; a generic "nice" man with a pleasant English accent who'll fall in love with the protag at first sight and be "adorably dorky" (ie annoying). I'm not 100% certain on this read, though; that character design could also be an Evil Guy. But there's got to be one generic "nice" English man, and he looks like the most likely candidate.

Halfling Girl: A dwarf I guess, but looks like a Halfling. She will be an amoral killer (like that blonde Elf in Inquisiton, or Zevran in Origins). She'll also be incredibly sexually aggressive, which the writers will not realise comes across as deeply unpleasant. You will be expected to find her audacious and exciting; instead, she'll be repugnant and annoying.

Indian Lady With Face Covered By Hair: She'll be cold and sarcastic. That will be more or less it, unless she has a manufactured backstory. She will have about three lines over the course of the game which actually get a laugh; these will be the only jokes that land in the entire script, which will win her a large fanbase. She may be the most tolerable character.
I'm fine with sexually aggressive and annoying companions if you can kill them at any time.
Yep, the best moment in BG3 for me was being able to just murdernate Astarion right after he ambushed me. Granted I couldn't stomach playing a LOT of BG3 but that was the best bit. C&C (because hes dead for good), clear villain (vampire ambushed me in cold blood), good stuff.
I had a lot of fun bullying Wyl whenever I got the chance. I kept him around because Hunger of Hadar does work, until I got to the part where if you don't do his quest he dies and goes to hell. I couldn't be bothered to backtrack when I got the warning so I kept going forward


Apr 14, 2018
Watched the gameplay video again and some interview.

Looks like Bioware is trying to go back to the 'golden age' style aka ME 2 and DA 2, where the system is simplified the most. Unlike later games(ME 3, ME:A and DA:I) where they actually tried to make the system more complex.

Still if this game is as good as DA 2, it's gonna be a massive win for the current Bioware. But still I don't think they can pull it off.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
The companions.
>So, what do you think the player is doing right now? He never takes us anywhere.
>I think he said something about using "refund" magic after he kills another village of gnomes.
>Why does he hate gnomes so?
>I don't know, Tyrone'findel. I don't know.

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Watched the gameplay video again and some interview.

Looks like Bioware is trying to go back to the 'golden age' style aka ME 2 and DA 2, where the system is simplified the most. Unlike later games(ME 3, ME:A and DA:I) where they actually tried to make the system more complex.

Still if this game is as good as DA 2, it's gonna be a massive win for the current Bioware. But still I don't think they can pull it off.
ME3 was more complex than ME2? I might be remembering it differently....ME3 had the gun thing that's was pretty average but as I recall ME2 was the middle ground between ME1 being an rpg and ME3 being an action adventure...could be wrong tho...seem to remember more character sheet nuance in 2.


Dec 4, 2019
Lets hear Codexers predictions if this shovelware will succeed or fail.

It'll break even and maybe make a small profit. It'll still fall well short of EA's expectations and Bioware will be gone in a year.

Larian couldn't even implement day & night cycles and basic NPC scheduling.

Let's not crucify Larian for what they got right with BG3.

Why did they put "THE" in the middle of the title? Why not just call it Dragon Age: Veilguard? What does THE add to the table, other than being anti-pattern with Origins and Inquisition?

The Dragon Of The Age Of The Veilguard Of The.

"No, no. That's German for The Dragon Age, The."

Have you faggots only played DA:I or something? Walk in na straight line - combat - walk in a straight line again - combat - walk in a straight line a little bit more - combat - is standard DA gameplay.

That's not entirely true. If you play the dwarven noble origin, there's a point where you can take three possible paths.

I used to criticize JRPG`s here in codex by :
  • Main character androgeny/gender ambiguity
  • Too much bloat in UI
  • Dissociation of gameplay and lore
Now I can`t... Because western RPG`s imported everything bad from JRPGs.

How quickly we forget.


You all have an agenda to crap on this game to save face for Larian

Everyone except Swen has made fun of both. And you have to respect Swen's commitment to the bit.


Apr 14, 2018
Watched the gameplay video again and some interview.

Looks like Bioware is trying to go back to the 'golden age' style aka ME 2 and DA 2, where the system is simplified the most. Unlike later games(ME 3, ME:A and DA:I) where they actually tried to make the system more complex.

Still if this game is as good as DA 2, it's gonna be a massive win for the current Bioware. But still I don't think they can pull it off.
ME3 was more complex than ME2? I might be remembering it differently....ME3 had the gun thing that's was pretty average but as I recall ME2 was the middle ground between ME1 being an rpg and ME3 being an action adventure...could be wrong tho...seem to remember more character sheet nuance in 2.
ME 3 has way more guns and they are very different from each other. ME 3 also has more abilities and every ability has more options you can choose to make them work differently. Even companions have more abilites comparing to 2(6 vs 4). ME 3 also introduce the combo mechanic.

The only advantage ME 2 has is more companions, but since you can only bring two with you it doesn't make that big a difference.

When it comes to combat ME 3 offers way more options comparing to ME 2.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Lets hear Codexers predictions if this shovelware will succeed or fail.

It'll break even and maybe make a small profit. It'll still fall well short of EA's expectations and Bioware will be gone in a year.

The amount of pure copium you, and most 'dexers are huffing is comical as hell. Because its like Valorant, Overwatch, and other flashy cartoonish games that are all the rage with Zoomers. It is also fabulous, inclusive, diverse and you can just about guess it will be full of Zoomer / late Millennial cringe as fuck 'humor' and writing.

It will be hugely successful and sell LOTS of copy. Just because a bunch of old grumpy farts on a forgotten forum make up approximately 0.001% of gay-me revenue doesn't not mean your wishes will become reality. You all are like retarded leftists wishing a thing to be true makes it true, right? Men can be women, Ukraine is winning, negros are just like all other races, shall I go on? Copium overdose...

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Indeed. It'll make a killing. Not because it's a good game but because advertising/marketing/influencer budget. It'll get dropped in a week and the market will move on to consoom next product but the money will be made.


Dec 4, 2019
The amount of pure copium you, and most 'dexers are huffing is comical as hell. Because its like Valorant, Overwatch, and other flashy cartoonish games that are all the rage with Zoomers. It is also fabulous, inclusive, diverse and you can just about guess it will be full of Zoomer / late Millennial cringe as fuck 'humor' and writing.

It will be hugely successful and sell LOTS of copy. Just because a bunch of old grumpy farts on a forgotten forum make up approximately 0.001% of gay-me revenue doesn't not mean your wishes will become reality. You all are like retarded leftists wishing a thing to be true makes it true, right? Men can be women, Ukraine is winning, negros are just like all other races, shall I go on? Copium overdose...

Just like how Volition and Rocksteady are doing better than ever.


Barely Literate
Jun 12, 2024
I find it interesting that the only elf companions on this game are black and asian. I guess the opressed and enslaved race couldn't be white anymore.
Even Tim Russ was white back in the day...
How's that relevant? I'm talking about Dragon Age. Elves were white in the other 3 games.
It's clear that they raceswapped them because they can't show a white fantasy race being opressed.
They obviously didn't change Solas and i assume the evil elven gods are going to be white too.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019

Lol wtf? This thing is dead on arrival.

Even normies will only tolerate so much barely disguised corporate slop. You think the fanbase that BioWare has after 10+ years of releasing shit games is going to prop it up?

BioWare is dead. EA's not going to throw any more money in this pit. You don't think they're freaking the fuck out after the overwhelmingly bad response to the trailer?

Here's a livecam of BioWare HQ:


Writing's been on the wall for years.

We're just :deadhorse: because it's funny.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
The amount of pure copium you, and most 'dexers are huffing is comical as hell. Because its like Valorant, Overwatch, and other flashy cartoonish games that are all the rage with Zoomers. It is also fabulous, inclusive, diverse and you can just about guess it will be full of Zoomer / late Millennial cringe as fuck 'humor' and writing.

It will be hugely successful and sell LOTS of copy. Just because a bunch of old grumpy farts on a forgotten forum make up approximately 0.001% of gay-me revenue doesn't not mean your wishes will become reality. You all are like retarded leftists wishing a thing to be true makes it true, right? Men can be women, Ukraine is winning, negros are just like all other races, shall I go on? Copium overdose...

Just like how Volition and Rocksteady are doing better than ever.
It will be hugely successful and sell LOTS of copy.
Like Forspoken, and that Saints Row reboot, and that Suicide Squad game. :smug:
I'm just going to leave these here...



Again, just because you want things to be a certain way, does not make them that way. Goyslop sells. This is the working definition of it. Modern gay-mer focused shite. Starfield sold $657M worth of copy and that was a fucking trainwreck of woke propaganda, shit tier writing, and abysmal gameplay. More clear now? But keep huffing the copium. I'm somewhat enjoying forcing this bitter blackpill down everyone's throat tonight.

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Yeah it's not a matter of quality. It's a finely tuned money making machine that has nothing to do with the skill of the developers. It's why indie games is largely where it's at and all the semi decent 'big' developers are toiling in the production mines of the various EAs wanting to cut their wrists.
Jun 23, 2020
Just watched the gameplay reveal, I really don't know what to say, it just made me feel hollow...

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