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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
Soon i will be too old to play all these new crpgs. Being over 40 sucks ass. Brain is damaged and always low on time.

I just turned 40 and had a kid. I have no time for anything really, so getting buttfucked by a terrible game is now truly enraging.

Can't handle the bacon



Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Very funny, you just nitpicked the tumblr one. Otherwise it was ok even if massive decline compared to even DA:O. Some eastern vibes already overall, some particular like this one as if taken out from anime:

Color palette has nothing to do with DA:O of course but few new ones from DA4 are even worse, by far.

It's "cherrypicking" you ESL and that looks just as bad.

Who was this hack again? I fucking hate that super emotive prissy style. Someone tell that homo that if you illustrate concept art like a DeviantArt catlady, no-one but DevianArt catladies will take that game seriously.
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Jun 30, 2021
I can't wait for the plot-twist where the Qunari righteously curb-stomp everyone while giving out lectures on social justice and turn out to have been the good guys all along.

Also, it will be revealed that female birthing person Qunari customarily dye their hair in various rainbow colors, and are really big on wealth redistribution and vaccines.

I found the Qunari WAY more interesting when they were raging sexist assholes with an alien way of thinking that was unique. I wanted to learn more about them whilst still fighting against them

Then the sequels retconned into raging woke assholes with an all-to familiar way of thinking (though still rather alien far as I'm concerned) with Felicia Day no less to tell us all how absolutely wonderful they are :roll:. Now I not only want to still fight them, but I don't want to know anymore about them (and maybe kill them all with fire while I'm at it).

It's so Goddamn bizzaro.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
I can't wait for the plot-twist where the Qunari righteously curb-stomp everyone while giving out lectures on social justice and turn out to have been the good guys all along.

Also, it will be revealed that female birthing person Qunari customarily dye their hair in various rainbow colors, and are really big on wealth redistribution and vaccines.

I found the Qunari WAY more interesting when they were raging sexist assholes with an alien way of thinking that was unique. I wanted to learn more about them whilst still fighting against them

Then the sequels retconned into raging woke assholes with an all-to familiar way of thinking (though still rather alien far as I'm concerned) with Felicia Day no less to tell us all how absolutely wonderful they are :roll:. Now I not only want to still fight them, but I don't want to know anymore about them (and maybe kill them all with fire while I'm at it).

It's so Goddamn bizzaro.
Qunaris are not sexist. They have a rigid caste-like system. That was the thing that made it so appealing to the downtrodden: Your race, sex, whatever, didn't matter. If the priestesses say you are going to be a soldier, you will be a soldier.

Can't handle the bacon

Qunaris are not sexist. They have a rigid caste-like system. That was the thing that made it so appealing to the downtrodden: Your race, sex, whatever, didn't matter. If the priestesses say you are going to be a soldier, you will be a soldier.
No, retard. Their caste system has strict gender segregation. The military leader must be male, the administrative leader must be female, and only their CIA/KGB ruling caste includes both genders equally.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Qunaris are not sexist. They have a rigid caste-like system. That was the thing that made it so appealing to the downtrodden: Your race, sex, whatever, didn't matter. If the priestesses say you are going to be a soldier, you will be a soldier.
No, retard. Their caste system has strict gender segregation. The military leader must be male, the administrative leader must be female, and only their CIA/KGB ruling caste includes both genders equally.
That is not sexism. That is a caste system. Sexism would require that one side look down on the other, which they don't. They just believe that different groupings have different roles to play, and they have the closest to an aptitude test in the setting to determine your role.

Can't handle the bacon

That is not sexism. That is a caste system.
That is sexism by the standards of pink-haired sjws which are this game's target audience.

Sexism would require that one side look down on the other, which they don't. They just believe that different groupings have different roles to play
Yup, this is hardcore sexist bigotry in any libtard's "mind". Try telling them that men are incomparably physically stronger than women, that women's sports like football/soccer are a sad sight to watch, and that female cops/military tend to be a liability for their partners, and let me know how long the autistic screeching goes on for.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Qunaris are not sexist. They have a rigid caste-like system. That was the thing that made it so appealing to the downtrodden: Your race, sex, whatever, didn't matter. If the priestesses say you are going to be a soldier, you will be a soldier.
No, retard. Their caste system has strict gender segregation. The military leader must be male, the administrative leader must be female, and only their CIA/KGB ruling caste includes both genders equally.

Their kind of segregation seems desperately systematic and almost too perfect, possibly the result of writers being afraid of exploring certain issues and going all the way with those. Qunari seem like a might respecting society, so why would they give the weaker women any positions in power at all? For their intelligence? Please. Even humans always prefer to follow the most masculine types even if they're thick as bricks. They should've just been written as muslims in their relationship with women, that would've made sense. I feel a sense of deja-vu with this, as if I've encountered another fictitious people that on the surface seem like a primitive phallo-centric society, but who "surprise" you with their unexpected gender equality in certain areas. Could actually be just about any race of "noble savages", real or fictitious.

Can't handle the bacon

Their kind of segregation seems desperately systematic and almost too perfect, possibly the result of writers being afraid of exploring certain issues and going all the way with those.
True, but even then - original Qunari lore, as established in Dragon Age Origins, is already horribly out-of-date with the libtard narrative (which has graduated to full-blown denial of gender), and is starting to look awfully "narrow-minded" if not outright "bigoted" by crazy people mainstream standards. A strictly gender-binary (gasp!) society that segregates the genders (gasp!!) and gives traditionally-masculine professions (warriors, craftsmen) exclusively to males and more-or-less traditionally-feminine or at least gender-neutral roles (bureaucrats, teachers, communal child-rearing administrators) to females (gasp!!!)

This is why by the time of DAI we got a transsexual Qunari (who, IIRC, was a female member of their male-only armed forces) with corresponding retcons to the lore that say "Qunari regard those who have aptitude for a profession of the opposite gender as members of that gender". Which makes zero sense in a strictly collectivist society, and also is unlikely to ever happen. How many women out of a thousand are genuinely as good at being warriors (especially in a pre-modern setting) as the average man, if we nix any affirmative action and wishful thinking bullshit and focus impartially on physical results? Approximately zero. As such, why would the Qunari ever develop a practice of "transsexualizing" people in order to fit their "aptitude", when they can simply find another aptitude that fits that person's gender, given how exceptionally rare these cases would be? It shouldn't even cross any Qunari administrator's mind that a woman can be a warrior.

Oh but it's current_year and out target audience is obese purple-haired liberal arts majors and soyboys, better make Qunari the most trans-positive society in Thedas.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
Qunari lore was always retarded. How do you teach craftsmen and soldiers if there aren't teachers who have been either? All their bureaucrats should be completely clueless on half of what they're administering.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Their kind of segregation seems desperately systematic and almost too perfect, possibly the result of writers being afraid of exploring certain issues and going all the way with those.
True, but even then - original Qunari lore, as established in Dragon Age Origins, is already horribly out-of-date with the libtard narrative (which has graduated to full-blown denial of gender), and is starting to look awfully "narrow-minded" if not outright "bigoted" by crazy people mainstream standards. A strictly gender-binary (gasp!) society that segregates the genders (gasp!!) and gives traditionally-masculine professions (warriors, craftsmen) exclusively to males and more-or-less traditionally-feminine or at least gender-neutral roles (bureaucrats, teachers, communal child-rearing administrators) to females (gasp!!!)

This is why by the time of DAI we got a transsexual Qunari (who, IIRC, was a female member of their male-only armed forces) with corresponding retcons to the lore that say "Qunari regard those who have aptitude for a profession of the opposite gender as members of that gender". Which makes zero sense in a strictly collectivist society, and also is unlikely to ever happen. How many women out of a thousand are genuinely as good at being warriors (especially in a pre-modern setting) as the average man, if we nix any affirmative action and wishful thinking bullshit and focus impartially on physical results? Approximately zero. As such, why would the Qunari ever develop a practice of "transsexualizing" people in order to fit their "aptitude", when they can simply find another aptitude that fits that person's gender, given how exceptionally rare these cases would be? It shouldn't even cross any Qunari administrator's mind that a woman can be a warrior.

Oh but it's current_year and out target audience is obese purple-haired liberal arts majors and soyboys, better make Qunari the most trans-positive society in Thedas.
It isn't a retcon. Sten himself asks the Hero of Ferelden what she is as she can't be female (if playing a female toon).

Can't handle the bacon

It isn't a retcon. Sten himself asks the Hero of Ferelden what she is as she can't be female (if playing a female toon).
Does he say "you are a warrior, therefore you are male"? No?

Then it's a retcon.

Can't handle the bacon

You are a woman, but you fight. Women do not fight.
Well, he has a point there. Anyway, this clearly expresses his confusion with the existence of female warriors (and mine).

If transsexuality was part of Qunari lore from the beginning, he would have made it clear in the dialogue.

Sten: "I do not understand. You are a man, yet you dress as a woman."
Female MC: "What?!?! I'm a woman!!"
Sten: "That is impossible. You fight. Women do not fight. You are a man, even if you were born otherwise."
Female MC: "How dare you?!"
Sten: "Non-Qunari society is so confusing."


Jun 30, 2021

“A person is born: Qunari, or human, or elven, or dwarf. He doesn’t chose that. Or the size of his hands, or if he is clever or foolish, the land he comes from, the color of his hair. These are beyond his control. We do not choose, we simply are.”

Sten - Dragon Age.

So what, I'm supposed to accept that Gender is the fucking exception to the the rule of "we do not choose" from the get-go?

Hell, Gaider himself described them as "militant Islamic Borg". Thing is, they had to change that due to changing political times. Hence, a RETCON.

edit - another quote from Sten to hammer in the point.

“Women are priests, artists, and shopkeepers, or farmers. They don’t fight. Why would women ever wish to be men. That makes no sense.”

Sten - Dragon Age.

As for my comment on cognitive dissonance, yes it does explain what happens.

Cognitive dissonance is, in oversimplified terms, purposely ignoring information that directly challenges your worldview because that would shake the core of your identity.

Sten - doesn't think women can fight.

FW - Imma woman who can fight, proving you wrong.

Sten - no, I was taught women can't fight so it's easier for me to think you're a man and nothing you say can make me think otherwise.
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Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017

“A person is born: Qunari, or human, or elven, or dwarf. He doesn’t chose that. Or the size of his hands, or if he is clever or foolish, the land he comes from, the color of his hair. These are beyond his control. We do not choose, we simply are.”

Sten - Dragon Age.

So what, I'm supposed to accept that Gender is the fucking exception to the the rule of "we do not choose" from the get-go?

Hell, Gaider himself described them as "militant Islamic Borg". Thing is, they had to change that due to changing political times. Hence, a RETCON.

edit - another quote from Sten to hammer in the point.

“Women are priests, artists, and shopkeepers, or farmers. They don’t fight. Why would women ever wish to be men. That makes no sense.”

Sten - Dragon Age.

As for my comment on cognitive dissonance, yes it does explain what happens.

Cognitive dissonance is, in oversimplified terms, purposely ignoring information that directly challenges your worldview because that would shake the core of your identity.

Sten - doesn't think women can fight.

FW - Imma woman who can fight, proving you wrong.

Sten - no, I was taught women can't fight so it's easier for me to think you're a man and nothing you say can make me think otherwise.
Which does not address what I said.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
You are a woman, but you fight. Women do not fight.
Well, he has a point there. Anyway, this clearly expresses his confusion with the existence of female warriors (and mine).

If transsexuality was part of Qunari lore from the beginning, he would have made it clear in the dialogue.

Sten: "I do not understand. You are a man, yet you dress as a woman."
Female MC: "What?!?! I'm a woman!!"
Sten: "That is impossible. You fight. Women do not fight. You are a man, even if you were born otherwise."
Female MC: "How dare you?!"
Sten: "Non-Qunari society is so confusing."
Wasn't the fact that he was a tranny/homosexual that the Mary Cow in DAI was hounded out of the Qun? I thought I read that somewhere. I never got DAI, so I have no idea.

"You are what you are, and you don't go around trying to be something you are not." is a basic tenet of the Qun. So, yes, right from the beginning, being a crossdresser (let alone a tranny) is completely against the Qun's ideology.

Can't handle the bacon

Wasn't the fact that he was a tranny/homosexual that the Mary Cow in DAI was hounded out of the Qun?
Perhaps, but they also retconned the Qunari into routinely practicing transgenderism. Which is nonsense, given the earlier Qunari lore that clearly rules out the idea of "deciding" someone's gender.

"You are what you are, and you don't go around trying to be something you are not." is a basic tenet of the Qun. So, yes, right from the beginning, being a crossdresser (let alone a tranny) is completely against the Qun's ideology.
Ok I'll let you save face and pretend this was always your position.

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