When you play the games in quick succession, the LGBT stuff is problematic for reasons other than "urrr no liberals" than some retards codexers make it to be.
I think DAO had some lesbian/gay/bi romances, I am not too sure about that, but I did not feel at all bothered by them. It felt like some knowing gay people, and you know, whatever bros, I don't have to have sex with you. They behaved like "normal" gay people.
Now, you still don't need to fuck the gay people in DAI and Mass Effect Andromeda, but something has changed in the way those romances were designed. A switch happened at some point : it is pretty clear in the design, in the character archetypes that some head honchos at Bioware saw the Bioware Social Forums, the fanfics, the Deviantarts, the super awkward part of the fanbase and decided that "hey, our gay romances should appeal to that crowd, those are the ones making the buzz about our game.".
As a result, just being in the same room than those people feels awkward. They are designed as sexual porn stars and talk like porn story characters. And you have to talk to them. Repeatedly. You have to stare at Iron Bull's nipples. All the time.
Mass Effect 1,2,3 handled it kinda okay, although it was a bit clumsy at point. I remembered when I reached Andromeda I was thinking a bit "what the hell?" ? That feeling was gone when I switched to DAO, started creeping in again with DA2 and is now at itchi.io charity bundle level with DAI.
It gives you the feeling of progressing slowly into something that has been designated for one special kind of people ; not the gay ones, not the liberals you guys seem to hate, but that awkward fringe fraction of the fanbase which seem to have their hand on the fate of the game.