Nigga, DAO was full of women guards and basic antiracist preaching. Muh oppressed elves, muh slavery bad. It never "stood against the competition", it always was a pile up of cliche for the mediocre public of reddititian semi-intellectuals.
Nigga, it never felt like leftist pandering though. You meet multiple elves who are evil pieces of shit, it's kept ambiguous whether they deserved getting invaded because their nation was evil, slavery's almost never mentioned, and there's no more female guards than any old CRPGs or DND games. It's got like four bi characters and three of them are evil murderous liars.
It had oppressed elves, bi NPCs, and female guards without feeling like they were there as some kind of message.
If you wanna see leftist pandering, look at the sequels or The Witcher where gays are saints, RL allegories punch you in the face, and every woman speaks in feminist talking points at you.