When I first saw it, there was one dislike for every three likes.The trailer still got more than 1 million views.
When I first saw it, there was one dislike for every three likes.The trailer still got more than 1 million views.
even resetera disliked it...
Every single Witcher game is superior in every aspect to what Bioware has produced in the recent years. I still remember the mindblowing tutorial quests of Witcher 2, by the time you reach the King Foltest's war party you've seen some great visuals already (in and outside the tent), and then the sheer mastery of art style, facial animation, voice delivery and music blows you away. Witcher 2 isn't remembered for its mechanics, but instead for its consummate storytelling through dialogue and visuals. It's 'cinematic' done right. This was 13 years ago, and Witcher 2 is the most "Biowarian" game CD Projekt RED have produced.
absolutely. might not be the best game overall (even though i also thought it has one of the best armor designs in such settings), but they just nailed what it is about, when you are focusing on narrative - which might be to your liking or not.
Giving commands through a wheel has been reported from multiple sources. Have you read otherwise?YES/NO/FUNNYConversation replies have been reduced to a simple YES/NO in order not to confuse the gamer.1. The active party has been reduced to 3 characters.
2. Commands are given to your companions via an "action wheel".
3. All joinable NPCs are romanceable.
Firefly is cringey on rewatch: all characters have same snark remarks that substitute for character, which Marvel made caricature of later.Firefly is just a shitty Cowboy Bebop/Blake's 7 rip-off. It was canceled because it was cringe and boring.Firefly > Buffy imho. A real travesty that the series got canceled before it could develop from the more episodic nature of the season we did get, esp. considering how good the main cast synergy was.
Buffy is the same, proto-girlboss-ya-slay-queen attitude that is unwatchable.
Both series were first manifestations of rot that will became modern entertainment.
Sneak Peak. (Voiced protagonist confirmed)
Retarded clickbait.
EA could have shut down Bioware after Star Wars TOR, or Anthem, or whatever, but haven't. On the contrary, the company even grew further. And they have a new Mass Effect in the pipeline.
Sneak Peak. (Voiced protagonist confirmed)
Sneak Peak. (Voiced protagonist confirmed)
Magic.Varric killed his own brother, how do you go from that making him pose as the happy go lucky marvelite quip spewing character
Sneak Peak. (Voiced protagonist confirmed)
Retardera is literally their core and target audience. If they hate it then Bioware really is doomed.even resetera disliked it...
If even retardera disliked, there is anyone who likes it?
DA:O's darkspawn looked like they have a certain level of intelligence, partly human-like, while DA2's were very feral, like animals. I don't care enough to have head canon, but I'm going to do Bioware's writers a favor and say darkspawn are mostly feral unless they are being commanded by an Archdemon. Actually, no, Bioware owe me money for that idea.
To me it looks great, amazing even, nevermind the tone, every DA was different in tone and this will be no different.
Looks like Hogwarts Legacy.
And I don't mean it as a positive comparison.
Buffy is more bearable in the moments, because Whedon still hasn't perfected the obnoxious "one-liner" formula (which he borrowed from Spiderman comics), and it had bunch of time to make some character building.Buffy just keeps getting better through every rewatch because of the great character writing. They have real depth and believable motivations. It's only during the last two seasons that it gets numbing. Whatever you may think at first, Buffy is not just a show for dumb teens.
Sneak Peak. (Voiced protagonist confirmed)
Firefly is cringey on rewatch: all characters have same snark remarks that substitute for character, which Marvel made caricature of later.Firefly is just a shitty Cowboy Bebop/Blake's 7 rip-off. It was canceled because it was cringe and boring.Firefly > Buffy imho. A real travesty that the series got canceled before it could develop from the more episodic nature of the season we did get, esp. considering how good the main cast synergy was.
Buffy is the same, proto-girlboss-ya-slay-queen attitude that is unwatchable.
Both series were first manifestations of rot that will became modern entertainment.
Buffy just keeps getting better through every rewatch because of the great character writing. They have real depth and believable motivations. It's only during the last two seasons that it gets numbing. Whatever you may think at first, Buffy is not just a show for dumb teens.
Sneak Peak. (Voiced protagonist confirmed)
The place looks bland and uninteresting as fuck. The neon-light looking "magic" shit everywhere just makes it worse.
They have bad taste.
Long life to them, let them make as many ridiculously dumb games as they can.EA killed off non-profitable studios.
Bioware has yet to ship a financial flop.
EA killed off non-profitable studios.
Bioware has yet to ship a financial flop.
I agree. It has the feel around it that people are gonna buy it in large numbers despite its quality.Unironically I think DAV will be a success. And this will be very bad for the RPG genre and gaming in general.