Codex biodrones mass-downrating my post because I dared criticize their precious relationship simulators. I thought this species has gone extinct.
Origins is a single player MMO, with boring RTwP combat, terrible encounter design, and last but not least extremely dumbed down RPG mechanics.Codex biodrones mass-downrating my post because I dared criticize their precious relationship simulators. I thought this species has gone extinct.
Origins is good. The gameplay makes up for its cliched story. It just needs that big patch that fixes most of its bugs, there are some unforgivable ones like at least one of the abilities in the two-handed weapon skill tree having no effect. I always thought that that skill set was completely useless compared to sword and board. No wonder. You might think that you can turn your warrior into a badass barbarian with it, but instead you get a glass cannon compared to, say, Alistair.
They poorly utilized him in DAI, but he's way more of a sympathetic figure than Solas who is de facto intending to bring death to all people. And I find it extremely lame how DA4's way of redeeming him is to pull an "akshually, he now took precautions to tear the veil without killing everyone!" Such a lame copout."I once breached the Fade in the name of another, to serve the Old Gods of the Empire in person. I found only chaos and corruption. Dead Whispers. For a thousand years I was confused. No more. I have gathered the will to return under no name but my own, to champion withered Tevinter and correct this Blighted world. Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty."
Maybe Cory wasn't so bad after all.
View attachment 55264
??????????Origins is a single player MMO
It's not multiplayer yes, but it still looks, plays and feels like an MMO.??????????Origins is a single player MMO
Both Cory and the Architect should've been a bigger part of the franchise rather than doubling down on elven nonsense.
Have you even played any MMOs?It's not multiplayer yes, but it still looks, plays and feels like an MMO.??????????Origins is a single player MMO
It's not multiplayer yes, but it still looks, plays and feels like an MMO.
Imagine paying this creature to make a game.
Lol millions. They won't sell 100k.You are right. Let's say half of the company was busy with other stuff. That's still 300 million.Okay, so I heard the new leaks about how much Concord cost to make.
Firewalk Studios has about 150 employees.
It took them 8 years to develop the game.
6 years for 200 million
2 last years for another 200 million
Total 400 million
Bioware has 320 employees (more than double) and they took like 9 years to develop the game.
My end estimate is around 600 million.
Let's say everyone buys the deluxe edition for 80$
So just to break even they need to sell at least 7,5 million copies and I'm not counting the taxes and the 30% Steam cut.
With that they have to make millions more on top.
Now I could be off by like tens of millions or even hundreds but this is a pretty bleak picture for any gaming studio to be in.
This will not be the grand success they want.![]()
They released Andromeda and Anthem in those 9 years along with multiple The Old Republic expansions(though TOR changed hands I dont know how recent). I have no idea how big of a failure Anthem was but I think they still made profit from TOR stuff and Andromeda. I also think its lower than 600 because there is the fact that when dropping the live-service version in 2021 they didnt start from scratch, it is extremely obvious how much of it is still there(UI, gameplay mechanics, whole artstyle, main player hub that looks like a perfect online hub).
But on the other hand a game like Concord took 8 years and needed 200 million for its last 2 years of development, this industry doesnt makes sense to me anymore.
Plus it is known that it was in development hell for a long time.
With that they still need to sell more than 4 million copies of the deluxe edition to break even or 6 million of the 50% one. That's a lot.
Feel free to correct me, this just very VERY rough estimate.
I pray for you to be right because that would be soo funnyLol millions. They won't sell 100k.You are right. Let's say half of the company was busy with other stuff. That's still 300 million.Okay, so I heard the new leaks about how much Concord cost to make.
Firewalk Studios has about 150 employees.
It took them 8 years to develop the game.
6 years for 200 million
2 last years for another 200 million
Total 400 million
Bioware has 320 employees (more than double) and they took like 9 years to develop the game.
My end estimate is around 600 million.
Let's say everyone buys the deluxe edition for 80$
So just to break even they need to sell at least 7,5 million copies and I'm not counting the taxes and the 30% Steam cut.
With that they have to make millions more on top.
Now I could be off by like tens of millions or even hundreds but this is a pretty bleak picture for any gaming studio to be in.
This will not be the grand success they want.![]()
They released Andromeda and Anthem in those 9 years along with multiple The Old Republic expansions(though TOR changed hands I dont know how recent). I have no idea how big of a failure Anthem was but I think they still made profit from TOR stuff and Andromeda. I also think its lower than 600 because there is the fact that when dropping the live-service version in 2021 they didnt start from scratch, it is extremely obvious how much of it is still there(UI, gameplay mechanics, whole artstyle, main player hub that looks like a perfect online hub).
But on the other hand a game like Concord took 8 years and needed 200 million for its last 2 years of development, this industry doesnt makes sense to me anymore.
Plus it is known that it was in development hell for a long time.
With that they still need to sell more than 4 million copies of the deluxe edition to break even or 6 million of the 50$ one. That's a lot.
Feel free to correct me, this just very VERY rough estimate.
That is true, but he is mostly correct about Origins. That game is aggressively meh.I was never a fan of origins and even I see that veilguard has nothing in common with it. It's just low effort rage bait. He's one of these edgy codex hate posters, it's just a little sad to watch![]()
Armor and clothing should morph according to the body morph on which it is placed, as accomplished by Dragon's Dogma, a game released in 2012 for a console released in 2006.they cant go too crazy, or else it would cause armor clipping and everyone would complain even MORE!!!1I don't think this slider actually does anything.
Some of us have detested Bioware since Baldur's Gate in 1998.Codex : "Screenshot the bioware fans, they are NPCs"
Also Codex: " BG1-2 are the best RPGs ever made, BG2 is the greatest and Origins is the goty"
The previews are an obvious farce. Luke Stephens, Fextralife, MattyPlays, etc, etc were regurgitating the same generic praise. Just completely worthless previews. And since watching them my feed has been inundated with the no-name chick YouTubers doing previews for the game... all with like 600 views each. Who the fuck are these people? LMAOI am getting a chuckle at the "journos" with all of the "no it's really promising and cool" previews.
I haven't played BG3 but I'm guessing this will sell well at least initially because BG3 seems to have stretched out the anal cavity of all of the western waifu degenerates and they crave more.
Game will certainly be trash but they won't care because they can get their digital assholes hammered in front of a campfire by a horned silky haired "communist-adjacent" Mook.
I anticipate lots of headlines like "A return to form" for bioware.
"You can play rock, paper, scissors with a skeleton! So cute!"
Dragon Age Origins said:The demons of the Fade are jealous of the world they sense from across the Veil. They constantly push against the boundaries of the Fade, and when they finally cross over, they attempt to possess the first living creature they see. They are unable, however, to distinguish that which was once living from that which still is... in fact, a corpse provides an even more tempting target to a weaker demon as it has no will with which to resist the possession. The demon cannot rationalize why this is so; it only sees a target and grasps at the opportunity.
A skeleton is exactly that: a corpse animated by a possessing demon. Upon finding itself trapped within a body that cannot sustain it, the demon is driven insane... it seeks to destroy any life that it encounters, attacking without thought to its own welfare.
The exact names given to skeletons of this type vary according to the nature of the demons that possesses it. A "fanged skeleton" is a skeleton possessed by a hunger demon. These skeletons devour whatever life they encounter and often possess the ability to drain life energy and mana from their victims. A "shambling skeleton" is a slower-moving skeleton possessed by a sloth demon, able to bring entropic powers against its opponents, slowing them and even putting them to sleep. More powerful demons have been known to command skeletons, but at that level they are known by other names: revenants and arcane horrors, to name two.
3 is too optimistic, the average smurf brained consumer is getting tired of RPGs as mechanics like dialogues, as they take up too much space in their heads.Let's see some possible futures for this game:
1. Massive financial success. Swats BG3 aside like a gnat. Puts BioWare back at the top of the industry. All the devs become instant celebrities and guarantees the continued existence of the studio. Likelihood: lol.
2. Moderate financial success. The profits from this game outweigh the expenses. Big daddy EA is satisfied and BioWare avoids the chopping block once again. Likelihood: if they shill it enough, it's likely.
3. It's a wash. The game makes roughly about as much money as it took to produce. EA is unhappy. BioWare's future is uncertain. Likelihood: this is where I'd put my money.
4. Financial failure. The game fails to make back its budget and expenses. Excuses and blame is thrown around for months while YouTubers are ecstatic. Steam forums melt down into nonstop trolling. BioWare's future looks bleak. Likelihood: depends how good the game is to a normie audience.
5. Crashes the video game industry. The content of the game is so unpalatable to the mainstream audience that it actually causes a tipping point. Tired of games like Concord and the devs that make them, the gaming audience reject these games wholesale. The next few months consist of loud demands for change. Sales across the board reach new lows. Journos call it the Gaming Crash of 2025. Likelihood: unlikely but hilarious.
Le reddit rock paper scissors skeleton
I am sure that a woman writer is responsible for this