Dragon Age is really influential, it is already bringing a new level of customization to other genres
Warthunder slop devs are mocking this shit.
Dragon Age is really influential, it is already bringing a new level of customization to other genres
Will the dudes over at Based Mods work their magic on this game?I doubt it, this game won't take off to make such mods even. Baldur's Gate 3 has all the mods you desire whether you are a disgusting "white CIS" or a furry degenerate because that game is quite a decent RPG underneath. People just enjoy gameplay and mod the aesthetics to please them more. Which I personally never do, I want to experience the game in full glory and degeneration as developer intended, but I certainly appreciate all the possibilities.I can't wait for the meltdowns these assholes will get when someone mods their degeneracy out of the game. I want to savor the tantrums the troons will have when someone makes such a mod.
DA4 on the other hand, while I haven't played it, but seeing trailers I can say that almost certainly has garbage gameplay that is a cheap imitation of popular games. Nobody wants that. Not RPGCodex, not average person that can play 10 new better games instead of this, the only people who care about such gameplay are... none. Even Biodrones are probably not talking about gameplay now. They will play their troon simulator but not for the gameplay.
Either that, or IQ100 looks way more stupid than I could ever imagine.
Bold of you to assume an average Reddit moderator is 100 IQ. People with 100 IQ have better things to do in their lives than spend afternoons censoring others.
I wish there would be a return to simple portrait switching, not the Oblivion-like character slider and being able to modify your goddamn gender reassignment surgery scars...Dragon Age is really influential, it is already bringing a new level of customization to other genres
What trannie characters BioWare had 15 years ago? Name them. DA:O, DA2, the ME trilogy don't have troons.Oh man, you really threw down the gauntlet on this random Steam thread about an RPG made by a historically liberal studio that's had trans characters in their games for literally like 15 years now.
What trannie characters BioWare had 15 years ago? Name them. DA:O, DA2, the ME trilogy don't have troons.
That's your average elven male.What trannie characters BioWare had 15 years ago? Name them. DA:O, DA2, the ME trilogy don't have troons.
DA2 had elven troon.
But how do you tell it apart from normal male elfs?Camel one of the brothel elves was a tranny or crossdresser
But how do you tell it apart from normal male elfs?Camel one of the brothel elves was a tranny or crossdresser
Don't remember what it was exactly?It reminds me of DAO in which you can cuckify an elf in front of him and telling him upfront. Good times.
Don't remember what it was exactly?It reminds me of DAO in which you can cuckify an elf in front of him and telling him upfront. Good times.
This idiot and a few other totally not EA community managers keep getting autobanned for spamming but their bans gets revoked in a day or two. They are desperately trying to keep the discussion focused on "bigots hating trans people" both on Steam and reddit. But looking at big gaming subs on reddit, even Dragon Age one, it is clear that even normies started piling up on this game which makes these stupid marketers even more desperate.
Pretty fucking much.Leftists tend to come in one of two flavours. There's the well meaning genuinely liberal types and then there's the spiteful mutants who are true believers in what is essentially one big death cult. The former has earned the wrath of the latter, since even someone who subscribes to liberal beliefs will be exiled if they disagree on even one particular issue. As we saw with J.K Rowling.
The spiteful mutants are the sort flocking to games such as this. Nothing gets them off more than destroying something that they know used to appeal to the dreaded 'gamers' that they fear and despise so much.
True. But BioWare used him only as a comic relief.Camel one of the brothel elves was a tranny or crossdresser
https://the-gaider-archives.tumblr.com/post/108930086798/on-transgender-charactersWe never thought of her as transgender, per se— she’s more of a drag queen, in attitude if not in appearance (lacking the appropriate options, else that’s what she would have been).
I found these Darth Gaydar's seething ramblings earlier today. If anyone wants to read it, warning: cringe.True. But BioWare used him only as a comic relief.Camel one of the brothel elves was a tranny or crossdresser
https://the-gaider-archives.tumblr.com/post/108930086798/on-transgender-charactersWe never thought of her as transgender, per se— she’s more of a drag queen, in attitude if not in appearance (lacking the appropriate options, else that’s what she would have been).
If DA2 is a morbid dream of an old prostitute, then what is DA Inquisition?I found these Darth Gaydar's seething ramblings earlier today. If anyone wants to read it, warning: cringe.True. But BioWare used him only as a comic relief.Camel one of the brothel elves was a tranny or crossdresser
https://the-gaider-archives.tumblr.com/post/108930086798/on-transgender-charactersWe never thought of her as transgender, per se— she’s more of a drag queen, in attitude if not in appearance (lacking the appropriate options, else that’s what she would have been).
Back then then in 2011 i didn't think of this character as funny for one simple reason i still cared about Bioware games and didn't want them to become an even bigger degen circus. One guy even said that they turned Dragon Age 2 into a morbid dream of an old prostitute. But they already were on a speedrun of decline by mass effecting the sequel when they should have just made it like the first game.
If DA2 is a morbid dream of an old prostitute, then what is DA Inquisition?
If DA2 is a morbid dream of an old prostitute, then what is DA Inquisition?I found these Darth Gaydar's seething ramblings earlier today. If anyone wants to read it, warning: cringe.True. But BioWare used him only as a comic relief.Camel one of the brothel elves was a tranny or crossdresser
https://the-gaider-archives.tumblr.com/post/108930086798/on-transgender-charactersWe never thought of her as transgender, per se— she’s more of a drag queen, in attitude if not in appearance (lacking the appropriate options, else that’s what she would have been).
Back then then in 2011 i didn't think of this character as funny for one simple reason i still cared about Bioware games and didn't want them to become an even bigger degen circus. One guy even said that they turned Dragon Age 2 into a morbid dream of an old prostitute. But they already were on a speedrun of decline by mass effecting the sequel when they should have just made it like the first game.