Yeah 88k on saturday night means Bioware is shitting bricks in their room waiting for papa EA to come and shut them down.
I think EA will give Bioware one more chance to make another Mass Effect game, since apparently the failure of Andromeda was blamed on the Montreal studio.
So we'll have to wait a few years, but one of these days the sun will be shining brightly... birds will sing... and Bioware will be no more.
No way mediocre sales will cause EA to shut them them, especially before Mass Effect 4.
They might do some "tough restructurization decisions" in a couple of months. It is a really bloated studio.
You both are out of your mind if you think EA won't shut them down.
Bioware atm is around 1500 employees. 1500 across 6 studios. All of them placed in expensive areas.
So you are looking at 1500 x ~$100k per employee and that's conservative estimation from company pov. (so extra employer const included like office rent, gov taxes etc.) that's $150mil a year burn rate. Just to be on black let alone green for 2.5 year dev time full scale, they have to sell around 10 million copies at $40 profit per copy sold. 10 mil to be just on black. 20 mil to double investment costs.
Moreover Bioware didn't have ANY successful game in 10 years. They last one was inquisition 10 years ago which made a lot of money but not we are safe for 20 years kind of money.
Because of few games released on steam we also know how rate of active users playing game on launch to overall sales ratio is more or less. Cyberpunk 2077 sold 6 milion copies from preorders and few from launch totalling 10 milion copies in first days on all platforms. around 1mil players played on launch day. Which gives you 1:10 ratio. So if we extrapolate DAV numbers you have something like 800k sales in launch window total across all platforms.
Moreover we know that recent Refantasia from ATLUS which is waaaaaaay smaller budget game had 100k peak and less marketed and ATLUS announced they sold 1 mil copies which is again bang on 1:10 ratio.
DAV IS a failure for EA. For it to not be a failure DAV would need to get around minimum 700k concurrent which wouldn't get them in black on launch but legs would push them to green.
Now EA has a choice to make. Gamble on same team doing Mass Effect 4 which delivered failure and possibly waste upwards of half a bilion, fire half of company and cut staff so that only pros will remain and downscale projects or shut them down outright.
Nice math you got there nerd, but I have my GUT FEELINGS.