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- Feb 11, 2024
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What is Underrail? Is it as difficult as DA: Inquisition? Took me years of trying different builds to finish that game.
Came across this YT vid by a spergy female (and fairly based) researcher, Aydin Paladin:
The vid's long and she goes into an extremely autistic level of detail, but the gist of it is that the claims of the benefits of representayshun in videogames just aren't borne out by the research, and in fact if anything the opposite holds (it's psychologically more "healing" to play idealized characters, which is what both males and females do naturally, which ties in with another bit of research that's been doing the rounds recently re. females preferring idealized characters).
So yeah it's bollocks, and as always the issue is never the issue, it's just for the rubes and useful idiot/true believer rank-and-file.
Basically the manufacture of Product is no longer, properly speaking, a capitalist enterprise focused on profit, but a social engineering drive by the new ruling class, the managerial class.
Weak men (think of Kier Starmer), spiteful mutants, troon nerds, etc. I would say, kind of a slight return of the Brahmin/priestly class - almost, one might say, a kind of Adeptus Mechanicus class (if one thinks of the programmer/tech giant aspect of it) - whereas we had the merchant class (capitalists proper) for a few hundred years befor that, and the warrior class (kingship/aristocracy) for a few hundreds of years before that. (As an aside, while of course as a Nazi I would say that the JQ is what's a the root of it all, even if one doesn't want to get into the JQ aspect of it, one can discuss the current societal situation on this more neutral ground of Frank Burnham's idea of a new mangerial elite as the new ruling class, and still capture some important aspects of all this stuff in discussion.)
So again, one is led to wonder, is there a breaking point somewhere, where the outgoing capitalistic prerogatives (e.g. profit) still have some clout over the incoming managerial prerogatives (social engineering)? Or are the purveyors of woke Product just going to be bailed out for as long a it takes to make woke Product the only thing available?
It's being pushed and paid for as social engineering - as Larry Fink said in 2017, the behaviours they want "have to be forced" - and they're willing to spend untold resources on forcing them. But again, one wonders if there is a limit somewhere, especially if it's seen that the social engineering isn't "sticking" and they'd be throwing good money after bad.
This is mostly cope. If the managerial elite was the culprit, we'd see cultural deterioration occur sooner than it has. You cite Burnham, so should know this. The reason for the pursuit of representation is purely economical, women have always been the best target audience for any sort of marketing. They are the ultimate consoomers. The commercialization of industry brought in vast amounts of new audiences, women among them. Since their economic standing has improved substantially, and because they make for such valuable cash cows they are heavily targeted. Women also support the status quo much more than men(whatever it is), they are less impulsive and more confined in their regard for whatever is the ruling ideology. The individual game or studio might fall for the paradigm of "go woke go broke", but the ideology is self-sustaining. Time is on the side of Larry Fink and his ilk, all that is required is patience and effort. "Social engineering" is pursued because it is the best way to increase profits in the long term.
As Marx puts it:
the bourgeoisie has at last, sincethe establishment of Modern Industry and of the world market, conqueredfor itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway.The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the commonaffairs of the whole bourgeoisie.
The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an endto all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunderthe motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and hasleft remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, thancallous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasiesof religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism,in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worthinto exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible charteredfreedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade.
most importantly:
If you're programmed to tune out when communism is mentioned, then just read Carl Schmitt or Strauss. The death of the west will have come because of liberalism, and liberalism is fundamentally tied to capitalism.The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionisingthe instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production,and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modesof production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first conditionof existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionisingof production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlastinguncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlierones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient andvenerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed onesbecome antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts intoair, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to facewith sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
[...]The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chasesthe bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere,settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.
[...]The intellectual creations of individual nations become commonproperty. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more andmore impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures,there arises a world literature.
People playing VeilguardThread's getting stale, no new memes? This turd is so boring it's even boring to laugh at it.
Every romance-affirming line Rook makes reads exactly the same. They're variations of "I'm here for you / you're interesting / you're a really fun person / I couldn't do this without your help / I care about you more than you realise". Even AI girfriends have more interesting things to say to keep you hooked. The lines he actually speaks are more flowery, but the basic intent is the same. Rook is a vending machine that gives party members cliched compliments.
Compare now with the DA:O romance dialogues.Warden: "Are you feeling better about what happened with Marjolaine?"
Leliana: "Yes... a little better. Time heals all wounds, so they say. Scars remain but they are just... colors in the painting that is my life, no?"
Warden: "They add to the complexity and beauty of the piece."
Recommending Age of Decadence to normies
Entire game? I doubt it.Yes modders will fix it.
Came across this YT vid by a spergy female (and fairly based) researcher, Aydin Paladin:
The vid's long and she goes into an extremely autistic level of detail, but the gist of it is that the claims of the benefits of representayshun in videogames just aren't borne out by the research, and in fact if anything the opposite holds (it's psychologically more "healing" to play idealized characters, which is what both males and females do naturally, which ties in with another bit of research that's been doing the rounds recently re. females preferring idealized characters).
So yeah it's bollocks, and as always the issue is never the issue, it's just for the rubes and useful idiot/true believer rank-and-file.
Basically the manufacture of Product is no longer, properly speaking, a capitalist enterprise focused on profit, but a social engineering drive by the new ruling class, the managerial class.
Weak men (think of Kier Starmer), spiteful mutants, troon nerds, etc. I would say, kind of a slight return of the Brahmin/priestly class - almost, one might say, a kind of Adeptus Mechanicus class (if one thinks of the programmer/tech giant aspect of it) - whereas we had the merchant class (capitalists proper) for a few hundred years befor that, and the warrior class (kingship/aristocracy) for a few hundreds of years before that. (As an aside, while of course as a Nazi I would say that the JQ is what's a the root of it all, even if one doesn't want to get into the JQ aspect of it, one can discuss the current societal situation on this more neutral ground of Frank Burnham's idea of a new mangerial elite as the new ruling class, and still capture some important aspects of all this stuff in discussion.)
So again, one is led to wonder, is there a breaking point somewhere, where the outgoing capitalistic prerogatives (e.g. profit) still have some clout over the incoming managerial prerogatives (social engineering)? Or are the purveyors of woke Product just going to be bailed out for as long a it takes to make woke Product the only thing available?
It's being pushed and paid for as social engineering - as Larry Fink said in 2017, the behaviours they want "have to be forced" - and they're willing to spend untold resources on forcing them. But again, one wonders if there is a limit somewhere, especially if it's seen that the social engineering isn't "sticking" and they'd be throwing good money after bad.
This is mostly cope. If the managerial elite was the culprit, we'd see cultural deterioration occur sooner than it has. You cite Burnham, so should know this.
The reason for the pursuit of representation is purely economical, women have always been the best target audience for any sort of marketing. They are the ultimate consoomers. The commercialization of industry brought in vast amounts of new audiences, women among them. Since their economic standing has improved substantially, and because they make for such valuable cash cows they are heavily targeted. Women also support the status quo much more than men(whatever it is), they are less impulsive and more confined in their regard for whatever is the ruling ideology. The individual game or studio might fall for the paradigm of "go woke go broke", but the ideology is self-sustaining. Time is on the side of Larry Fink and his ilk, all that is required is patience and effort. "Social engineering" is pursued because it is the best way to increase profits in the long term.
As Marx puts it:
the bourgeoisie has at last, sincethe establishment of Modern Industry and of the world market, conqueredfor itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway.The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the commonaffairs of the whole bourgeoisie.
The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an endto all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunderthe motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and hasleft remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, thancallous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasiesof religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism,in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worthinto exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible charteredfreedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade.
most importantly:
If you're programmed to tune out when communism is mentioned, then just read Carl Schmitt or Strauss. The death of the west will have come because of liberalism, and liberalism is fundamentally tied to capitalism.The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionisingthe instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production,and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modesof production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first conditionof existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionisingof production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlastinguncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlierones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient andvenerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed onesbecome antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts intoair, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to facewith sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
[...]The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chasesthe bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere,settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.
[...]The intellectual creations of individual nations become commonproperty. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more andmore impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures,there arises a world literature.
Profit does not matter much when paper cash is inherently worthless. That deception originating from the money masters has worked really well to turn the average joe in the ideal wage slave; to turn them into a cog inside the matrix, so they can live as kings. Making people believe paper and digits are insanely valuable grants the moneymasters power over companies, institutions and governments and that power enables them to shape the truth as they wish and to mold the general population into something they want. It is more about possessing and controlling land, natural resources and debt slaves than it is about having fat bank accounts.
I agree re. liberalism and the death of the West etc., but while I used to think it was fundamentally capitalism, I don't think that any more. Precisely because profit no longer seems to matter when compared with pumping a social engineering message. That's more like a "priestly" schtick, i.e, a new magagerial elite ruling class schtick.
The only way to win is not to ghey.The only way to win is not to play.
Man it's really painful about Chris. All other cocksuckers like Sawyer deserve it. But Chris made one of the best games of my teenage years.He stays silent and passively and actively supports every WOKE trend on his twitter while expecting us to ride to his help when WOKE brings him to court. Then same WOKE industry makes him persona non grata without evidence for his sin, and when court finds him innocent does anyone apologize from Industry? Noooo. Does he keep sucking their cock? YessssJosh Sawyer approves this. Keep in mind that fucks like Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, Brian Fargo etc ALL either passively or actively aprove of all this shitshow and insanity. Keep buying their games, keep being surprised that they are castrated in every way, both creatively and gameplay wise. Because castrated men make them
Don't talk about culture, don't bring culture wars pweeeeease. I haven't enjoyed good game from California or Canada in decade+. Yes, all teams are made of women, trannies and whipped soy white men. NOOOOOOOO, ZEROOOO CAUSE & EFFECT!!!
Keep Avellone out of this dude. What did he do wrong
If one man studios can make games, like Monomyth, Manor Lords, Vampire Syndicate, Underrail and then grow, what stopped Avellone? Being A BITCH that loves sucking California's zeitgeist cock. Like Josh Sawyer. Fuck them both so much. Traitors to themselves, traitors to beauty, honesty and truth
Do you think 2024 castrated Avellone and Josh would NOT make or approve everything in Veilguard? Knowing Josh, only thing different would be that game would have have better and wide selection of fonts. Cocksuckers for Evil
[DAV ACT 1 SPOILERS] I'm romancing Lucanis and I think I'm dying...
What the fuck happened?
Context: about ten hours in there is a lovely coffee scene between Rook and Lucanis. Absolutely fantastic in every way. It's cute, romantic, very well written and has some subtle flirtatious options. THIS, was exactly what I was looking for in a romance with him.
This. Was. The vibe.
Fast-forward another twenty hours of gameplay, I just completed the Bloodbath quest, and there's nothing. There has been nothing. No cute interactions or dialogue from him, no flirting, nothing! In the last twenty hours, I have flirted with Lucanis every chance that I could, and the man straight up isn't responding.
This isn't slow-burn, it's no-burn.
And to be fair, I get the man has a lot going on. A lot of things that need to be dealt with. However, him not responding to the three or four flirting interactions in between the coffee date and now make no sense. Even turning me down and saying he has other priorities right now, would be better than the nothing I'm getting.
Also, I know the devs said there was variety in the relationships and some would be steamier than others. To be clear, I don't care if this isn't, "one of the steamier relationships." I don't need steam, I need reciprocation on even the barest level and there is none.
Anyone else feeling frustrated here? I know I came into this with certain expectations, but come on y'all...
Tl;Dr My feelings are hurt cause I'm thirty hours into this game, and the romance with Lucanis is basically dead and non-reciprocul. What are your thoughts?
Dude I had to stop bringing Neve along with Lucanis. They kept so obviously flirting and it was pissing me off lol
I loved that market date + coffee scene.
And then I got Davrin's scene where Assan and Manfred are... Idk, arguing over something? And that was just so funny that I think I'm going to go after Davrin instead.
My main playthrough is a dwarf who I plan to romance Emmrich with, but my subsequent playthrough was going to be a beefy warrior himbo human paired up with the subtle Lucanis. But I’ve seen so many negatives about his romance that I might go with Davrin instead.