Came across this YT vid by a spergy female (and fairly based) researcher, Aydin Paladin:
The vid's long and she goes into an extremely autistic level of detail, but the gist of it is that the claims of the benefits of representayshun in videogames just aren't borne out by the research, and in fact if anything the opposite holds (it's psychologically more "healing" to play idealized characters, which is what both males and females do naturally, which ties in with another bit of research that's been doing the rounds recently re. females preferring idealized characters).
So yeah it's bollocks, and as always the issue is never the issue, it's just for the rubes and useful idiot/true believer rank-and-file.
Basically the manufacture of Product is no longer, properly speaking, a capitalist enterprise focused on profit, but a social engineering drive by the new ruling class, the managerial class.
Weak men (think of Kier Starmer), spiteful mutants, troon nerds, etc. I would say, kind of a slight return of the Brahmin/priestly class - almost, one might say, a kind of Adeptus Mechanicus class (if one thinks of the programmer/tech giant aspect of it) - whereas we had the merchant class (capitalists proper) for a few hundred years befor that, and the warrior class (kingship/aristocracy) for a few hundreds of years before that. (As an aside, while of course as a Nazi I would say that the JQ is what's a the root of it all, even if one doesn't want to get into the JQ aspect of it, one can discuss the current societal situation on this more neutral ground of Frank Burnham's idea of a new mangerial elite as the new ruling class, and still capture some important aspects of all this stuff in discussion.)
So again, one is led to wonder, is there a breaking point somewhere, where the outgoing capitalistic prerogatives (e.g. profit) still have some clout over the incoming managerial prerogatives (social engineering)? Or are the purveyors of woke Product just going to be bailed out for as long a it takes to make woke Product the only thing available?
It's being pushed and paid for as social engineering - as Larry Fink said in 2017, the behaviours they want "have to be forced" - and they're willing to spend untold resources on forcing them. But again, one wonders if there is a limit somewhere, especially if it's seen that the social engineering isn't "sticking" and they'd be throwing good money after bad.