Depressing, certainly, but once in a while you do find a little nugget of wisdom on the Steam forums:
Still skirting the issue, which is that there is no such thing as transgenderism.
First, your perception of yourself, even if i were to actually believe you are a man trapped in a woman's body, which in most cases i don't (and i would consider it abnormal even if it was true), is not reality. Thus the first fallacy is this idea that your subjectivity defines objective reality in some way. "I feel" is not a conclusive argument for what is or isn't. The fact you "feel" that you are a cat doesn't mean that you actually are a cat and i don't want any of that shit to be normalized in society.
Second, modern science is not anywhere near advanced enough to actually alter the physical sex of a person. Surgery doesn't turn you into the opposite sex, it just makes you into a mutilated freak and i'm under no obligation to accept this transhumanist shit.
It would be one thing if we lived in a world of magic where you could turn into the opposite sex by casting a spell, but we don't. This is all the more evil considering they want to subject children to this insanity.
So for me this trans crap being accepted by society is the highest form of Orwellian, dystopian evil you can think of, and while i generally tend to hate the sin and not the sinner, if you are at all trying to normalize this shit yes, i'm actually gonna hate you as well. You are fostering evil on society, am i supposed to look at that with sympathy and understanding?
It would be one thing if you were just doing your thing and merely ask not to be bothered, but that isn't what's actually happening, is it? You are trying to force your deviated world view on society and that makes you an enemy in my view.