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Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Jora said:
Vault Dweller said:
And then Gaider earned respect by not running away and blacklisting the Codex, but by showing up, arguing, and defending his points and his designs.
I still fail to understand how that makes him any more reliable than Warden in this case. Smiley Face Dude is cool too but that doesn't mean the ESF aren't badly moderated.
It's not about how badly or awesomely a place is moderated. It's about what this alleged moderation is preventing people from stating. It's not about taking Dave's word because he's more reliable, it's about Warden making an idiot out of himself.

He acted stupid but so did Dave. I just don't see how the latter presented his position any more intelligently. Sure, Warden should've stopped the insult the moment Dave answered him. But Dave could have done the same in his first post.
Warden made the claims, but failed to provide the arguments supporting them. Dave didn't have to do anything other than throwing well deserved "moron" comments at him.

Anyway, forget about the moderation bit and look objectively at what Warden really had to say and complain about.


Mar 14, 2003
Vault Dweller said:
Warden made the claims, but failed to provide the arguments supporting them. Dave didn't have to do anything other than throwing well deserved "moron" comments at him.
Or he could have countered the claims with facts. "You were banned because you said so and so, for doing that and then this."

Anyway, forget about the moderation bit and look objectively at what Warden really had to say and complain about.[/quote]
Well, yes, he did have a lot of stupid complaints and he didn't support them well (how 75 active posters somehow is an indicator of the forum's quality or how not answering every question shows disrespect) but his main beef was with the moderation policy and that was what Dave focused on in his comeback, saying that Warden wasn't banned for expressing himself but for being a moron. It would have been proper behavior to back up that claim and not be carried away by the flames.

I guess this also comes down to whether you think dumbfucking is a good practise. I personally don't like it at all, so it's part of the reason I chose to defend Warden.


Dec 17, 2002
Warden said:
Hazelnut said:
Since you want us people to "see and decide what to think of him", I'm just dropping to let you know that I agree with Ed 100%, and am glad he saved the rest of us from answering such drivel.

The "rest of you"- you 2 are representing all 3 600 users? I don't think so.
Of course you will take sides without maybe analysing the situation a bit- just to have an argument.

Really? You can back that up after observing my posting behavior here over what time period exactly? Just FYI I take sides in an argument only when I have an opinion. I spoke, as I always do, for myself only.

The Codexes widely held reputation doesn't necessarily match the reality you know, but you'll have to stick around and lurk for a while before you can come to your own conclusions about us now wont you. Or are you gonna follow in the footsteps of so many other people who join thinking they know what the Codex is about and what we're all like, and have that notion apparently 'confirmed' by the responses they get when they post crap.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Nah, don't worry, you're speaking for me too.

GTFO, Warden, or I'll have a romantic dinner with you.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Jora said:
Vault Dweller said:
Warden made the claims, but failed to provide the arguments supporting them. Dave didn't have to do anything other than throwing well deserved "moron" comments at him.
Or he could have countered the claims with facts. "You were banned because you said so and so, for doing that and then this."
I don't think anyone here is interested in a "why was I banned?" discussion.

...t his main beef was with the moderation policy and that was what Dave focused on in his comeback, saying that Warden wasn't banned for expressing himself but for being a moron. It would have been proper behavior to back up that claim and not be carried away by the flames.
Again, you are focusing too much on Bio forum policies. Let me try again. There could be two main reason why a person is banned: for being a dick or for criticizing the company's game(s). If it's the former, well deserved. If it's the latter, then let's look at the nature of criticism. If the criticism is idiotic - "we want the game already! release it now or at least tell us everything about it!", well deserved. If the criticism is valid, well, THEN and only then it becomes a different story. THEN we'd like to see how Dave handles it.

In other words, now that Warden is free to argue with Dave, what does he have to say? Dave's a poopy head? That's nice, Warden. Here is a little tag. That way you can easily recognize and play with other people of your mental level.

I guess this also comes down to whether you think dumbfucking is a good practise.
It's a good way to reward and promote outstanding efforts to post something stupid. It's our way of saying "your efforts are noticed and appreciated".


Dec 17, 2002
Jasede said:
Nah, don't worry, you're speaking for me too.

GTFO, Warden, or I'll have a romantic dinner with you.

Hey, Jas, nice to see you around. :salute:


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Yeah, sorry, I was too busy jacking off to the massive attention I got to post, but I am done now.


Mar 14, 2003
Vault Dweller said:
If the criticism is idiotic - "we want the game already! release it now or at least tell us everything about it!", well deserved. If the criticism is valid, well, THEN and only then it becomes a different story. THEN we'd like to see how Dave handles it.
Warden says this is the last argument he had:

http://forums.bioware.com/forums/viewto ... m=84&sp=60

If we are to believe him, it would mean he was banned for talking about gay romances in a polite manner.


Mar 7, 2006
Jora said:
Vault Dweller said:
If the criticism is idiotic - "we want the game already! release it now or at least tell us everything about it!", well deserved. If the criticism is valid, well, THEN and only then it becomes a different story. THEN we'd like to see how Dave handles it.
Warden says this is the last argument he had:

http://forums.bioware.com/forums/viewto ... m=84&sp=60

If we are to believe him, it would mean he was banned for talking about gay romances in a polite manner.
Some people have been killed for less.


Mar 14, 2003
Parts of the gay argument are a bit silly, yes. Is it enough to ban him? Not even close. People post far more stupid things here every single day. In the other thread he was defending the OP's right to express his disappointment but was way too eager to label those who disagree as fanbois. He wasn't judging the game, so it doesn't matter if he had played it or not. Again, not the kind of troublesome behavior Dave implied. If you call it idiocy that should be rewarded with banning, half of those 75 active users should be kicked out for being morons.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Jora said:
Parts of the gay argument are a bit silly, yes. Is it enough to ban him? Not even close.
Depends. He was being an annoying little fucker, and not everyone has enough patience to handle people like that long enough. Not to mention his other threads and Dave's claim that it's not his first account on Bio forums.

It comes down to simple questions "what is the value and contribution of such a poster?" and "would these forums be a better place without him?". If the answers to these questions are "0" and "absolutely", Warden has nobody to blame but his stupid ass.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not really interested in a "why Warden was banned" debate, but in what Warden has to say when he isn't banned and what he has to contribute to these forums. Granted he could have flied under the radar as many noobs do, but he decided to attract more attention to himself than he was willing to handle instead.

Chairman Yang

Jun 21, 2007
Holy crap. This Gaider guy gets it, in a way that the vast majority of RPG creators don't. His comments about there being a difference between how gameplay is theoretically and how it actually plays out behaviourally are absolutely spot on.


Dec 12, 2005
Certainly - yet he fails to distinguish between punishing the PC and punishing the player.
Yet much to learn he has.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
" People post far more stupid things here every single day. "

BIO forums do not equal Codex forums. It's not neccessary for them to have the same rules. Dumbass. Oh, btw, I can't get away with calling someone a dumbass at the BIO boards either. Though, it would be kinda cool what kind of neateo names the BIO mods could come up with if they foiled the Codex 'dumbfucking' route.



Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
Sorry guys, couldn't discuss with you these past few days, was too busy with the sea, beaches, the Sun and handsome men.. :) Did I miss something in this interesting debate?

Dgaider said:
Bitch, please.

Sweet.. :)
But you should really call only Aerie bitch. Since she's the only thing (or virtual person, if you want) you can dream of to date on this World. I know, tuff luck. Her wings must have gotten really heavy in your ears by now. ;)

If you ever pm'd me with any suggestions, I certainly don't recall them. People pm me with suggestions all the time and I generally delete them unread -- not out of any sense of animosity but rather because that's what the forums are for. If you have something to suggest, that's where it goes and I will choose to read it or not.

Njanja.. now what if I tell you've even answered to those suggestions by saying they're great- you'll look less cool to yourself and the world, right? I'll spare your poor ego.. ;)
Oh, wait, maybe it's just bad memory on your part.

I'm not going to get into why you were banned originally, which I think should really be obvious to anyone with even marginally more awareness than you've shown yourself. I will say, however, that the reason I remember you is because of your continual returns to our forums under new pseudonyms just to continue your crusade. If you had anything actually interesting to say that might be more noteworthy, but it's not.

It's clear that the lack of professionalism on that pathetic excuse for a forum which is called "Bioware forums" is the only reason why you haven't been banned there yet.

What's interesting is that you keep referring to me thinking I am the center of everything-- umm, yeah. Maybe you should check that thought, yourself. I'm not at all hurt by you posting my picture. I get by just fine, thanks. I do, after all, have a great job-- and a life.

I doubt you have a good job.. Working in a totalistic company is never a good job.
And your life.. Dating npcs you've written yourself (because those are the only "people" you could ever be able to date) and trying to insult people on the internetZ equals "having a life"? Do I have to add- puhlease...

And the things I say I don't say out of anger. At best you might annoy me, but you're far from alone on that score. Mostly I just pity you. Did you really have to come here just to moan about how you were done wrong on our forums? Do you really think that anyone here cares? You came here to attack me personally because I was mentioned in this thread, obviously because you're efforts to re-register at the Bioware site yet again have met without fruition.

Of course you're just "annoyed" and not even remotely angry. That's why you've come here so promptly and released all your cool and laid back attitude the second I posted something agaist Bioware and you. :roll:
I "moaned" about how I was wronged on your forums? I merely stated that your moderation policy is absurd. It was a comment. An argumented one. And most people know that Bioware forums are very problematic (because of how some people moderate them) but they chose to pretend they're stupid- and I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and won't rule out the possibilty that they're indeed stupid.
My effort to re-register and re-registering is not because I crave to post on those "wonderful boards full of wonderful people" (and you don't get this part- that's why you think I'm whining..) but because I want to cause some trouble there in my free time, now. I admit.

"you're efforts to re-register"

Oh my god, davey, how could you as a writer write such a thing. :D I know you're nervous and really stressed and scared.. but don't worry. Everything will be fine. ;)


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
Vault Dweller said:
This is whining. Do you have any valid criticism about the game based on the known facts or developers' statement? Post it. Your feelings on how Bioware has treated you are irrelevant.

Concentrate. I was not talking about their GAMES, I was talking about their BOARDS. If you can't grasp that we won't be able to discuss any further.
And it was not a personal thing, it was in general. It was about how Bioware generally treats those poor people who are persistent to abide by their absurd rules and post, still. Poor souls, discussing like they're chained.
Did I say that I want to be unbanned and discuss with those morons, again? I didn't. So quit your whining about my supposed "whining".

You, apparently.

I cared to post my comment, yes. But I really don't care about your judgment- whether or not you think that's true. That's a fact. Who are you? Are you some factor in my life that I should care about your judgment? You're, big shock :roll: , not.
Without arguments backing up your claims, it really wouldn't have. Welcome to the Codex.

Argumenting like you argument your posts and topics? As in "
A truly idiotic Fallout 3 article - read it your own risk" and "Unbe-fucking-lievable. That's all I have to say." ?
Way to go, buddy, you're really the king of arguments. ;)



Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
aries202 said:
Bla- bla

As for you ban, everyone that has read your comments on the Bioware forums understand why your were banned. It wasn't because of your ideas since you absolutely had no ideas in regards to Dragon Age, nor did you contribute in any way to the discussion by pointing out strengths or weaknesses in Dragon Age as you see it.
It seems that you were ONLY interested in starting fights, fuelling flames etc.
Again, this is a note on your comments both on the Bioware forums and and on the Codex.

Can you leave your demagogy for someone else? I did, in fact, post quite a lot of thoughts about Dragon Age. Posted suggestions, opinions, questions etc. But it's more convenient for you to lie about the constant fights and flames and so on.. ;)
I was hoping we'll get a good game like BG is (which is the only bw game I find excellent) and that's all..


Jul 16, 2007
Warden said:
aries202 said:
Bla- bla

As for you ban, everyone that has read your comments on the Bioware forums understand why your were banned. It wasn't because of your ideas since you absolutely had no ideas in regards to Dragon Age, nor did you contribute in any way to the discussion by pointing out strengths or weaknesses in Dragon Age as you see it.
It seems that you were ONLY interested in starting fights, fuelling flames etc.
Again, this is a note on your comments both on the Bioware forums and and on the Codex.

Can you leave your demagogy for someone else? I did, in fact, post quite a lot of thoughts about Dragon Age. Posted suggestions, opinions, questions etc. But it's more convenient for you to lie about the constant fights and flames and so on.. ;)
I was hoping we'll get a good game like BG is (which is the only bw game I find excellent) and that's all..

You mostly posted ideas that went against everything that is known about the game ("DA should be in the forgotten realms", and claimed that the FR were some kind of peak of originality whilst they're really meant to be a collection of fantasy clichés for people to adventure in) and started being a general ass towards anyone who disagreed.


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
@Jora, please leave out the sporadic insults like "silly", "stupid".. don't be like them.
Let me explain to ya some points that you think are silly.. since I think you do try to use some logic when you post.

The "75 users thing".
Well, to start off with, the number of total registered users is more or less an indicator how known is a site/board. Bioware is known. Many people come and register.
From the ones who register and visit the boards to post a thing or two some stay and become regular visitors who post regularly on the boards. They STAY to post REGULARLY if they LIKE the forums. 3 words- stay, regularly, like. Those who don't like it won't come back never or will, but very seldom.
Then, you must notice the correlation between the NUMBER of REGISTERED users and the NUMBER of ACTIVE users and you can notice the percentage of people who actually care to be on the boards and maybe post something OUT OF the total number of registered users.
So, out of 3,5 millions REGISTERED users they have cca 75 LOGGED IN users. Reread again if you don't get it.
Yes, it's not the only factor of how much is a certain forum/site popular, but it's a pretty relevant one.

Romance-thread and my "silliness" there.
Since it was the 1509783. page of the same topic I've decided to ask if there will be a gay romance available. Not that I care much about romances in pc-games, but it's a nice thing to have anyway- if it's gay.
Then, some people started commenting on that with "only if it fits". The sentence "only if it fits" has already been getting on my nerves since it's such a popular "argument" there that a person wouldn't believe it. Anyway, I replied that a gay romance FITS if a hetero romance fits in a game (a rpg). And that I don't see the reason why would a hetero romance fit no matter what and a homo romance would have to pass the seal of "fitting" procedure first. If you think this logic is silly.. ah, whatever.

And yes, you could argue that my response to his insults with jokes and a few minor insults wasn't the "smartest" thing to do. But, hey, if I didn't start to joke and instead started to explain how I was wrongdoed because of... this and that, it would be labeled as whining, no matter what. Thus instead, I used this "free" territory to joke a bit with him.
No matter what I did- the outcome would probably be the same. You know what they say here in Croatia- when you play with little children you end up covered with shit, no matter what. :)

Guys, was nice to visit you again, but now off I go to enjoy the summer. See you in a few day, or even sooner, maybe.


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
Radisshu said:
"DA should be in the forgotten realms"

I've said that DA should be in the forgotten realms? Post a link to prove your colorful imagination... What have you eaten lately?

Yes, original as in nice, inventive, interesting and rich with original stories.

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