I watched a stream of this game today and it looks pretty fun. Can anyone tell me how's the exploration aspect cause that's the only part I wasn't able to evaluate - are there any optional areas/bosses, hidden artifacts and other stuff you can find by exploring?
Hmm, let's be honest- not great. The maps are basically big corridors and there's sparkly harvest points and chests tucked away off the beaten path, but it's not an explorefag game. I've searched around a lot and the reward is usually crafting ingredients, GP or healing items. There's 'mini-medals' around that clearly serve some higher purpose but not sure if that's something DQ veterans would know more about.
It's a horrible association I know, but the maps remind me of FFXIII. Narrow bit, open bit with sparkly stuff in little corners, narrow bit etc etc. Game is 10X better than FFXIII ofc. Combat is better, story is better, it's got so much more charm. It's like a JRPG distilled into its purest form. And then given silly UK regional accents, I love it.