Hobo Elf
Agree. For me the difficulty feels finely tuned and just right. Trash mobs aren't complete cake walks and during harder fights I actually have to think a few seconds more about what spell or ability I'm going to use and against who. I even have to take gambles with my healing spells and pray that the guy I didn't heal won't get attacked. I feel like the crafting system isn't tacked on since I need it to be competitive instead of just help me roll over enemies even faster and I need to build my characters as a party instead of as individual characters. The JP audience really got shafted hard here and I hope they do get the harder modes. The only thing I'm not super excited about in this harder mode is that most enemies act their turn first in random encounters. Yeah it makes it harder since I'm put on the defensive, but it also does slow down the combat pace which is already slowed down by being 3D. I wish there was an option to make attack animations maybe a bit faster and then this problem would go away.