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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"


fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
Jinn is shilling every crap that's being released.
If you're not 100% praising it, he acts butthurt.


Dec 6, 2021
Gonna be honest, the only thing this marketing campaign has manged to convince me of is that all the game has to offer has already been shown
Shit, me too I'm starting to feel uneasy. The vocations themselves are looking better each trailer with more actions and in this one they even shown how some of them combo. But is the lack of enemy variety what is starting to worry me. Most of the ones shown so far are returnees and even though some have been clearly improved like the goblins with new behaviors, base DD1 had also the issue of a small bestiary, and now the world is even bigger, so it could make the problem more noticeable. Of course things like bandits will be in, even if they are not shown and some monsters we know are in haven't me mentioned (Sphinx and Liches for example), so at least the trailer isn't supposed to show all monsters the game has.

The only reassurance we have is what Itsuno said about wanting to surprise the players and keep as much as possible secret before release in some interviews.
Same here, I'm more concerned than excited. First, the performance will probably be terrible. Then there's the gameplay, which doesn't seem much different from DD1, with reports of lots of fighting while traveling and it getting repetitive quickly. Additionally, the character creator hints at a "modern" narrative that disallows oversexualization of women, so none of them are portrayed as attractive, and there are no short characters due to potential controversies. Japanese fantasy used to be more akin to Berserk, with horrifying content intentionally included to slowly build unease like a good horror book, true dark fantasy. Dragon's Dogma drew inspiration from that manga, while I didn't expect the same level of content, I fear we'll get something completely neutered, much like Starfield.
Dragon's Dogma didn't have a narrative.


Apr 6, 2023
His HP is retarded and the one-shots were goofy.

I thought the final boss of BBI was easier.

It has a teleport, a sleep spell and only ONE attack that actually kills (it's Death after all, duh), and it is telegraphed and has a very slow animation. The only hard part is to prevent it from fleeing.

Whitout cheesing it, Daimon is not easier than Death.
Daimon is absolutely 100% easier than Death and I beat them both, and everything in the game, secret bosses included. Death is tough, but he's do-able.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
The problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?


Apr 6, 2023
I think the problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?
I don't remember, but I wanted to beat him for epic gamer points + completing a challenge sort of deal. If you are not that autistic, by all means skip away! I like beating all bosses in games.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?
Uh, yeah, he drops the best gear in the entire game. Not reliably, but considering how easy he is to kill safely and that he's farmable and accessible before other sources of high powered equipment, that's noteworthy.


Apr 6, 2023
Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?
Uh, yeah, he drops the best gear in the entire game. Not reliably, but considering how easy he is to kill safely and that he's farmable and accessible before other sources of high powered equipment, that's noteworthy.
Lol. I forgot! Also the Bone Lantern.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?
Uh, yeah, he drops the best gear in the entire game. Not reliably, but considering how easy he is to kill safely and that he's farmable and accessible before other sources of high powered equipment, that's noteworthy.
I did just fine without the best gear. Not gonna waste my life wacking a damage sponge forever for better gear that you don't even need.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
The problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?

You can cheese Death easly to drop from heights to its...death. ehehe

Sewer section where he spawns has a nice spot especially for that tactic. Many people, myself included, farmed him on that spot for max level.


Apr 6, 2023
The problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?

You can cheese Death easly to drop from heights to its...death. ehehe

Sewer section where he spawns has a nice spot especially for that tactic. Many people, myself included, farmed him on that spot for max level.
I remember I beat him in sewer section. I think I used some cheap tactic, I can't remember. Or he is just easier to get away from if you need to to heal or whatever. It's so blurry but I remember it was super satisfying and felt like an epic struggle. Also, those secret fights are great too.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
The problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?

You can cheese Death easly to drop from heights to its...death. ehehe

Sewer section where he spawns has a nice spot especially for that tactic. Many people, myself included, farmed him on that spot for max level.

There are a few ways to cheese it or beat it fairly easily legitimately. Anyway, if you're having trouble for some reason, like that you suck at games, just change to Magick Archer and have a look at what skills they might have that could be super OP in sewers and other enclosed spaces. Use that a lot. Laugh.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017


Jul 3, 2007
The problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?
You do know that Death runs away after after you take around 1 and a half life bars, give or take, or enough time passes, right? You cannot fight Death 'forever'. You either deal enough chip damage that it runs away, and after several encounters you eventually kill it, or you just straight up destroy it in one go.

And about the Daimon comparison, I kinda have a hard time imagining someone not being able to handle one very slow telegrahped attack, yet Daimons quick grabs, charges, jumps, attacks from across the room, comestions and seism spells are somehow easier to deal with. Death can be annoying and a minor nuissance, at most, for it has a tendency to spawn in rooms you haven't cleared yet and screws over the pawns because they're not programmed to avoid the scythe attack. If anything, Death encounter design can be accused of being boring.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
The problem with Death is that he's such a fucking damage sponge that you don't even want to deal with the asshole. That was the case for me. When I realized how long it would take to kill him I just said NOPE! Do you even get anything for killing him outside of some lame achievement for wasting your time?
If anything, Death encounter design can be accused of being boring.
BINGO! That was my whole point. He's a tremendous time sink and literally bores you too death. That is why Daimon is easier. It's a traditional boss that doesn't outlast it's welcome. Death is mentally and physically draining in the worst way. It is not the "good" difficult. It's the "how long can my ass clench this turd before he dies" difficult. The worst difficult.


Jun 7, 2019
What does this even mean? Will there be premade pawns made specifically to resemble those people or did they just get a chance to make their own pawns and have them be a part of the custom-made pawns for offline mode?


Oct 24, 2019
What does this even mean? Will there be premade pawns made specifically to resemble those people or did they just get a chance to make their own pawns and have them be a part of the custom-made pawns for offline mode?
Supposedly the second, but nothing is stopping them to create pawns that resemble them.

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