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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"


Jul 16, 2009
In real world longer arms means longer sword reach and easier time to avoid being killed.

Smaller characters have advantage that you can load them into catapult.

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May 8, 2020
So is there any reason not to raise your dude to the maximum height if he's going to be a two-handed warrior, other than for superluous cosmetic purposes? Ideally you'd want him to be as tall and swol as humanly possible correct?
As far as we know, not really. Tall characters are ideal for warriors both for the reach and the ability of carrying more weight, as Warriors' weapons were the heaviest in DD1 and probably still are in DD2. Shorter character I think work better for vocations that wants to avoid damage, doesn't really care too much about range in the first place and prefer to recover stamina fast instead of having a lot, none which applies to warrior except maybe the last one, which we cannot know till the game releases and we see how Warrior's actions consume stamina.

The only practical reason for not picking the maximum height I could see is that you want to have a smaller hitbox to so you get hit less, but seeing Warriors' kit that probably won't matter much.
I could be wrong though and even if it's true I don't know if that mechanic will be present in DD2 either.
It will be present, Itsuno mentioned it in some interview. Only thing that won't be in is smaller characters being able to access areas that bigger characters can't, but I think that only happened in just one location in the first game anyway.
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Dec 16, 2020
Exoprimal, the only other RE Engine title I can think of that somewhat matches the open world nature of Dragon's Dogma was... passable in terms of performance, I guess?


Jul 2, 2022
Exoprimal, the only other RE Engine title I can think of that somewhat matches the open world nature of Dragon's Dogma was... passable in terms of performance, I guess?
Monster Hunter Rise is on the RE engine and that game runs like butter. It's obviously way less demanding but I was hitting 100+ FPS on my midrange rig.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Also people's attempts to re-create BG3 characters in DD2 end up looking better than BG3 characters themselves.

Modern gamedevs don't create characters to be attractive. They're there to fit some kind of quota.

This is widely known in the industry but people don't want to discuss it openly because they'll get fired.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
And the character creator just killed my brother's GPU (RX480 8GB. He was waiting to replace it, has a CPU with an integral graphics, and I have my old identical card in a box he can borrow while he waits so this is more annoying than pissed off).

I stand by my comments that this is going to be a Cyberpunk 2077 level trashfire.


May 8, 2020
And the character creator just killed my brother's GPU (RX480 8GB. He was waiting to replace it, has a CPU with an integral graphics, and I have my old identical card in a box he can borrow while he waits so this is more annoying than pissed off).

I stand by my comments that this is going to be a Cyberpunk 2077 level trashfire.
This game seems like it will be more demanding than it has any right to be, but your brother's GPU was probably simply on its way out.


Nov 18, 2015
Gonna be honest, the only thing this marketing campaign has manged to convince me of is that all the game has to offer has already been shown. I'm feeling pretty demotivated if that is the case, especially the number of monsters in the game.

But I must have faith. Only 8 more days. I didn't wait almost 10 years for the videogame disappointment of my life.

Also the castle looked pretty cool, loved the towering view from outside.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I'm giving this a pass. Waiting for this game's Dark Arisen seems like the most sensible move to me. I'm also swamped with 2024 releases.


Oct 24, 2019
Gonna be honest, the only thing this marketing campaign has manged to convince me of is that all the game has to offer has already been shown
Shit, me too I'm starting to feel uneasy. The vocations themselves are looking better each trailer with more actions and in this one they even shown how some of them combo. But is the lack of enemy variety what is starting to worry me. Most of the ones shown so far are returnees and even though some have been clearly improved like the goblins with new behaviors, base DD1 had also the issue of a small bestiary, and now the world is even bigger, so it could make the problem more noticeable. Of course things like bandits will be in, even if they are not shown and some monsters we know are in haven't me mentioned (Sphinx and Liches for example), so at least the trailer isn't supposed to show all monsters the game has.

The only reassurance we have is what Itsuno said about wanting to surprise the players and keep as much as possible secret before release in some interviews.


Jun 15, 2009
Gonna be honest, the only thing this marketing campaign has manged to convince me of is that all the game has to offer has already been shown
Shit, me too I'm starting to feel uneasy. The vocations themselves are looking better each trailer with more actions and in this one they even shown how some of them combo. But is the lack of enemy variety what is starting to worry me. Most of the ones shown so far are returnees and even though some have been clearly improved like the goblins with new behaviors, base DD1 had also the issue of a small bestiary, and now the world is even bigger, so it could make the problem more noticeable. Of course things like bandits will be in, even if they are not shown and some monsters we know are in haven't me mentioned (Sphinx and Liches for example), so at least the trailer isn't supposed to show all monsters the game has.

The only reassurance we have is what Itsuno said about wanting to surprise the players and keep as much as possible secret before release in some interviews.
Same here, I'm more concerned than excited. First, the performance will probably be terrible. Then there's the gameplay, which doesn't seem much different from DD1, with reports of lots of fighting while traveling and it getting repetitive quickly. Additionally, the character creator hints at a "modern" narrative that disallows oversexualization of women, so none of them are portrayed as attractive, and there are no short characters due to potential controversies. Japanese fantasy used to be more akin to Berserk, with horrifying content intentionally included to slowly build unease like a good horror book, true dark fantasy. Dragon's Dogma drew inspiration from that manga, while I didn't expect the same level of content, I fear we'll get something completely neutered, much like Starfield.

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