It's just gender has almost no meaning in Drova. Which is a shame as I look upon the 'civilization' and think to myself "where are the children?" "where are the families?" "where is the division of work?", it feels like everybody you met showed up in Drova like you - out of place, out of time.
I mean, the lore is pretty much that majority of people there are in fact "out of place, out of time", just like you, right? Nemeton was founded barely few decades ago, and is already at the verge of collapse, Remnants just got established, there is no civilization surviving generations there. I imagine aside from the leaders, people die regularly and get replaced by the fresh recruits who landed in Drova just like you, that's why the guy at the beginning was there to welcome the newcomers, and he was surprised it's just you and not more people this time. It's not exactly a great environment to make families and children.
The only thing unrealistic enough to fuck with my immersion, was the fact that factions don't seem to be interested at all in convincing newcomers to join them, they act like they're doing you a favour, while in this setting new people should be the most important asset to them. They should fight over new recruits, but instead they don't give a shit who you join.