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Game News Dungeon Lords Demo


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Oh fucking hell I doubt it.
But then there is no accounting for some freaky shit that goes on in the computer gaming world.


Jan 8, 2005
I'm of round to a mates place whom I badger into Downloading it for me. I'll shortly get to see the bugs with mine own eyes :shock:

It better be worth it.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Saint_Proverbius said:
I seriously doubt this is the november demo.

Seems you could be right.
But it does not look like much has been done between then and now.

This from Garrett at the RPGDot forums:

compared to the preview version i played in january, i'm afraid not much has happened that falls into the eye of the player:
-still no automap
-still no music
-still limited sound effects
-game still needs balancing if i take the demo ofr preview version
-voices are added, but the voice of the messenger is ridiculous for example
-still no automap
-on two-screen systems the mouse moves out of the game into the 2nd desktop and if clikced here causes a task switch, which crashes teh game, same as in my preview version

what has been added:
-option screen
-title music
-new menus

of course, many things may have happened under the hood...still, i hope dreamcatcher gives heuristic park enough time to polish the game

This fucker needs more time. I seriously want to like it :cry:

Edit: go here for some developer hints on how to play it
http://dreamcatcherinteractive.com/foru ... hp?t=19947


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual In My Safe Space
Apr 28, 2004
Holy Jesus, what a crock of shit, "putting the 'role' back in role playing " how? By getting all excited over a gay ass future diablo one news blip up? Thats real role playing huh?

DW Bradley made Wiz 7, one of the greatest real rpgs of all time. Hueristic wasn't thrown a wad of money after the sales of wiz and warriors. And the fact is if it wasn't for bitchs like you guys drooling over fake rpgs with fancy graphics and super duper real time action combat, DW would have made a real rpg with parties and turn-base combat.

You fucking ball suckers throw your money at diablo clones and whine when kotor2 had a flawed plot and a ripped planet and not that Terri Schaivo could beat any battle in Kotor2 by banging her diaper on the mouse. But kotor 2 had polish and good talking.

Since troika, sirtek, and all the rest went under there is no NA designer in business that can make an actual rpg. If this game doesn't do well the last biggish name designer will be out also, then it will just be garage games for real rpgs, like spiderweb.

Who gives a fuck about a little poor graphics. The fact that the game is a RT twitch game already designated it was going to suck. They all do. What was Morrowind? Good rpg action combat? Get the fuck out of here you pansy ass bitches.

I'll buy a gay Rt action game from DWB just because he used to make real rpgs. You can support the gay fancy graphic, shit game play corporate machine, or you can support the little guy trying his best to make the best game with what he has since its you fucking cosk suckers fault that any gay ass RT twicth rpgs are made to begin with.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Yep, that it was, and D.W. Bradley had nothing to do with it. Perhaps his lack of involvement was one of the reasons why it wasn't crap.

I'll buy a gay Rt action game from DWB just because he used to make real rpgs. You can support the gay fancy graphic, shit game play corporate machine, or you can support the little guy trying his best to make the best game with what he has since its you fucking cosk suckers fault that any gay ass RT twicth rpgs are made to begin with.
David can keep his crappy Severence wannabe. You can always choose not to support any games that fucking suck, like Dungeon Lords, for example. I don't think it's fair to blame anyone but David, that David decided to make a "Combat RPG of 2004".


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Roqua said:
Holy Jesus, what a crock of shit, "putting the 'role' back in role playing " how? By getting all excited over a gay ass future diablo one news blip up? Thats real role playing huh?

So, let me get this straight, we're supposed to be excited over this third person action CRPG because D.W. Bradley was a designer on a few of the Wizardry games, but we're not supposed to be excited about Flagship's third person action CRPG because they didn't work on Wizardry something or other? What?

DW Bradley made Wiz 7, one of the greatest real rpgs of all time.

Debatable. It might have been one of the better first person, party based dungeon crawlers released that month, though.

Hueristic wasn't thrown a wad of money after the sales of wiz and warriors.

Might have something to do with the fact it sucked.

And the fact is if it wasn't for bitchs like you guys drooling over fake rpgs with fancy graphics and super duper real time action combat, DW would have made a real rpg with parties and turn-base combat.

Um, when have we not given a nod to turn based games? But, if you really want to blame us for actually liking Diablo 2 as well as turn based CRPGs, I guess it's all our fault that Dim Wit Bradley caved and made a fake rpg with fancy graphics and super duper real time action combat.

You fucking ball suckers throw your money at diablo clones and whine when kotor2 had a flawed plot and a ripped planet and not that Terri Schaivo could beat any battle in Kotor2 by banging her diaper on the mouse. But kotor 2 had polish and good talking.

Actually, I think the weak combat was the biggest complain on these forums about KotOR2. As for polish, KotOR2 was fine until that ending, which was hardly polished at all - good talking or not.

Since troika, sirtek, and all the rest went under there is no NA designer in business that can make an actual rpg. If this game doesn't do well the last biggish name designer will be out also, then it will just be garage games for real rpgs, like spiderweb.

Heuristic Park is a biggish name? Hahaahahahaha! Please tell me that's sarcasm. And yeah, it's kind of pathetic that you spew about how great Wizardry 7 is, and talk about how DW Bradley didn't make a lot of money off Wizards & Warriors, and then turn around and say Spiderweb's games are "garbage". Do you even try thinking while you type or is that a walking and chewing gum malfunction?

Who gives a fuck about a little poor graphics.

This sentence falls right after the dig about how a lot of people here like Spiderweb's games. IRONY!

The fact that the game is a RT twitch game already designated it was going to suck. They all do. What was Morrowind? Good rpg action combat? Get the fuck out of here you pansy ass bitches.

Wait. I thought you were saying we should buy this game because it's our last, best hope for peace or something.

I'll buy a gay Rt action game from DWB just because he used to make real rpgs. You can support the gay fancy graphic, shit game play corporate machine, or you can support the little guy trying his best to make the best game with what he has since its you fucking cosk suckers fault that any gay ass RT twicth[quot rpgs are made to begin with.

So, we're back to how we should buy this third person action combat real time CRPG but not one that hasn't been made by someone who worked on some game way back when? Then some drivel about how the corporate machine turns us all in to little Eichmanns or something? Is this supposed to make any kind of sense?


Jan 8, 2005
I've just been playing it and once I got over the buggy as sin nature (don't press escape in multi player) I quite enjoyed it, in the hope that they improve it i'll actuallly probalbly buy it, maybe.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Okay, just had a bash at multi-player with a mate, and it was kinda fun actually
(sorry to interrupt the beginnings of yet another pointless flame war. Normal transmission will resume after this message).

Rather than "following the road" we fucked off in the other direction and promptly got lost. We wandered around, found some houses, killed a bunch of creatures and generally just played around to see what our characters were capable of.

Eventually the darkness dissappeared and it became daylight.
And it all looked rather nice actually. And we could see almost to the "horizon". And we could see creatures in the distance instead of just stumbling into them.

The question I would like to ask the demo-makers is therefore this:
What the fuck made you decide to start the demo in the dark, where it all looked unimpressive and crap and you could see fuck all, when if you had started it in daylight people could have got a WAY better impression of the game.
Stupid fucks.

Anyway, we played right through to the end, and my impression of the game now is pretty damn different from my initial one.
Right, now I'm off to drink some Beam with said mate. He turned up with provisions...


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Shagnak said:
The question I would like to ask the demo-makers is therefore this:
What the fuck made you decide to start the demo in the dark, where it all looked unimpressive and crap and you could see fuck all, when if you had started it in daylight people could have got a WAY better impression of the game.
Stupid fucks.

A better question is why make it so you could only see fuck all at night in the first place?


Nov 8, 2004
Ok I haven't read the whole thread but so far it looks bleak, although you are all dubious when it comes to praising things anyhow. I will get the demo later and see whats what.


Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I missed that little drama:

Roqua said:
Holy Jesus, what a crock of shit, "putting the 'role' back in role playing " how? By getting all excited over a gay ass future diablo one news blip up? Thats real role playing huh?

DW Bradley made Wiz 7, one of the greatest real rpgs of all time. Hueristic wasn't thrown a wad of money after the sales of wiz and warriors. And the fact is if it wasn't for bitchs like you guys drooling over fake rpgs with fancy graphics and super duper real time action combat, DW would have made a real rpg with parties and turn-base combat.
That's too funny. You'd think that he/she is talking about some *other* game that actually has role-playing. So, yes, choosing between 2 ACTION rpgs, we pick the one that sounds more interesting, doesn't look like ass, and made by guys who are very good at making action rpgs and never pretended to be anything else.

Speaking of pretentious dumb fucks who make fantasy rpgs with spaceships, here are some quotes for you to improve your masturbating experience:

"Dungeon Lords, according to Mr. Bradley, is the culmination of where technology is at today, and it was how he had envisioned, all those years ago, how games such as Wizardry 7 should have been played. Of course back then that iteration of that classic series represented the peak of PC gaming technology, just as Dungeon Lords showcases where role-playing games are today. Truly fans of both D.W. Bradley's work, and of PC role-playing in general have a lot to look forward to when Dungeon Lords hits retail."

"During the past several decades my approach to creating leading edge RPG and my computer game design philosophy has evolved quite a bit, and Dungeon Lords is a quantum leap, the crowning achievement of a lifetime's worth of experience to create a new class of RPG that really takes you there."

"Dungeon Lords is a game totally devoid of the mindless and repetitious point-and-click or turn-based combat or fatiguing micromanagement that--to this day--continues to plague almost all other RPG games."

The last quote is my favourite. If someone needs a cool signature, look no further.

Who gives a fuck about a little poor graphics. The fact that the game is a RT twitch game already designated it was going to suck. They all do.
I'm confused here. Is Dungeon Lords turn-based?

What a load of crap.


Dec 11, 2004
I was curious about this game so I decided to give it a go. I really *really* tried to give it a chance, but at its current state is a pile a cow manure at best. I cannot even fathom how this title could be saved even with a radical redesign.
The way the stats and skill progression system worked is the only thing I liked about it.

Whoever is funding this should pull the plug right now and save him/her the embarrassment of releasing this.


Jan 8, 2005
freelance said:
Whoever is funding this should pull the plug right now and save him/her the embarrassment of releasing this.

Even though the demo was/is a buggy heap of shit I felt it still had merit so funding guy/girl keep funding.


Mar 15, 2004
Vault Dweller said:
"Dungeon Lords is a game totally devoid of the mindless and repetitious point-and-click or turn-based combat or fatiguing micromanagement that--to this day--continues to plague almost all other RPG games."

HAHAHA.. yeah....

i cant believe he said that.


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual In My Safe Space
Apr 28, 2004
Saint_Proverbius said:
Roqua said:
Holy Jesus, what a crock of shit, "putting the 'role' back in role playing " how? By getting all excited over a gay ass future diablo one news blip up? Thats real role playing huh?

So, let me get this straight, we're supposed to be excited over this third person action CRPG because D.W. Bradley was a designer on a few of the Wizardry games, but we're not supposed to be excited about Flagship's third person action CRPG because they didn't work on Wizardry something or other? What?

DW Bradley made Wiz 7, one of the greatest real rpgs of all time.

Debatable. It might have been one of the better first person, party based dungeon crawlers released that month, though.

Hueristic wasn't thrown a wad of money after the sales of wiz and warriors.

Might have something to do with the fact it sucked.

And the fact is if it wasn't for bitchs like you guys drooling over fake rpgs with fancy graphics and super duper real time action combat, DW would have made a real rpg with parties and turn-base combat.

Um, when have we not given a nod to turn based games? But, if you really want to blame us for actually liking Diablo 2 as well as turn based CRPGs, I guess it's all our fault that Dim Wit Bradley caved and made a fake rpg with fancy graphics and super duper real time action combat.

You fucking ball suckers throw your money at diablo clones and whine when kotor2 had a flawed plot and a ripped planet and not that Terri Schaivo could beat any battle in Kotor2 by banging her diaper on the mouse. But kotor 2 had polish and good talking.

Actually, I think the weak combat was the biggest complain on these forums about KotOR2. As for polish, KotOR2 was fine until that ending, which was hardly polished at all - good talking or not.

Since troika, sirtek, and all the rest went under there is no NA designer in business that can make an actual rpg. If this game doesn't do well the last biggish name designer will be out also, then it will just be garage games for real rpgs, like spiderweb.

Heuristic Park is a biggish name? Hahaahahahaha! Please tell me that's sarcasm. And yeah, it's kind of pathetic that you spew about how great Wizardry 7 is, and talk about how DW Bradley didn't make a lot of money off Wizards & Warriors, and then turn around and say Spiderweb's games are "garbage". Do you even try thinking while you type or is that a walking and chewing gum malfunction?

Who gives a fuck about a little poor graphics.

This sentence falls right after the dig about how a lot of people here like Spiderweb's games. IRONY!

The fact that the game is a RT twitch game already designated it was going to suck. They all do. What was Morrowind? Good rpg action combat? Get the fuck out of here you pansy ass bitches.

Wait. I thought you were saying we should buy this game because it's our last, best hope for peace or something.

I'll buy a gay Rt action game from DWB just because he used to make real rpgs. You can support the gay fancy graphic, shit game play corporate machine, or you can support the little guy trying his best to make the best game with what he has since its you fucking cosk suckers fault that any gay ass RT twicth[quot rpgs are made to begin with.

So, we're back to how we should buy this third person action combat real time CRPG but not one that hasn't been made by someone who worked on some game way back when? Then some drivel about how the corporate machine turns us all in to little Eichmanns or something? Is this supposed to make any kind of sense?

I said spiderweb is garage games, not garbage. I love spiderweb's games.

I am saying be consistent, don't get your panties in a bunch for flagship's game and knock bloodlines and this demo for being buggy. This site pointed me to one of the bugiest games I've evr played--Prelude to Darkness. When I played it was one big bug (that got better through patches). Prleude was also one of the best games I've played also, when compaired to fake games like NWN and shit like that. I love and still play it.

Look at what all the whinny ass bitches are whinning about--graphics, resolution,sounds, controls, and for Christ'ss ake, being attacked by rats and bats early on.

And what the fuck are you talking about "Debatable. It might have been one of the better first person, party based dungeon crawlers released that month, though."

Are you fucking retarded? What came out around the same time? Nothing. Wiz 7 is the first game with factions, skills open by factions (like marksmanship from Umpani's) an automap tied to a skill, 4 bazzillion hours of game play, and a shit load of other features that put it years ahead of its competition.

Since it was a while ago I can't remember what exactly came out when, but what was there? the gold box series, which were good games, but were linear and are shit compared to Wiz 7. Buck Rogers is one of my favorites, but was linear, but at least had ship combat and a great story line and skills. Bard's Tale is comparable to Wiz 6, but is shit compared to wiz 7. Darkside and Clouds of Xeen, and all the M&M games can't compare to Wizardy.

Games that were after were EoB2 and 3, linear, but good, nothing compared to wiz 7. Ravenloft, Lands of Lore, Realms of Arkania trilogy ( my personal favorite crpgs), Betrayal at Krondor. All of them linear, krondor didn't even have character creation, Lands of Lore was simple like the M&M series.

For other games there were Darksun, which wasn't 1st person\, but was great (which your argument was about), Ultima 7, which had the worse combat than NWN if thats possible, and more talking than PST, and proved Richard Garriot is a pedaphile by having a wip wielding boy-child join your party in the first town. Underworlds weren't party. Darklands wasn't 1st person. Quest for glory 2-4 weren't party.

So what other games can it compare to released that month? Year? Years? Nothing. Wiz 7 was a masterpiece of its time. Wiz 8 is a watered-down Wiz for retards compared to 7. Worse than Dues Ex 1 compared to 2.

What happened to the rpg community is the same thing that happned to men. Men used to by sort of manish, now they shave their chests, wear tight clothes, and drink fruity bitch drinks and still somehow think they are heterosexual. No your not. Whats the difference between sipping on flavoured coffee, a fruity girl drink like a cosmopolitan, and inserting a penis into your mouth? nothing. gay is gay is gay is queer. Being gay is fine, just don't fake your straight. Thats what rpgs are now and how the rpg community is. A bunch of fags, with freshly shaved and lotioned asses, wearing tight revealing shirts and pants, sipping on sex on the beaches, and claiming they like pussy, and faking that they're not wishing a ballsack was slapping against their chin. If your going to be gay, be gay, come out of the closest and be proud. Don't make your girlfriend do you with a strap on.

And you say wiz and warriors wasn't a good game. Name a better game, besides ToEE that has been released since FO2 that had a publisher? There hasn't been a better game, and saying wiz and warriors was bad is retarded. It didn't sell well because people don't like rpgs, they like fancy graphics, and super sounds, and fast and fancy action combat.

The fact is, everyone whinned about stupid, nonsense shit in the demo, and cried like little bitches over a couple bugs in bloodlines, while non-rpgs got rpg credit and rave reviews and sold better than backstreet boys albums.

Dungeon Lords will be released, and be torn up for forgivable flaws, and everyone will whine and cry and it won't sell. But if spiderweb came out with it, it would be judged differently. Again, since you can't fucking read, I love spiderweb.

You guys can get an errection for flagship's game, NWN 2, Dungeon Siege 2, and gay shit like that, or you can at least be fair to Dungeon Lords, as fair as you were to Prelude.

No, I don't think either DL or VtMBloodlines are rpgs, I think they are action games with rpg elements. Prelude, avernum, genforge, ToEE, wiz and warriors, etc are rpgs. Even gay RT games like BG and NWN are rpgs, but as soon as my personal reflexes, button pushing abilities, and timing have an impact on combat the game isn't an actual RPG. Thats why Al-Quadin or whatever the hell it was called was marketed as an action game when the world was sane. But I can either support a real rpg game developer who is making an action game due to the market demanding action games, or I can support stupid shit like DS2 or Flagships game because their graphics and sound and resolution was all fancy smancy. Everyone whines about shit like Dues Ex 2, but its all youtr whinning and bitching and buying shit like that that makes them be made. No one wants a challenge anymore, or a thinking game, they just want something shinny and pretty and easy, and thats not what its about.

fucking queers.


Sep 24, 2003
Roqua said:

This guy makes some good points, I particulary like:

What happened to the rpg community is the same thing that happned to men. Men used to by sort of manish, now they shave their chests, wear tight clothes, and drink fruity bitch drinks and still somehow think they are heterosexual. No your not. Whats the difference between sipping on flavoured coffee, a fruity girl drink like a cosmopolitan, and inserting a penis into your mouth? nothing. gay is gay is gay is queer. Being gay is fine, just don't fake your straight. Thats what rpgs are now and how the rpg community is. A bunch of fags, with freshly shaved and lotioned asses, wearing tight revealing shirts and pants, sipping on sex on the beaches, and claiming they like pussy, and faking that they're not wishing a ballsack was slapping against their chin. If your going to be gay, be gay, come out of the closest and be proud. Don't make your girlfriend do you with a strap on.

This screams to me of the "fucking queer" support around here of the KotOR games and free pass being given to Dragon Age and NWN2 despite the fact the writing is already on the wall.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
@Roqua: Hey...um....dude...could you, like, quote more carefully?

That there is a quoting anethema. :lol:

For the record, I reckon we're being too harsh on DL. If I hated this game as much as some of you are (apparently) based on first impressions, well there is a whole heap of games that I would not have even bothered touching. Prince of Qin, for example. I'm glad I perservered with that, and I'm glad I perservered with this.

But anyway, this is the codex. So keep on harshing on. <--cool, I just invented some crap


Jan 8, 2005
Shagnak said:
@Roqua: Hey...um....dude...could you, like, quote more carefully?

That there is a quoting anethema. :lol:

For the record, I reckon we're being too harsh on DL. If I hated this game as much as some of you are (apparently) based on first impressions, well there is a whole heap of games that I would not have even bothered touching. Prince of Qin, for example. I'm glad I perservered with that, and I'm glad I perservered with this.

But anyway, this is the codex. So keep on harshing on. <--cool, I just invented some crap

Piss off fanboy :wink:


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Roqua said:
And what the fuck are you talking about "Debatable. It might have been one of the better first person, party based dungeon crawlers released that month, though."

Are you fucking retarded? What came out around the same time? Nothing. Wiz 7 is the first game with factions, skills open by factions (like marksmanship from Umpani's) an automap tied to a skill, 4 bazzillion hours of game play, and a shit load of other features that put it years ahead of its competition.
Oh well, I agree with you on this. Wizardry 7 was very special for its day. I'm surprised this is debatable too. Perhaps it was the "of all time" that grated?

Wiz 8 is a watered-down Wiz for retards compared to 7. Worse than Dues Ex 1 compared to 2.
BUT I can't agree with this. Wizardry 8 is a VERY good rpg. Actually 'tis my favourite, but don't tell anyone here, I might get lynched :cool:
Wiz8 felt like "Wiz7-style done right for the modern age", surpassing the later M&M's and W&W for me.

And you say wiz and warriors wasn't a good game. Name a better game, besides ToEE that has been released since FO2 that had a publisher?
I liked W&W, but surely better things have been rleleased since? Well, for me that better thing is Wizardry 8. Its sad that Bradley was not at the helm (purely for nostalgic reasons), but I thought Wiz8 was an improvement on the W&W.

It didn't sell well because people don't like rpgs, they like fancy graphics, and super sounds, and fast and fancy action combat.
I kinda agree with this...kinda - the complaints I heard were mainly on visual design. Most people I know that did not like W&W said it was because it was "ugly". Rather shallow excuse for rpg-lovers I thought. Oh, and because it was "buggy". True, but I found none that killed the game for me.

Dungeon Lords will be released, and be torn up for forgivable flaws, and everyone will whine and cry and it won't sell.
Yep. You are right. And I am going to buy it and be one of the few (VERY few by the sounds of it) masochists here that will.
And I don't give a fuck what anyone else here thinks.

You do realise hissy fits on this forum get you nowhere, right? :wink:
But, anyways, its nice to see a bit of passion I guess. And you did not say r00fles anywhere, which is also nice.

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