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Game News Dungeon Lords Demo


Jan 8, 2005
Shagnak said:
Deathboy said:
Piss off fanboy :wink:

Suck my hoary great red man-thing

The curious thing is 'cause I don't speak good English I have to look things up in the dictionary and hoary means white or grey so you want me to.....
Suck your white/grey great red man-thing :?:

ure iti :D


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
What happened to the rpg community is the same thing that happned to men. Men used to by sort of manish, now they shave their chests, wear tight clothes, and drink fruity bitch drinks and still somehow think they are heterosexual. No your not. Whats the difference between sipping on flavoured coffee, a fruity girl drink like a cosmopolitan, and inserting a penis into your mouth? nothing. gay is gay is gay is queer. Being gay is fine, just don't fake your straight. Thats what rpgs are now and how the rpg community is. A bunch of fags, with freshly shaved and lotioned asses, wearing tight revealing shirts and pants, sipping on sex on the beaches, and claiming they like pussy, and faking that they're not wishing a ballsack was slapping against their chin. If your going to be gay, be gay, come out of the closest and be proud. Don't make your girlfriend do you with a strap on.
I'm with Sherriff on this....this is a particularly virile piece of castigation. I'm not certain it fits with the thread perfectly (or his point), but it shows great codex-style-pointless-arguing potential.
You're gonna fit right in son. :wink:

Edit: just checked your "join date". Apologies for the condescension :wink:


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual In My Safe Space
Apr 28, 2004
It's no problem. I am basically new everytime I post since i go months without posting. The last time I had a posting spree was when I saw a post saying Diablo was the best rpg ever, which rubbed the sand in my pussy the wrong way. Please, condesend away. My wife doesn't even like me, why the fuck would I care if you guys did.

I think that analogy fits perfect. No one really wants an rpg, they want mindless gameplay and eye-candy, but they fake they want rpgs.

I don't think DL is going to be a game that I like, but if I have to pick between giving my money to bioware, gaspowered, or hueristic for a shitty game I'm going to give my money to Hueristic. I bought the top news story game, called like mounts and sswords or some shit. I fucking hate twitch games, I hate them. But the only ones that are going to make anything resembeling a game I like is the small indies so I support them even when I don't like them. But they still come out with some almost good games, like UFO, if it was TB it would have been 5 million times better. UFO was X-Com injected with gay. But they almost did it.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Roqua said:
I am saying be consistent,

Um, you're the guy who's saying how much action real time super combat role playing lite games suck, while at the same time saying we should all flock to Dungeon Lords like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

don't get your panties in a bunch for flagship's game and knock bloodlines and this demo for being buggy.

I think I expressed disinterest in Hellgate London already. I'd much rather it be similar to Diablo 2 than a third/first person action game.

As for bugs, I didn't think Bloodlines was that bad. The SoL bug was the only one that really nailed me BUT the design of a lot of the areas in Bloodlines were total crap, like all the bullshit respawning critters, the wrong-turn-instant-death-fire stuff in the Malkavian Mansion, and so forth.

That said, the Dungeon Lords demo is pretty crappy. The combat is pitiful, and considering the game is all about combat.. Like I mentioned once in this thread, it's like they took the combat from Bloodlines and fucked it up.

This site pointed me to one of the bugiest games I've evr played--Prelude to Darkness. When I played it was one big bug (that got better through patches). Prleude was also one of the best games I've played also, when compaired to fake games like NWN and shit like that. I love and still play it.

Prelude to Darkness is a good game despite the bugs. Dungeon Lords, if the demo is any indication and given how close it is to shipping, is a crap game that's also got bugs.

Look at what all the whinny ass bitches are whinning about--graphics, resolution,sounds, controls, and for Christ'ss ake, being attacked by rats and bats early on.

Being attacked early on isn't the issue, but being attacked every ten second IS. That's the case with this demo.

And what the fuck are you talking about "Debatable. It might have been one of the better first person, party based dungeon crawlers released that month, though."

Are you fucking retarded? What came out around the same time? Nothing.

Yeah, the punchline isn't nearly as funny when someone has to explain it to you. That was my point. It was the better one because nothing came out around that time that was like it.

And you say wiz and warriors wasn't a good game. Name a better game, besides ToEE that has been released since FO2 that had a publisher? There hasn't been a better game, and saying wiz and warriors was bad is retarded. It didn't sell well because people don't like rpgs, they like fancy graphics, and super sounds, and fast and fancy action combat.

Off the top of my head, Arcanum. How about Jagged Alliance 2? Silent Storm?

And no, people didn't like it because it was crappy. I wanted to like it and I tried to give it a chance, but after an afternoon with it, there wasn't enough decent there to make me want to do anything other than uninstall it.

Honestly, just about every game released between 1998 and now was pretty much better than Wizards & Warriors. It's graphics were pretty sharp for it's day, so you can't honestly say that people were turned off by that. They were turned off because it fucking sucked.

If it hadn't been heapsful of suck, they would have been too immersed in the game to have thought, "Hey, maybe the texture on that rat thing could have been a little more polished." or "Maybe the interface could have been a little less faux woody.", because the graphics weren't bad at all.

Dungeon Lords will be released, and be torn up for forgivable flaws, and everyone will whine and cry and it won't sell. But if spiderweb came out with it, it would be judged differently. Again, since you can't fucking read, I love spiderweb.

It's going to be torn up because it sucks. Unless they pull off a miracle in the next two weeks, this game is going to flop harder than a 300 pound fat lady at a diving competition.

You guys can get an errection for flagship's game, NWN 2, Dungeon Siege 2, and gay shit like that, or you can at least be fair to Dungeon Lords, as fair as you were to Prelude.

Why? Prelude was a good game. For someone who claims they hate real time action CRPGs, you seem to be the one with the misplaced boner here.

But I can either support a real rpg game developer who is making an action game due to the market demanding action games,

Did you miss Vault Dweller's post where Dim Wit Bradley said that Dungeon Lords is how Wizardry 7 should have been done?

or I can support stupid shit like DS2 or Flagships game because their graphics and sound and resolution was all fancy smancy.

And.. You're a douche.

Everyone whines about shit like Dues Ex 2, but its all youtr whinning and bitching and buying shit like that that makes them be made.

Wait.. Let me go look in my games closet... Nope! No Deus Ex 2 there. Hell, no Deus Ex either.

No one wants a challenge anymore, or a thinking game, they just want something shinny and pretty and easy, and thats not what its about.

And you're buying Dungeon Lords again because?

fucking queers

Useless hypocritical douche.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
For the record, I don't give a shit about Heuristic or D.W. Bradley or Dungeon Lords, so Roqua, you can go fuck yourself. I'd sooner jump off a cliff than buy the game just because D.W. Bradley supposedly developed 'good RPGs' back in the mid-90s. I've always supported Diablo and its developers and there's no reason for me to change now just because some fucking idiot insists that Diablo and Diablo 2 weren't fun because they weren't "real rpgs". :roll:

You remind me of morons who don't like to listen to anything outside a very specific genre of music because anything that doesn't fit into their narrow criteria isn't "real music", according to them.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Saint_Proverbius said:
Honestly, just about every game released between 1998 and now was pretty much better than Wizards & Warriors.
Err...I think that is one of the biggest exaggerations I have witnessed in RPG history. Okay, not really. But it is a bit strong.
But even if I take my rose-tinted glasses off, there has to be oodles of rpgs (or faux-rpgs) that are not as good as W&W. Dungeon Siege, Soulbringer, The Fall, Knight Shift...etc etc. Im not saying its in the upper echelon, but I don't see why its in the list of Thou Shalt Not Touch. It was trad old-skool party fp rpg, and done better than M&M6-8..
It's graphics were pretty sharp for it's day, so you can't honestly say that people were turned off by that. They were turned off because it fucking sucked.
Its funny you should say that, because most people I talked to that don't like it "cos its ugly". Actually, there is a post around here from you saying that pretty much verbatim. But who cares, it was prolly just off-the-cuff and the easiest and quickest thing to say for that thread (which was about grafix? quintessential rpgs?...can't recall exactly).

Ah fuck. Who cares.
I need coffee.

Edit: had a think and you could have been talking, like, "in general". :wink:


Oct 19, 2003
The state of insanity.
I haven't even had a chance to play W&W. :cry: Despite what everyone says, I would like to give it a chance.

Anyways, I went ahead and tried out the DL demo and.... well....... ummmm..... :shock:

Yeah. Bedtime. Night.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Otaku_Hanzo said:
Anyways, I went ahead and tried out the DL demo and.... well....... ummmm..... :shock:
Yeah, that was my first impression. But it slowly changed, esp. when I did the multiplayer co-op thing.
But who's gonna believe me, I got a level 5 reputation to live with :lol:

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Shagnak said:
Otaku_Hanzo said:
Anyways, I went ahead and tried out the DL demo and.... well....... ummmm..... :shock:
Yeah, that was my first impression. But it slowly changed, esp. when I did the multiplayer co-op thing.
But who's gonna believe me, I got a level 5 reputation to live with :lol:

Multiplayer co-op? Bah. I'll just be playing Guild Wars, which kicks the shit out of this piece of crap.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Exitium said:
Multiplayer co-op? Bah. I'll just be playing Guild Wars, which kicks the shit out of this piece of crap.
Possibly. We'll know for real, very soon, no doubt.
I prefer the intimacy of LAN though, over the online thingy.
But until I can get my grubby mits on a GW demo I'll stick with my piece of crap that Im gonna buy for now.


Aug 13, 2003
I'm not a big fan of it, but yeah, Guild Wars >>>>> Dungeon Lords.


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual In My Safe Space
Apr 28, 2004
Saint_Proverbius said:
Roqua said:
I am saying be consistent,

Um, you're the guy who's saying how much action real time super combat role playing lite games suck, while at the same time saying we should all flock to Dungeon Lords like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

don't get your panties in a bunch for flagship's game and knock bloodlines and this demo for being buggy.

I think I expressed disinterest in Hellgate London already. I'd much rather it be similar to Diablo 2 than a third/first person action game.

As for bugs, I didn't think Bloodlines was that bad. The SoL bug was the only one that really nailed me BUT the design of a lot of the areas in Bloodlines were total crap, like all the bullshit respawning critters, the wrong-turn-instant-death-fire stuff in the Malkavian Mansion, and so forth.

That said, the Dungeon Lords demo is pretty crappy. The combat is pitiful, and considering the game is all about combat.. Like I mentioned once in this thread, it's like they took the combat from Bloodlines and fucked it up.

This site pointed me to one of the bugiest games I've evr played--Prelude to Darkness. When I played it was one big bug (that got better through patches). Prleude was also one of the best games I've played also, when compaired to fake games like NWN and shit like that. I love and still play it.

Prelude to Darkness is a good game despite the bugs. Dungeon Lords, if the demo is any indication and given how close it is to shipping, is a crap game that's also got bugs.

Look at what all the whinny ass bitches are whinning about--graphics, resolution,sounds, controls, and for Christ'ss ake, being attacked by rats and bats early on.

Being attacked early on isn't the issue, but being attacked every ten second IS. That's the case with this demo.

And what the fuck are you talking about "Debatable. It might have been one of the better first person, party based dungeon crawlers released that month, though."

Are you fucking retarded? What came out around the same time? Nothing.

Yeah, the punchline isn't nearly as funny when someone has to explain it to you. That was my point. It was the better one because nothing came out around that time that was like it.

And you say wiz and warriors wasn't a good game. Name a better game, besides ToEE that has been released since FO2 that had a publisher? There hasn't been a better game, and saying wiz and warriors was bad is retarded. It didn't sell well because people don't like rpgs, they like fancy graphics, and super sounds, and fast and fancy action combat.

Off the top of my head, Arcanum. How about Jagged Alliance 2? Silent Storm?

And no, people didn't like it because it was crappy. I wanted to like it and I tried to give it a chance, but after an afternoon with it, there wasn't enough decent there to make me want to do anything other than uninstall it.

Honestly, just about every game released between 1998 and now was pretty much better than Wizards & Warriors. It's graphics were pretty sharp for it's day, so you can't honestly say that people were turned off by that. They were turned off because it fucking sucked.

If it hadn't been heapsful of suck, they would have been too immersed in the game to have thought, "Hey, maybe the texture on that rat thing could have been a little more polished." or "Maybe the interface could have been a little less faux woody.", because the graphics weren't bad at all.

Dungeon Lords will be released, and be torn up for forgivable flaws, and everyone will whine and cry and it won't sell. But if spiderweb came out with it, it would be judged differently. Again, since you can't fucking read, I love spiderweb.

It's going to be torn up because it sucks. Unless they pull off a miracle in the next two weeks, this game is going to flop harder than a 300 pound fat lady at a diving competition.

You guys can get an errection for flagship's game, NWN 2, Dungeon Siege 2, and gay shit like that, or you can at least be fair to Dungeon Lords, as fair as you were to Prelude.

Why? Prelude was a good game. For someone who claims they hate real time action CRPGs, you seem to be the one with the misplaced boner here.

But I can either support a real rpg game developer who is making an action game due to the market demanding action games,

Did you miss Vault Dweller's post where Dim Wit Bradley said that Dungeon Lords is how Wizardry 7 should have been done?

or I can support stupid shit like DS2 or Flagships game because their graphics and sound and resolution was all fancy smancy.

And.. You're a douche.

Everyone whines about shit like Dues Ex 2, but its all youtr whinning and bitching and buying shit like that that makes them be made.

Wait.. Let me go look in my games closet... Nope! No Deus Ex 2 there. Hell, no Deus Ex either.

No one wants a challenge anymore, or a thinking game, they just want something shinny and pretty and easy, and thats not what its about.

And you're buying Dungeon Lords again because?

fucking queers

Useless hypocritical douche.

SS and JA2 aren't rpgs. But are good stratagy games. Arcanum had a good story, but thats it. The combat in arcanum was worse than twitch games. The item system was crap also. But it was a good game though. I'd tie it with Wiz and warriors.

Retard, Wiz 7 had competition, just not much in the way of 1st person party comp. It had a lot of rpg competition.

But you guys win. I really can't get in a debate about rpgs with people that think Diablo 2 is an rpg...or a good game.


Jan 8, 2005
Roqua said:
But you guys win. I really can't get in a debate about rpgs with people that think Diablo 2 is an rpg...or a good game.

Fuck off and take Shagnak with ya :wink:


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Roqua said:
SS and JA2 aren't rpgs.

But Avernum is? Avernum is pretty much a straight up Dungeon Crawler, just like JA2 and SS are.

But you guys win. I really can't get in a debate about rpgs with people that think Diablo 2 is an rpg...or a good game.

When your position is that people shouldn't buy combat real time action CRPGs but people should be Dungeon Lords, you can't really debate anything.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Otaku_Hanzo said:
I haven't even had a chance to play W&W. :cry: Despite what everyone says, I would like to give it a chance.
I gave it a chance 2 months ago. It was fun for 3 days. It's a pity that dialogue is almost nonexistent. The combat system handles beginnings of the fights in a strange way. Suppose there are 2 rogues running towards you, but one of them is 10m behind the other. You enter the turn-based mode, so everyone should stop, right? Nope. The first rogue stops, but the other still advances towards you. The faster you do your turns, the longer you'll be fighting only one rogue. Weird.
The game had some quite nice dungeon puzzles and hidden rooms. But eventually, it got boring for me.
It had respawning enemies, and as far as I remember almost every game that I played that had that feature sucked.
It also has a nasty bug that at first prevented me from exiting the town the "easy" route and entering some buildings. I had to go in the opposite direction and, of course, got smashed by the enemies.

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