Some quick thoughts:
-Don't know how to repair yet, may not be possible to repair on the fly
Everyone has corona and if you stay in the dark long you will turn into a zomboid this is why everyone sleeps with uv lamps turned on and zomboids stay in the dark during the day. Yes a timer starts but you have ways of getting additional time there are boosters that will premamently increase your time in the dark all over world so I guess they wanted people to explore more to find them.What is up with this? What is the lore explanation behind it? And what happens if you don't make it? Does a timer turn on as soon as it turn dark?
It's more retarded than Justicar tried to make it sound. Yes, you can get a "booster shot" to increase your time allotment, but at the start of the game you only get 5 minutes to explore outside of the "safe" UV zone during the night time. This means you have to constantly keep an eye on the clock and make sure you don't wander too far because you die if the timer goes to zero. This absolutely RUINS the gameplay in my opinion. It's a completely arbitrary and unnecessary extra step that only serves to stifle exploration. Oh joy! We get to leave the safe zone, spend a minute getting to wherever it is we want to check out, spend 3 minutes actually doing something and then we have to drop everything and spend the last minute rushing back to the safe zone to reset the timer so that we can go out and do it all over again. Yes, you can find items to add to the timer, but literally any timer is fucking retarded and ruins the gameplay flow.The nighttime arbitrarily forced exploration timer is SUPERMEGAFUCKINGGAYshit.
What is up with this? What is the lore explanation behind it? And what happens if you don't make it? Does a timer turn on as soon as it turn dark?
The timer would have made more sense if the game made use of deeper, self contained dungeon areas where the time you have left on the clock was weighted against going down another level for extra loot.
But the exploration is fairly shallow, in the sense that you're never really far from a rooftop and therefore a UV light reset, so the counter generates more annoyance than tension, up until it stops being a factor at all.
You are right Techland can actually code ai that will chase you through the city .
So the core gameplay is as good or even better than the first game ?
I've been playing for around 5 hours and I'm having way more fun than I did in the first gameSo the core gameplay is as good or even better than the first game ?
Oh yeah there are big problems with coop ATM, I think people are getting disconnected a lotSounds good. I don't care for the story anyways. If anyone is playing it in co-op, are there technical problems or does it run as smooth as the first part ?
Why this shit is in crpg forum?
Depends how you qualify 'interesting' but I think there are a good variety of enemy typesAre there more interesting enemy types in this? DL had you fight slow zombie and fast zombie for 90% of the game with the occasional special zombie and the night fuckers and it all got boring rather quickly.
Depends how you qualify 'interesting' but I think there are a good variety of enemy typesAre there more interesting enemy types in this? DL had you fight slow zombie and fast zombie for 90% of the game with the occasional special zombie and the night fuckers and it all got boring rather quickly.
Ehhh kinda? most of them require the same strategy, bumrush them before they can do anything. they are annoying in different ways though. the howler needs to be bumrushed because it summons a horde, they are meant to get a howl off no matter what if you kill them but so far that hasn't always happened. bolters are just very fast and like to jump on you, again just bumrush them.Depends how you qualify 'interesting' but I think there are a good variety of enemy typesAre there more interesting enemy types in this? DL had you fight slow zombie and fast zombie for 90% of the game with the occasional special zombie and the night fuckers and it all got boring rather quickly.
Do they make you approach them differently? Do they offer challenge? Are there more than 6 of them in the the game (like the spitter zombie in DL1).
Again are you fighting fast and slow zombies for more or less than 90% of the game? (I guess this one might have more human enemies but they weren't all that different from fast zombies in DL1 with the exception of the dudes with guns but those were just an excuse to pull out your own gun in turn).
why did you draw a penisWhy this shit is in crpg forum?![]()
why did you draw a penisWhy this shit is in crpg forum?![]()
bro that's a peniswhy did you draw a penisWhy this shit is in crpg forum?![]()
What...? It is a finger pointing at the genre they put on the store page.