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it's cool how they were totally showing off raytracing in the 2018 E3 demo when the DX12 raytracing API didn't even exist yet
Quite possible, one faction is completely insufferable,unlikable, the other is ok but full of inconsistencies, like the friendly peacekeeper commander guy just casually burned an old woman eyes just like that...Also had to use dev console to solve a game breaking bug .Tbh i dont get why people were so outraged by cp 2077 but this one get a free pass. It's ok fun, but stuff seen an hundred of time , nothing new, not especially impressive graphically either.The writers are also as usual the weakest link in the chain with the script being atrocious.
Makes me really wonder if they were so desperate to get rid of Avellone's stuff, that they had an intern re-write everything.
Tbh i dont get why people were so outraged by cp 2077 but this one get a free pass.
Yes because having Avellone on the team improved the writing in pathfinder wrath of the tranny right?I love when the writers think they're clever by lying to the audience - reasonable people are actually totalitarian sociopaths, and sociopaths turn out to be the good guys (despite being more brain dead than the zombies). You couldn't predict that due to the writers complete inability to convey nuance? Well, that's choice and consequence the hardcore way, bitch!
People laugh at 2077's teleporting police, but Techland wiped their mouths with Avellone's name for years, and this is what they deliver?
Shit's took a hit yo lol, RTX more like RTS
man, this game got hit hard by the downgrade stick
Since it sold well enough to warrant a sequel and you told me it was looking decent I gave DL1 a go. It is a very good looking game, that comparison video that made the point that the sequel lacked punch was right. The first couple of hours were great, zombies were hard to take down and it is a struggle when they start swarming you. Night time is a proper horror show and getting chased is very intense.
After getting to a high enough level though I lost all interest and uninstalled it. It's much better than Dead Island but the gameplay and story suffers from the same plagues that have been with the genre since the 8th gen started. For whatever reason the digital artists are incredibly talented when it comes to game development but nobody else can keep up with them. The gameplay, since it has to be carried for hundreds of hours, puts you on this MMO treadmill that I don't care for one bit. With color coded itemization, scaling enemies, collect-a-ton busywork. All the work that was put into the visuals were wasted since at the end of the day you're playing a first person Ubisoft-Diablo game with parkour. The writers are also as usual the weakest link in the chain with the script being atrocious. The shallow gameplay works in tandem with the plot to make you want to tear your hair out. Because they have these fancy animations and voice acting to give you a mission to collect five zombie asses or crayons, it's not a text box you can easily ignore like in MMOs.
After the scaling put those special zombies all over the place it just wasn't worth playing anymore. If the game was an old-school FPS they could have tuned it and made it something special. All video game writers need to be buried alive in a giant landfill somewhere while the game designers should have needles inserted under their nails until they are cured of the Diablo and Ubisoft influences. The coding and art departments can't carry the rest no matter how talented they are. In the case of Dying Light (and the sequel) it doesn't even look as good as an offering from Ubisoft from 2014 anyway. 500 hour long games that are worth playing for 5 hours max.
Yes even some side quests have 3 endings depending on your choices problem is the writing is at fallout 4 or skyrim level of retarted but at least gameplay is good.Just skimming over this it looks like there's still a fair bit of c&c. Think some of this could still be Avellone's work?
Spoilers obv.
The actual nuts and bolts of the first Dying Light are not bad at all. It looks great and plays great. Your hits have good impact and it's much better than the half-assed combat of Ubisoft games. The play area feels huge too. I think the losing steam part is inherent to how long the game is. Even very good gameplay if repeated enough times will outstay its welcome as you pointed out. With that kind of scope there also has to be filler in the game. The story being what it is I just didn't have the incentive to go on, there's nothing around the corner except more annoying enemies and more color coded loot. If it would have had a good story and shrunk to a 7 hour experience or so it would have been on a top games list for me. That way the game would also have been flatter, with the end-game gear not being miles away from the starting gear in terms of damage. They could also then have removed level scaling and delivered a more finely tuned experience. Would have been a better use of the top tier art assets, coding wizardry, satisfying combat and parkour. There could also have been a specific co-op campaign with less cinematics.Fair criticisms. The setting/visuals, immersion, parkour, move set, and gore made the game fun for me. The combat was way beyond Ubisoft, imo. Some of the missions were cool. But the game did run out of steam at a certain point, even for me.
What are you on about? I did enjoy Dying Light but dropped it after open world fatigue kicked in. So I don't know how long the game actually is.Point is, no one is playing that long unless they want to, and they wouldn't want to if they weren't enjoying it.
So I don't know how long the game actually is.
Turns out I was right anyway, as usual.Yes, that was kind of obvious.So I don't know how long the game actually is.
Dying Light 1 is the seventh most played in my Steam library, with 211 hours.
Turns out I was right anyway, as usual.Yes, that was kind of obvious.So I don't know how long the game actually is.
Dying Light 1 is the seventh most played in my Steam library, with 211 hours.