Philosoraptor in Residence
Then you haven't done the bonus bosses or areas.
I wasn't sure whether to rate you fake news, retadred, butthurt, shit, or cuck. Please accept my humble button with my compliments and be aware that I fully think of you with all of those. Before I continue responding to you, please give my regards to your family as caring for someone who so obviously suffers from cerebral palsy and severe retardation cannot be easy.
TLDR - I'm a From fanboi who sucks their dick and can't respond to actual criticism of the game.
Typical From fanboi crap - act like pointing out the poor design is because LUL YOU THINK TOO HARD. No, it's not 'hard' at all. I've already beaten the game and didn't spend more than a handful of deaths on any particular boss.
And shit, you had to be level 200 to beat the game on normal? And you're talking trash? LUL.
You're nothing special, chum, and in fact sounds like you're trying to front because you're so bad at the game, so you have to frantically pretend that you're somehow good. I've already beaten all the bosses on NG. It doesn't mean most of the endgame bosses aren't poorly programmed shit that rely on HP chunking meme moves instead of actual good design. Most of them have laughable exploits or summons which makes them a joke at any level. The issue with them is that if you do the fights the way From clearly INTENDED, then they're horribly balanced trash. Summon 2x sunbros that have higher than room temperature IQ and the bosses are laughable because From was incapable of programming good fights despite the fact that they put summong in the game.
You LITERALLY ADMITTED exactly what I said - that the Mohg curse is an idiotic gimmick that kills you ONCE, THAT YOU DIED TO, and then you healspam through it. But then you act like you have some divine revelation of gaming in doing EXACTLY what I said the fight was - a stupid gimmick move for a cheap kill and a joke of a boss the minute you understand the gimmick. I didn't even die and 1 shot him because my brother had actually told me about it and how stupid it was. Just because I 1 shot him doesn't mean he isn't shit design.
The endgame is a poorly balanced mess BECAUSE they give you way too much healing and try to counter it by taking massive chunks of your HP and potentially just 100%ing you. That's horrible game design. The answer was either significantly limit the amount of flasks you can take in a fight to actually make challenging bosses, significantly reduce the healing from flasks if you chain chug them within a short period, or give them actual good and aggressive AI that prevents the player from healing. Instead they went with giant HP chunking moron moves and helicopter bullshit, and then the bosses nicely sit around with their dicks in their hands and let you heal up and take a hit out of their HP before they bother going for you again.
And you have the audacity to rate me butthurt?
You should probably get off the computer before you ruin your keyboard with tears.