FS: hey, we're going to make another game just like Dark Souls
FS: hey, here's that game we talked about
people who are allegedly real: what the fuck, it looks just like another Dark Souls!
Where did they say the gameplay was going to be like dark souls? IIRC the only mention of dark souls elements was multiplayer. They never said anything about the actual gameplay and mechanics.
They literally said that after DS3 they were working on a couple (3 or 4, can't remember) of different projects, one distant in its gameplay from the souls series (Sekiro) and one which was basically a souls with an important twist (I'd say more involved open world, but that's just speculation).
Citation needed.
5 year ago they said they were working on 3 new games, with one being "a little different from their past direction" (Sekiro) and another being "a dark fantasy action RPG similar to Dark Souls" (Elden Ring).
There is absolutely nothing in there about a game similar to dark souls. The closest is this:
しかし,DARK SOULSに今回で区切りがつくとなると,今後フロム・ソフトウェアさんからどういったタイトルが出てくるのかが気になります。宮崎さんは,アクションRPG自体は今後も作っていくんですか?
(But now that Dark Souls has come to an end, I'm wondering what kind of titles FromSoftware will come up with in the future. Mr. Miyazaki, are you going to continue making action RPGs in the future?)
ジャンルとしてのアクションRPG,あるいは世界観としてのダークファンタジーは,DARK SOULSでなくてもあり得ると思いますし,何らかのアプローチは続けていくと思います。私自身,どちらもとても好きですからね。
(I think that action RPGs as a genre and dark fantasy as a worldview are possible even if they're not Dark Souls, and I think we'll continue to take some kind of approach. I myself like both of them very much.)
(I'm relieved to hear that. I want to continue to play action RPGs with high difficulty.)
ありがとうございます。時々誤解されてしまうのですが,我々が従来のようなゲーム作りを止めるということはありませんよ。ただそれが,DARK SOULSシリーズでは無くなるだけです。
今後の方向性は,大きく3つですかね。1つは,今お話しした,アクションRPGなりダークファンタジーなりを,DARK SOULSとは違う切り口で表現しようとするもの。
(Thank you very much. It's sometimes misunderstood, but we're not going to stop making games the way we used to. That's just not going to be the case with the Dark Souls series.
There are three main directions that we will take in the future,
one being the action RPG or dark fantasy that I just mentioned, but from a different perspective than that of Dark Souls.
The second one is a reboot of a title we've worked on in the past, or a new game that uses that as a starting point.
The last one is something a little different from the direction we have taken in the past. Perhaps something a little weird.)