What I did expect -given bloodborne and sekiro- was a bigger departure from the des/dks/ds2/ds3 formula than the cheap DS3 with horsie reskin impression the trailer gives.
As i discussed this before, a return to Dark Souls was needed precisely because of the departure they took with BB and Sekiro.
You guys are just arguing change for the sake of change without taking into considerations the implications of going further down the path they started with Sekiro, a game that was less of an RPG and more of a pure action game with reduced build options and simplified level design.
People seem to have forgotten that ther were other things in Dark Souls besides the combat, things like build variety and exploration. You know, RPG shit.
Ho, also, online pvp and coop. Awkard implementation or not, i loved that shit in the Souls games. Who cares if people have the option to trivalize bosses i loved helping them lmao.