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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
When the DLC of this game will gonna launch?
FromSoftware needs input from George "R.R." Martin on the backstory for the DLC, and he won't be available to provide it until he's finished the next book in The Song of Ice and Fire series. :M


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
When the DLC of this game will gonna launch?
FromSoftware needs input from George "R.R." Martin on the backstory for the DLC, and he won't be available to provide it until he's finished the next book in The Song of Ice and Fire series. :M
Welp, time to pack it in boys. We'll all be dead before it arrives.
Jan 21, 2023
Martin's work is done, tbh. They are just preparing for Armored Core now.
I predict that the new DLC will uncover one of the obscured areas in the map and that people are going to complain it's either too easy, to small or too hard. Either way, it's going to be a good indicator of how ER2 is going to be.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Wow, this has to be the worst one yet, forget about the vanilla Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the previous cave. Not only it makes no sense to have this guy as a boss after you just met a whole bunch of them as field enemies not too long before, but he is not even a beefed up version. Hell, i think the ones in the Zamor ruins had more health. I came in thinking i was going to have an epic kung-fu fight with this thing but he basically has zero health lmao. At least i got a chance to see if it was possible to punish his powerup phase with spells or pots, but it wasn't that interesting:

Can't even get out of the cave so i can pick less powerful gear to have an actual match with this thing but who cares. Last catacomb of this kind i think, at least there's that.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Just another example of my usual autism:

Sadly, i couldn't go any further as there's an invader near the chuch who was likely to fuck up this whole thing entirely.

This is the second time i'm actually using that sleep sword to kill big mobs and i haven't gotten down the rythmn yet. For some reason, sometimes you can wake them up from the sleep status effect if you hit them right after it's applied and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not sure exactly how to do it i had to default to just hit them sporadically then stop as soon as i hear the sleep cue noise and wait for them to actually fall down. I also wonder if the rot tick wakes them up unfortunatly i didn't think of trying it here. Rot them, then put them to sleep and see if the damage wakes them up or not. Would be cool if it doesn't but i'm pretty sure it probably wouldn't work. Nice for the giants to kill all the t-rex birbs so i didn't have to fight any lmao.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lul, first time those guys dropped in my original playthrough i just fled screaming like a little bitch and cheesed them from afar with rot and poison.

Turns out, fighting them is not so bad:

I wouldn't recommend getting hit of course.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Shiiiet, the fuck are weaboos doing in muh medieval fantasy. I had to put this spazzy bitch down:


Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Heh, it's always at the end when that kind of shit happens. I had bosses pull illegal shit when they were 1 HP away from dying.

You got the roll-fu down though.

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
If you don't want to read the guide itself you can just look at the sequence of zones at the very least. Or you can just keep playing blind again up to you.
Well, every time I tried looking up some very specific minor info while playing Bloodporn or DSIII, I ended up getting a result that basically says "The rare upgrade material is in the XYZ area of the game where SEEMINGLY BENEVOLENT CHARACTER is doing SECRET SEX MAGIC RITUAL that involves the WOLFHEADED KNIGHT who serves Queen Melania Trump and then ATTACKS YOU in a sudden betrayal sending you to the MYSTERIOUS UNDERWORLD AREA where the GLOWING ORB OF DOOM lets you choose between the 'NOBLE SELF-SACRIFICE' or 'EVIL OVERLORD' endings of the game because the GIANT TURTLE POPE was manipulating the main character all along".

So I just avoid the guides a.k.a. spoiler diarrhea like the plague now.

I think it's more of the fact that ER feels too close to Souls 4, than it does to a truly original IP like Bloodborne.
Elden Ring is 75% Dark Souls, 20% Skyrim, and 5% Game of Thrones.

Not many tracks that can stand up to DS3/BB quality.
DS3/BB had sound tracks? Oh, you meant the ridiculously bombastic orchestra that flares up suddenly when you walk into a boss arena by accident because you were looking for a way to get that item from the corpse dangling on an unreachable ledge?
I can distinctly recall gasoigne, cleric beast, one reborn and gehrman from BB, and none of them flare up up suddenly. They do eventually attain that bombastic state, but they take their time in the buildup. I haven't played the DLC but the ost I've heard for ludwig, laurence and maria were stellar.
DS3 was more bombastic but had some very memorable pieces like the Abyss watchers, the main theme, Pontiff, and the final boss fight.
The game that is the worst offender for sudden soundtracks that flare up out of nowhere is DS1. O&S, Gaping Dragon, Gargoyles, Taurus, Quelaag, Iron Golem etc.
The best soulsborne track ever was "bombastic"

and going back to me origital point

Demon's Souls was one of a kind for it's time. Gotta hand it to From. They reinvented the wheel 4 times. Demon's Souls, DS1, DS2, and Elden Ring were all game changers. :salute:

Greatest developer of all time.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Wow, did they just nerf status effect to oblivion when dual wielding?

I got the rot knife in my main hand and Reduvia in my second hand and got him down to his second phase without seeing a single proc from either. Then i tried each individually and got a rot proc before even removing 10% of his health and then three bleed procs before hitting is second phase. I guess dual wielding weapons is pointless now?
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Shiiiet, the fuck are weaboos doing in muh medieval fantasy. I had to put this spazzy bitch down:

Lmao, i just noticed the Great Stars was healing me with each hit, taking me out of the shield and talisman buff. I totally forgotten that weapon did that.


Jan 25, 2018
If you don't want to read the guide itself you can just look at the sequence of zones at the very least. Or you can just keep playing blind again up to you.
Well, every time I tried looking up some very specific minor info while playing Bloodporn or DSIII, I ended up getting a result that basically says "The rare upgrade material is in the XYZ area of the game where SEEMINGLY BENEVOLENT CHARACTER is doing SECRET SEX MAGIC RITUAL that involves the WOLFHEADED KNIGHT who serves Queen Melania Trump and then ATTACKS YOU in a sudden betrayal sending you to the MYSTERIOUS UNDERWORLD AREA where the GLOWING ORB OF DOOM lets you choose between the 'NOBLE SELF-SACRIFICE' or 'EVIL OVERLORD' endings of the game because the GIANT TURTLE POPE was manipulating the main character all along".

So I just avoid the guides a.k.a. spoiler diarrhea like the plague now.

I think it's more of the fact that ER feels too close to Souls 4, than it does to a truly original IP like Bloodborne.
Elden Ring is 75% Dark Souls, 20% Skyrim, and 5% Game of Thrones.

Not many tracks that can stand up to DS3/BB quality.
DS3/BB had sound tracks? Oh, you meant the ridiculously bombastic orchestra that flares up suddenly when you walk into a boss arena by accident because you were looking for a way to get that item from the corpse dangling on an unreachable ledge?
I can distinctly recall gasoigne, cleric beast, one reborn and gehrman from BB, and none of them flare up up suddenly. They do eventually attain that bombastic state, but they take their time in the buildup. I haven't played the DLC but the ost I've heard for ludwig, laurence and maria were stellar.
DS3 was more bombastic but had some very memorable pieces like the Abyss watchers, the main theme, Pontiff, and the final boss fight.
The game that is the worst offender for sudden soundtracks that flare up out of nowhere is DS1. O&S, Gaping Dragon, Gargoyles, Taurus, Quelaag, Iron Golem etc.
The best soulsborne track ever was "bombastic"

and going back to me origital point

Demon's Souls was one of a kind for it's time. Gotta hand it to From. They reinvented the wheel 4 times. Demon's Souls, DS1, DS2, and Elden Ring were all game changers. :salute:

Greatest developer of all time.

Yes, I agree. Alonne's theme is indeed in my top 5 of the series. I think it was one of Kitamura's earliest pieces. And Demon Astraea is another that's probably my favourite of them all.
Thank God I heard the original since I chose to play DeS on an emulator.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Getting ever closer to the end:

[EDIT] Stuck at processing again. Fuck you youtube hurry up.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Fuck it, i'm going to erase it and upload it again one sec. When it gets stuck like this it just takes forever to unstuck easier to try again.

[EDIT] Ok, should work now. Fucking youtube.

You may notice that i went in with zero health, doing a no hit run. You may think this was an attempt at being a try hard, but it turns out that even with the ritual shield talisman he still one shot me so there was no point even expecting to survive at all lmao.

Also, fuck that invisible wall at the end lmao confused the shit out of me when i ran into it.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BTW, i actually enjoyed this fight this time around. I think it's probably because i knew how it worked so it didn't feel as chaotic or random as the first time i killed him. He is actually not even that hard all considered. If it wasn't for the fact i was forced to do a not hit run i'd probably would have killed him first try.
Jan 21, 2023
Made it to mogh's domain and now there's red albinaurics. The whole place seems like hell. Fitting for him though. The assassins at the albinauric village in the consecrated snowfield are still too fast for me.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I love the fluffy version of this bear, literally feels like the regular kind snorted a shit load of cocaine lmao:


Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Ok so this is the strategy i devised for the group of bears further ahead. Turns out the rot tick won't wake them up, so the idea is to rot them, put them to sleep, then move on to the next while the rot ticks on the first one etc:

Should have probably practiced the rot hammer dude at least once lmao but whatever.

The strategy works... except they still have too much fucking health. I forgot how many bears there are down there, i think it's four total. So if i really wanna do this autism i'd have to rot/sleep them each in turn, then go back and do it again for all four once more. And even after that i'd still have to come back to finish them off. I have half a mind to tell my friends to fuck off with those challenges lel.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I tried to sneak up to him but this thing smelled me a mile away, barely had the time to turn OBS on:

Too much spazzy fauna in this place, i want to go home already.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Why does this bitch keep invading me, she's like some crazy ex-grilfriend that just won't quit:


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