If you don't want to read the guide itself you can just look at the sequence of zones at the very least. Or you can just keep playing blind again up to you.
Well, every time I tried looking up some very specific minor info while playing Bloodporn or DSIII, I ended up getting a result that basically says "The rare upgrade material is in the XYZ area of the game where SEEMINGLY BENEVOLENT CHARACTER is doing SECRET SEX MAGIC RITUAL that involves the WOLFHEADED KNIGHT who serves Queen Melania Trump and then ATTACKS YOU in a sudden betrayal sending you to the MYSTERIOUS UNDERWORLD AREA where the GLOWING ORB OF DOOM lets you choose between the 'NOBLE SELF-SACRIFICE' or 'EVIL OVERLORD' endings of the game because the GIANT TURTLE POPE was manipulating the main character all along".
So I just avoid the guides a.k.a. spoiler diarrhea like the plague now.
I think it's more of the fact that ER feels too close to Souls 4, than it does to a truly original IP like Bloodborne.
Elden Ring is 75% Dark Souls, 20% Skyrim, and 5% Game of Thrones.
Not many tracks that can stand up to DS3/BB quality.
DS3/BB had sound tracks? Oh, you meant the ridiculously bombastic orchestra that flares up suddenly when you walk into a boss arena
by accident because you were looking for a way to get that item from the corpse dangling on an unreachable ledge?