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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


Mar 28, 2014
DS3/BB had sound tracks? Oh, you meant the ridiculously bombastic orchestra that flares up suddenly when you walk into a boss arena by accident because you were looking for a way to get that item from the corpse dangling on an unreachable ledge?

To be honest i barely remember the music from any of the Souls games since i'm too busy trying not to die when i fight bosses to pay attention to anything else, but since DS2 or DS3 i noticed the music in those games, while not necessarely bad, got a bit artificial and formulaic. Like it still uses some decently unusual harmonies compared to the banal/shit/boring orchestral scores from AAA western garbage but it's really not as interesting as it used to be.

Yup, the only jrpg with great OST is always YS series they have been producing bangers for past 20 years

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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Well, not really the kind of sound track that would fit a game like this.

Out of all four Souls, the first to me remains the one with the most memorable soundtrack, even if the production values of it weren't as high as their later games.

On Dark Souls 3 the only track i remember is the one from the main theme lmao.


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
Anyway, I restarted the game with a regular STR/DEX character. It's incredible just how much content I missed in Limgrave, I don't know what came over me to rush into Liurnia like that. I must have really wanted to get some good spells ASAP, only to eventually realize that spellcasting is too boring. :lol:


May 27, 2018
Well, not really the kind of sound track that would fit a game like this.

Out of all four Souls, the first to me remains the one with the most memorable soundtrack, even if the production values of it weren't as high as their later games.

On Dark Souls 3 the only track i remember is the one from the main theme lmao.

I remember Pontiff Sulyvahn's and the abyss watchers' boss themes from DS3 and the opening theme, but yes the DS1 themes (Particularly Firelink Shrine, O&S boss fight, opening Asylum Demon fight etc.) are probably the most memorable.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Meh, aside for that RNG aoe he does it's basically the same as any other dragon. Didn't even have to use any of the perfume buffs:

Now comes the real challenge, that of clearing the lake of those damn lobsters. Dragons are pussies by comparison Godrick should have known:


Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lmao, behold, humiliation ahead:

Totally worth it to waste an arteria leaf to bonk them to oblivion before they even managed to split.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Now comes the real challenge, that of clearing the lake of those damn lobsters. Dragons are pussies by comparison

Yeah, they're a pain in the ass, but

you can basically one shot them by targeting their underbelly.

If you use something like the giant hunt which will thrust up into their belly if you space it right, they'll basically just drop dead. I say basically because I'm not sure at SL1. It should do a ton of damage either way.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So that sword the Mariner dropped is actually kinda cool. Tried it on the death birb, probably a bad idea since i'm sure he is resistant to his own damage but it actually did pretty good all considered:

The fashion is pretty great too i think i'm gonna keep it for a while.

I'm going to wait for the death birb in Consecrated Snowfields before i try a no hit or anything like that. This one here was too obnoxious, the terrain is a mess and he actually jumped over the top cliff a couple of times and had to reset it since it's impossible to fight him up there with the tombs and the giant laser beam ghost skelly.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Moar testing of my new fashion:

I got the pants from the merchant set, which have blue coloring despite being leather garmnent, and the wrists from the Lusat set which is made out of silver and blue gemstones, and the color scheme all matches up with the ghost flame sword, carian shield etc. Love it, now i gotta figure out how to make use of the extra int i had to get to use this sword. I'll probably start by getting that frost cloud spell.


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
Mixing ashes of war already gives so much versatility that adding more than a couple of spells feels like overkill to me
I also think so, my regular sword-and-shield guy already has so much more versatility than the spellcaster, and is much more powerful too (and can still cast a number of helpful miracles). I already cleared out everything in Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula, except for Godrick's Castle.
Jan 21, 2023
fuck the asassins in the consecrated snowfield tbh
If you stick one with a rainbow stone arrow you can follow it even when invisible. The sentry's torch makes things visible even when on your back and you don't have the requirements to use it.
I know, still, fuck them.

Regarding spellcasting, you can do interesting things with gravity spells. Enemies dodge projectiles when they are fired, but when you cast a gravity spell, you "summon" a bunch of rocks and then throw them. Enemies dodge when the summon part happens but not when you throw the rocks. Plus, them being rocks, they do physical damage and as such they can easily stagger a lot of enemies.

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Demon's Souls had the best music of the bunch (codexers will never get to play it LOL). DS2's music is underrated as all fuck and a close runner up. They all have good music though.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Anyway, bitch ass:

Would have been cooler if i could have stayed up to his face the whole time especially since i know how to dodge-fu his quick leg attacks but that point blank range jump attack he did at the beginning put me off that idea lmao. I had no idea he could do that.

Now i got three final major portions left. Mogh, Malenia, and the whole path to Farum Azula and eventially the end. Seems like a good spot to take a break and threat each with its due attention, we'll see. I'll start with Consecrated Snowfields, do Mogh at the time you discover his sending gate just because it feels right to do it then, then move on to Malenia (which i hope is not gonna take me a week to beat lmao) and then the rest up to Radagon.

I just can't believe they want to add a DLC to this. Even rushing through the game knowing everything by heart in this SL1 run it still took forever. I definitely got my money's worth but daymn.


Jan 25, 2018
If you don't want to read the guide itself you can just look at the sequence of zones at the very least. Or you can just keep playing blind again up to you.
Well, every time I tried looking up some very specific minor info while playing Bloodporn or DSIII, I ended up getting a result that basically says "The rare upgrade material is in the XYZ area of the game where SEEMINGLY BENEVOLENT CHARACTER is doing SECRET SEX MAGIC RITUAL that involves the WOLFHEADED KNIGHT who serves Queen Melania Trump and then ATTACKS YOU in a sudden betrayal sending you to the MYSTERIOUS UNDERWORLD AREA where the GLOWING ORB OF DOOM lets you choose between the 'NOBLE SELF-SACRIFICE' or 'EVIL OVERLORD' endings of the game because the GIANT TURTLE POPE was manipulating the main character all along".

So I just avoid the guides a.k.a. spoiler diarrhea like the plague now.

I think it's more of the fact that ER feels too close to Souls 4, than it does to a truly original IP like Bloodborne.
Elden Ring is 75% Dark Souls, 20% Skyrim, and 5% Game of Thrones.

Not many tracks that can stand up to DS3/BB quality.
DS3/BB had sound tracks? Oh, you meant the ridiculously bombastic orchestra that flares up suddenly when you walk into a boss arena by accident because you were looking for a way to get that item from the corpse dangling on an unreachable ledge?
I can distinctly recall gasoigne, cleric beast, one reborn and gehrman from BB, and none of them flare up up suddenly. They do eventually attain that bombastic state, but they take their time in the buildup. I haven't played the DLC but the ost I've heard for ludwig, laurence and maria were stellar.
DS3 was more bombastic but had some very memorable pieces like the Abyss watchers, the main theme, Pontiff, and the final boss fight.
The game that is the worst offender for sudden soundtracks that flare up out of nowhere is DS1. O&S, Gaping Dragon, Gargoyles, Taurus, Quelaag, Iron Golem etc.

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