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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


Jun 22, 2013
Bastard managed to hit me by faking me out with that slow walk since i expected him to try to heal instead, but still managed to kill him:

I think there's a stronger version in Mogh's area, but i wanted to try parrying this one first since it's out in the open and... it's not really that reliable. He can use any random attack some of which cannot be parried and everything he does is at the speed of light so it's lke you have to roll the dice at times and hope he does a parriable attack instead of something else. He also seems to get hyper armor when he does that dual wielding flurry of attacks so bonking is also not sure proof. Pesky little fucker.

cool, I don't think I ever found that area ^^^ wherever/whenever it is


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
Hm, my character appears to have developed a severe case of pinkeye. Is this because of that rotting disease, or just the desert sands? Does it ever go away?

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KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Bastard managed to hit me by faking me out with that slow walk since i expected him to try to heal instead, but still managed to kill him:

I think there's a stronger version in Mogh's area, but i wanted to try parrying this one first since it's out in the open and... it's not really that reliable. He can use any random attack some of which cannot be parried and everything he does is at the speed of light so it's lke you have to roll the dice at times and hope he does a parriable attack instead of something else. He also seems to get hyper armor when he does that dual wielding flurry of attacks so bonking is also not sure proof. Pesky little fucker.

How many hours have you put into this game so far? I'm legit curious. You gotta be well over a 1000. I wont make fun, I put in 250 myself and I'll do it again if the expansion ever drops.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Hm, my character appears to have developed a severe case of pinkeye. Is this because of that rotting disease, or just the desert sands? Does it ever go away?
The player-character's eyes can be changed by learning dragon communion incantations, by following Varre's questline, and from something else that is a spoiler. When this happened to my PC due to the first of these possibilities, I managed to fix it by using the mirror in Roundtable Hold.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So... is this some action game mainly relying on player skill and reflexes masquerading as an RPG-lite then?

Always was, but, it's not just about reflexes.

We've been over this many times but what makes the Souls formula so much fun to me is that you have to figure out how things work during a fight. There's a whole learning process involved twitch alone won't help you. There are also some strategic elements on account of the fact this is still an RPG, but combat is still primarly about action. I mean, it IS called an action RPG for a reason.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Bastard managed to hit me by faking me out with that slow walk since i expected him to try to heal instead, but still managed to kill him:

I think there's a stronger version in Mogh's area, but i wanted to try parrying this one first since it's out in the open and... it's not really that reliable. He can use any random attack some of which cannot be parried and everything he does is at the speed of light so it's lke you have to roll the dice at times and hope he does a parriable attack instead of something else. He also seems to get hyper armor when he does that dual wielding flurry of attacks so bonking is also not sure proof. Pesky little fucker.

How many hours have you put into this game so far? I'm legit curious. You gotta be well over a 1000. I wont make fun, I put in 250 myself and I'll do it again if the expansion ever drops.

About a 1000 yes but keep in mind i spend an exorbitant amount of hours in multiplayer, both pvp and co-op. The game is vast but not so vast as to require that much time to complete.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Hm, my character appears to have developed a severe case of pinkeye. Is this because of that rotting disease, or just the desert sands? Does it ever go away?

View attachment 36387

Elden Ring has the most disappointing transformations in the series. Even the dragon form in DS3 was more interesting than just a different pair of glowing eyes:

The only one that actually looks pretty good is the Frenzied Flame one.

BTW, i haven't tried this, but if you go to the mirror in the Roundtable Hold, and "save" your current look, it should save the red eyes as well. If you change how you look now, they are going away so in the name of science you should test this if you haven't got rid of them yet.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Anyway, my autism is unstoppable!

[EDIT] Fuck i missed one lmao. I ain't gonna fucking redo it though, screw it.

As an experiment i decided to try it with pure sleep, but it didn't work that well, the reason being he wakes too easily. On some enemies, once the sleep effect starts, you can just hit them over and over and they don't wake up. This allows you to basically chain one sleep after the other. Now with the bear it's not so much that you can't chain sleep on them in itself, but that if you wake them up you have to restart the sleep build up, and if you accidentally hit them again one too many times, you have to do it again, so you have to hit him very carefully to make sure once you see the sleep effect you stop right away, which is not exaclty easy on this spazzy bastard. So not to make the fight last until eternity i decided to cut down his health with rot and bleed first:

As you can see, i can easily put him to sleep at least three times before his resistance gets high enough to run into the problem i just pointed out, that of risking to reset the sleep build up by hitting him one too many times, but i think three sleeps is enough to just kill him with rot. Just rot him (and you can use rotten breath if you catch them asleep, their wake up animation is long enough to allow you to get a full charge), put him to sleep, go ride around picking up daisies, rot him again, put him to sleep, and after that you should have at least one or two most easily attainable sleep effects to just kill him with little risk.

Keep in mind as SL1 with a +4 St. Trina Sword i'm not doing as much damage as i could so maybe if you do it with full upgrate and capped stats you could just chain sleep him as long as you don't accidentally reset the build up. From gives you so many hints to use sleep on those guys that they probably designed them to just be bypassed like that, put them to sleep than just move on, you don't even have to bother trying to kill them. Pretty sure that's supposed to be the intended way to deal with them.
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Feb 8, 2020
down under
Codex+ Now Streaming!
So... is this some action game mainly relying on player skill and reflexes masquerading as an RPG-lite then?

Always was, but, it's not just about reflexes.

We've been over this many times but what makes the Souls formula so much fun to me is that you have to figure out how things work during a fight. There's a whole learning process involved twitch alone won't help you. There are also some strategic elements on account of the fact this is still an RPG, but combat is still primarly about action. I mean, it IS called an action RPG for a reason.
Yeah, kinda got that when I struggled with DS1 for a whole afternoon, then ragequit... I guess I'm just not cut out for these types of games; it was more frustrating than fun, and couldn't get the timing of the attack/parry rhythm right for the life of me. Although I like the Piranha Bytes style of ARPGs very much.

What kills the DS games for me is the lack of save/reload. I have limited free time and just can't deal with the loss of progress, over and over and over...

1000 hours... man, that's my gaming time for this whole decade :)

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
It's easy to built running game time when you are doing multiplayer. Sometimes when doing co-op i would just turn the summoning staff on, use OBS on my second screen to keep an eye on the game and just alt-tab and went browising. This was before they made the summoning staff be able to work accross zones so to get a summon it often took a long time. I'm sure i must have piled tens of hours like this, just having the game on in the background waiting for a summon.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Not much of a challenge, but one of my friends asked for this as he wanted to see how to parry those guys, so:



*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
That fucking bird sucked ass. Probably the hardest and most annoying boss I've encountered so far.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
That fucking bird sucked ass. Probably the hardest and most annoying boss I've encountered so far.

Holy messes them up, refer to my previous video as well:

Some of the more annoying enemies in this game have similar counters, like healing spells for the Revenants, or sleep for bears as i explained earlier.


Jan 30, 2007
I haven't been playing ER as much lately. A lot of the PvPers who I associate with are staring to get a bit bored with it and activity is slowing down. We're all just hanging in there for DLC, hoping it adds something fresh to the PVP. I even played another game! I did my first Bloodborne playthrough and I'm currently running through DS1.

But I still invade, just to keep my hand in. Here's one from today:

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Do people still invade in Elphael? I actually liked that map, felt like something out of a classic arena shooter.


Jan 30, 2007
Do people still invade in Elphael? I actually liked that map, felt like something out of a classic arena shooter.
Yeah invasions happen all over. They added the option to look for invasions in all areas a few patches back so you pretty much only choose local only if you're after someone specific. I mostly do 60, 32 and 1 so I don't get Haligtree much but you'd be surprised where you find people at very low level with TT active. I actually got a lot of people doing low level TT stuff in late game areas today. Tough invasions because of the skill level of the hosts that do that.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lmao, just wanted to try to see how fast i could really kill one of those things:

Made a bet with a friend that i could keep the video under one minute and i did!


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
BTW, i haven't tried this, but if you go to the mirror in the Roundtable Hold, and "save" your current look, it should save the red eyes as well. If you change how you look now, they are going away so in the name of science you should test this if you haven't got rid of them yet.
Yes, saving the current look also saved the red eyes, which you can also turn off and back on in the "eye alterations" menu.

I then went and ate some dragon hearts at the altar, but I don't think it gave me glowing eyes. :(

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samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Not much of a challenge, but one of my friends asked for this as he wanted to see how to parry those guys, so:

Which part of the gameworld is this? I don't recognize it. It doesn't look like the snowfields before the Fire Giant.

It looks like the Consecrated Snowfields area where you find the Sanguine Noble invader, but it's been awhile now

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Consecrated Snowfields. Did you really miss that? That's the way to Malenia, being as famous as she is i never thought anybody could actually not know how to get there, not to mention that whole portion being hidden but obvious that it's there from the world map. You basically missed out on a whole open area, THREE legacy dungeons and the most famous boss in the game.
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