biggest fear: vacuum cleaner
They've been remaking the same game since Demon Souls, to ever-increasing success. Soulsgames largely carry the studio nowadays, and each new souls game has been a bigger and more mainstream success than the previous, culminating in the ultra-successful and extremely enjoyable Elden Ring.Honestly, it feels like From is unable to improve. All they've done over the years is hasten the pace of combat in their Souls games and add a few gimmicks (trick weapons in bloodborne, weapon arts in DS3, ashes of war in elden ring), while continuing to basically just make the same game again and again with little addition to mechanical depth or improvement of implementation (camera, handling of input, engine still riddled with frame pacing issue, control mapping schemes so that maybe using more than one ability like the various spells doesn't depend on switching back and forth in a list? see also: how it's done on Dragon's Dogma etc)
If it aint broke, don't