It's an arcade game there's nothing out of place about it.
Haha. How far we've come into the mcdonaldisation of Fromsoft that you would think like that, when one of their strongest point is how they always paid attention to detail and cared to craft a world that made sense within the confines of its gameplay mechanics. Sure, the souls like any other game have some gamey elements, as games will always need concessions to be good games and pure realism isn't a good thing. But how many games even bother making sense of the player's ability to respawn in it/reload a save the way the souls games did? The immortality of the undead, the bonfires, the firekeepers etc all feature lore just to explain this very question. It's a core part of the setting and it was entirely crafted because they wanted to answer just that question. Hollowisation exists to explain why those immortals became mindless (or crazy) enough to become foes that must be slain when they cross your path. The setting, at the core, exists to make sense of why the game is a game.
In most video games when you fight against a supposedly intelligent (not bestial style) dragon they will always let you smack them in melee on the ground for.. reasons? why even bother trying to explain why the Dragon's IQ dropped and thought today was a good day to die instead of just flying in circles around you and breathing fire on you or pelting you with rocks.
Dark Souls 1 thought this was something that needed an answer.
So there you enlist the help of a giant to shoot an arrow that's more like a goddamn missile into the dragon's wing to hurt it enough that it can't indefinitely stay in the air. DS1's designers had people who
gave a shit.
It is attention to the world like this that made Souls games great. Not just the level design, or the well balanced combat.
Don't try to find anything about those jumping pad, pardon, spiritspring in ER: there's nothing about them, not a single line of text, nothing, they only exist in tutorial windows telling you there is this gamey element in there that helps you traverse the terrain. Because they don't really give a fuck these days.
Fromsoft makes arcade game? you've not played a real arcade game since forever, have you?
They have some elements of arcade philosophy in gameplay design (like repeating some of the content being the punishment for failure, not giving you user controlled quicksave/quickload mechanism etc) but they're no arcade games. Arcade games don't let you gear up your way into turning challenges into easy mode. They're still RPGs at the core, despite the action mechanics. Levelling the right stats completely changes your approach to the game, as will your choice of weapons or spells, or the choice of going soul level 1 to omit some the benefits of the RPGness of those games and make them behave more like highly punishing action games.