Except no, Greeks weren't homos
I mean if you don't consider oiling up a 16 old boy's tights gay...
It's a fantasy constructed by some British homo hostorian
Man I love how much the Brits still make so many people seethe this much
God bless those wankers, the butthurt they've generated will live until the end times
As for mythology, none of that stuff was meant to be taken literally
Like any good tale you're not supposed to only read it with literalist lenses
But many people did very much believe those myths were real
or be a reflection of any kind of societal value.
That doesn't make sense when you think about it
Even going solely by your reductive definition of "it's nothing more than hidden knowledge
(to keep the plebs out)", then it still implicitely has societal value and indeed reflects said society's ideals
Mythology is basically coded metaphysical or esoteric knowledge.
One could argue that so are most (if not all) stories of any kind
Anyway, imo is this a very reductive and boring way to view mythology, but oh well
That's the real "meaning" behind the use of myth in Plato's writings for instance.
I hope you're not thinking you're shedding light on some elusive secret, because this has been the mainstream interpretation for ages
the looming trojan horse that is GRRM's influence
I doubt it
Not to say fantasy isn't often a play on objective realities or archtypes (the best kind of fantasy most certainly is), but mythology is literal coded knowledge and it's very different from fantasy.
Seems like an arbitrary distinction
If both are transmitting those same objective realities/archtypes and esoterisms, then what's the fucking difference?
If the Gods like to copulate so much, it may just be because those myths are dealing with the relationship between trascendent principles, anthropormophized for the sake of keeping those higher truths hidden away from the uninitiated.
Or maybe the Gods like to copulate so much, because humans also like to copulate so much
Maybe the fundamental origin and purpose of myths isn't so the aristocrats of the soul (lol) can seperate themselves from the pitiful mass of hylics
Maybe Myth began as both a way early Man attempted to understand and give meaning to the world around him and as way to share tales around his campfire, to entertain and connect
Maybe as inumerous tragedies, triumphs, revelations and renovations from countless lives transformed Man's societies from tribe to civilization, so to did those myths grew in scale, in complexity and in importance
And maybe, as civilization become increasingly possible, so too did the thriving of a "high class" that valued intelectual pursuits, that through study and introspection discussed, assigned and produced additional works and meanings (some intentionally covered by an esoteric veil) to those myths - which survived to our day in collections of writtings, art and oral tradition (even if distorted sometimes)
Maybe, the reason why myths are filled with all manner of funny and fantastical shenanigans, is because being funny and fantastical is enough to captivate most people