pay the slightest bit of attention.
I mean, I did play ER for 300 hours. Saw every ending, read every item description, and sure, there are numerous pieces of individual writing and lore tidbits everywhere, loosely connected together, but there is no coherent form to any of it. Every conclusion you drew in your post is just your interpretation of the events, and there is no final explanation of everything.
Nope, nothing of what I said is incorrect or not directly stated by the game. All of those are objective statements simply acknowledging what the game plainly states. Narratives built off individual writing and small bits of info that require deeper understanding have been a thing before Fromsoftware, Fromsoftware just used them in more popular media.
An interpretation would be claiming that Mariika gave Grace to Morgott only because he was conviniently keeping tarnished warriors away from the Erdtree and pushing them to Farum Azula, or that Marika's hammmer getting fractured is what stops Radagon from fixing the Ring, halting Marika and Radagons plan to reform into a Rebis with the Rune of Death and Life represented by the 2 halves, which is why Marika states that she plans on Radagon becoming a God.
That's the best part. Using the information that the game gives you openly in order to tie everything together is very fun.
The world building and lore in these games are not like a puzzle that you can assemble together to get a final clear picture of everything, it's more like a Lego set where you can build whatever you want with them. That's my entire point. Sure it can be fun, but there is no merit or value in all these lore theories, since it's more than likely that all of them are ultimately invalid.
If your theory is that people who pay attention and can tie a bigger picture together are just making shit up on the go as From throws a bunch of shit then you'd have no issue disproving their theories with any conflicting amount of evidence. The circlejerk around how From games have no story has been a consistent thing because their narrative method is rather unusual and the events of the games connected to philosophical themes that span across multiple games, but that doesn't mean you can't make a clear direct picture of hw the world works and timeline of events.
It is best shown by Elden Ring release when people thought Elden Ring was some Game of Thrones shit about Demigods fighting to access the Erdtree and Radahn fighting aliens because the outlandish metaphysics of the writing of Souls games is a foreign concept to people used to more mundane narratives.
Besides that Souls games story is always focused on the very crux of their worldbuilding and metaphysics instead of being driven by other character motivations
I'd say Elden Ring is especially character-driven as far as its main plot goes.
It isn't, the character journeys through the world based on a fake prophecy that is actually Marika's plan to cause a new Death of the Demigods and unseal Destined Death for her to obtain it. It's every bit as identical as the fake prophecy of the Chosen Undead and the cyclic linking of the Fire. As usual, the worldbuilding is the centerpiece of the narrative. In fact, this, far more than using item description which many RPGs also employ, is what prompts brainlets to claim the games have no story. The idea that worldbuilding in a game becomes almost archeology and that the narrative is not set i motion or going through stages with the pacing improsed by active characters is what really sets Souls games apart.
Yeah I used to be a big VaatiyVidya enjoyer
If you ever felt that Vaati was a legitimate lore channel, you weren't paying much attention to lore for any Souls game to begin with