My post was genuine, I'm not sure either why it would be misconstrued as otherwise but its alright. Usually my writing is verbose and magniloquent which is often mocked as pretentious or misunderstood to be disingenuous, which is to be expected, but in this thread I was writing directly.
Anyhow, last night I realized that in fact I never did purchase Elex, it was only the first two Gothic games and the first Risen game that I bought because they weren't so expensive, and Elex is sitting in my wantlist. However, just this morning I saw that on GOG they are having a sale on sci-fi RPGs and Elex is being offered at $9.99 which seems to be a significant deal worth jumping on, so I am going to get it over the coming weekend. It shows that it will be available at that price until Sunday. They also have the three more recent Shadowrun games for pocket change; I own them already on Steam but have been recreating my library on GOG whenever there is a good sale on the games I either must have or am very interested in (because my kids use Steam, so I use GOG on my laptop and don't have to worry about asking them to stop playing a game).
I wish there was a PC version of the SNES Shadowrun game, that was actually one of the first RPGs I played as a child. I've not played the newer Shadowrun games either; my wife has and told me she thinks I'd like them, and sometime last year I started a character on one of them but was turned off by the scripted combat encounter presentation and stopped playing without giving it a real chance. I'll have to retry them sometime but I'm far more interested in discovering Gothic and Elex at the moment.
Your posts come across as sincere and interesting. Through the years of debates on gaming forums I sometimes get accused of being a troll and that use to surprise me that a small number of people think I would be active on any forum and post links, share my opinion and engage about games I enjoy yet somehow I am trolling?
IMO this view comes from people who have become jaded and cynical so when you say " Codex is a place where I can have interesting discussions " they are unintentionally assuming their experience must be same as everyone elses which means it must be a negative one as far as interesting debates go. Sure their will always be members on any forum that dont appreciate or want a different view and prefer an echo chamber but I dont generally engage with people like that
I did debating at school and I always loved it. And the whole point of a debate is engaging with people who have a different view to you.....their would be no point to debating and we wouldnt learn anything new if we all had the same opinion. I am happy to debate any topic like religion, human rights, Trump, politics, war on terror, free market principles etc. We can debate any topic as long as people dont start insulting other people or using derogatory comments during the debate but as I mentioned I dont engage normally with people like that know the old maxim " we can agree to disagree" on topics. And this doesnt mean despite possible political differences we cant always discuss games and RPG
And this is absolutely what I believe and always will....and no Im not trolling