Combat in ELEX isn't shit. It's not particularly amazing, but it's far from shit.
No, it's actually shit, and way worse than it could be, for many reasons that have already been stated independently of this particular argument.
You just couldn't figure out that it's an RPG that requires stats to be able to do anything and this angered you.
Bullshit, and you're just being retarded because your argument fell apart.
You were confused by the fact that it's real time and somehow mistook the game for a normal action game.
Bullshit, and you're just being butthurt because your argument fell apart.
It's because of imbeciles like you that we went from Daggerfall and Morrowind to Oblivion.
Bullshit, and you're just being delusional because your argument fell apart.
You're a sub-human degenerate who is playing a PB game for the first time and crying hard that it plays like a PB game.
Bullshit, and you're just being a subhuman piece of shit because you literally had no argument
at any point.
You just wanted to defend the game on all points with the argument that "It's an RPG!", even when it makes no sense, such as arguing that RPG:s are about stats and rolls, even though Elex's combat, which does not rely on stats and rolls in the traditional RPG fashion, does no such thing. Again, your argument makes
no fucking sense.
We get it, you don't like it. It's not for you. Now fuck off.
Completely beside the point. I can discuss the merits (or lack thereof) of Elex, and it
does have
some merits, but to hold it up as some kind of flawless gem or make completely nonsensical arguments as to why the combat (or controls, or UI, or...) can't or shouldn't be improved based on the formula Elex
is already using is some of the most retarded fanboyism I've ever seen.
We get it, you love the game and will defend it to the death no matter any glaring flaws and make nonsensical arguments that are completely out of context because you're a faggot. You suck it's cock without reflection. Now fuck off.