I will,i managed to kill all the bandits and clerics and nazies with it. Also they have the most interesting story ark and region.
I'll bet you 20 Euros that no matter which ending you get in ELEX, ELEX 2 will retcon Jax as joining the Clerics, because holy fucking shit, how do you expect to fight a species so advanced they've mastered inter-planetary travel with a literal curved wooden stick that sends another straight wooden stick flying at speeds so low they can't penetrate anything than the type of armor worn in the technological dark ages several hundred years ago.
The whole "Berserkers converting Elex to Mana" thing always seems kinda useless in the face of an invasion of a super-advanced species from another planet. Like, yeah, you're going to make their process of terraforming more difficult, but they'll just wipe you all out and then get back to it.