So how do you get everywhere, do you just level up every environmental protection skill in the list or is there armor with protection from frost and fire? I only seen gas mask protecting from poison. And how much protection do you need?
I still haven't seen anywhere worth going that involved fire or ice. Only radiation and poison. Ice and fire (and radiation) seem to act more like concrete barriers.
There's a Ring of Protection (...somewhere, I found it in some random-ass area in Edan, around the early areas, if I recall correctly, only saw it because I had the Sunglasses on) that gives +10 to all resistances, and then there's the Mask that gives +25 Radiation and +25 Poison resistance. Then there's a Chem for each. In my experience, you should be fine with just the Mask and the Chems and 1 rank in Poison/Radiation for most areas, provided you don't stick around for too long.
Also, there's the Chem that gives +100 HP - that works extremely well for simply surviving a while longer in areas of fire/cold.
Until you have
at least the Mask and the first ranks of Poison and Radiation resistance, I'd stay away from all areas with Radiation/Poison. You can usually run in there and grab everything and then run back out and heal, but it's not recommended, it's simply not worth it, 9 times out of 10. The fact that so little gear in the game seems to matter is pretty shitty. Lots of berserker gear could've given small bonuses to Cold Resistance or something, and the basic outlaw hat could've given +5 Heat Resistance, and shit like that - and Cleric helmets could've given the effects of the Sunglasses. But nope, sunglasses on 100% of the time is the deelio here. It's double infuriating since I should
very obviously be able to wear the gas mask, sunglasses and a hood at the same time. Fuck, sunglasses should be able to be combined with almost all other headgear.
The fucking Legate Helmet for Clerics is a fucking closed helmet with a glass visor and what looks like a separate air supply, but does it protect against poison even a little?
Of course not. Piddly gas mask over the mouth? +25!
Anyway, if you can find the ring (sorry, I really should've noted down where I find awesome shit...), 1 Protection Rank + Ring of Protection + Gas Mask + Chem will allow you to stay in Poison or Radiation for extended periods of time. For everything else, take a +100 HP chem and run in there. Remember to check the pits of convertors for Elex, if you need some.