I think one of the biggest problems this game have is the size of a fucking galaxy. I remember Freelancer (yes, I know it sucked at many levels) server with Discovery mod where I've been constantly seeing other people.
ED? I got fully upgraded FDL and I've met maybe 10 players (and some more at stations) playing online all the time. Interactions were totally minimal.
Missions suck. PvE is boring. Powerplay suck (altough, it was promising when they mentioned it first) and doesn't work they way it should (Again, minimal interactions with other players), exploration is mostly boring.
Mining? I don't even have a word. It's not enjoyable and doesn't give you a profit it should. Hauling stuff is much better paid.
And now we have new "content", which is driving a buggie across almost empty planets. So much fun I'm fucking speechless. Have Braben even played his own game?
I have absolutely no hope they can improve it. The only sane thing they probably won't do is to make this game extremely moddable and give people abillity to create their own servers (possibly, with their own, smaller galaxies)
But first, Braben needs to milk it for 10 years.