Anthony Davis
Blizzard Entertainment
I don't believe that is what its PURPOSE was. Its purpose, as I understand it was, to create the ability to stop mobs from running through your line and killing squishies.
The strangest thing about this whole debate is that, before today, I literally did not know this was an issue anyone had with the IE games. I'm not trying to say "git gud" or to troll or anything, but I can't remember ever having major issues with mobs breaking my line and killing my weaker characters. Sensuki has specified what he does to prevent it from being an issue, but I can't even think of what I do. It's just never come up when I was playing one of those games.
That probably at least partially explains why I hate the engagement mechanic so much. All the flaws are listed on the first page, but just as important is that I can't see the purpose for it. It's solving a problem that (to me) never existed in the first place, so there is absolutely nothing to counterbalance the negatives. So try to understand where some of us are coming from. Take one of your favorite games, add a complex mechanic that completely changes how the most major portion of the game plays, adds several of its own problems, but only solves a problem that you had never come across. Would you be happy?
I haven't seen "several of its own problems" though. It seems that if you understand the mechanic, how it works, and what its used for, there aren't any issues other than, "It's not like IE games".
Now there is a second issue, the "It's a free attack which doesn't cost time.", but I find that specious at best since you can avoid the attack by simply breaking engagement, unless you chose to risk the attack, in that case you know what you are going to get.
Also it turns out, after doing more investigation, that there is no damage bonus inherent with a disengagement attack. There is only an accuracy bonus. It is true that an accuracy bonus can push a hit into crit territory, but that crit will no hit any harder than a normal crit.
I was also mistaken, and maybe Sensuki didn't know this either, but there are MOBs in the game that have their AI programmed to ignore engagment, such as Trolls and Ghouls.
There are also MOBs that are programmed to use certain abilities when they are engaged. For example, there are mercenaries and sell swords in Raedric's Keep with the Escape ability. The Escape ability can be used to break engagement, but it can also be used to break engagement and jump to another opponent, and in this case, they will break and try to engage a squishy who is too close. I believe they do it based on stamina, but I'm not positive. Shadows do something similar with their teleport too I believe.
Edit: I bring that last point up because there are cases where the player can get their OWN disengagement attacks against enemies without cheesing it.