Etrian 3 is the only crawler that can at least SOMEWHAT be called a 'decent' dungeon crawler.
Etrian 1 and 2 were pretty terrible/poorly balanced games even when they released. And they aged even worse.
If that was not enough - the plot was an absolute disaster with 0 logic behind it.
The fun thing is that devs fixed most of this later with a 'story' version of the first 2 games.
HOWEVER atlus instead decided to transfer essentially the exact copy of the most terribly balanced versions of the game.
To be specific:
1) Etrian 1 - 2 MANDATORY(and by MANDATORY I literally mean you don't have this ♥♥♥♥ - you can just GTFO) classes you NEED developed if you want to complete game 100%. One of them NEEDS a certain skill at CERTAIN LEVEL(not max)... you don't? well, GTFO and respec at a loss of 5 levels. You don't have correct class? How about losing majority of your progress then for hardly any profit aside of correcting this?
Aside of 2 mandatory classes you are also HIGHLY recommended to use another 2... only 1 slot is SLIGHTLY debatable.
Beyond that the version you get is provided with the most nonsensical plot one could possibly come up with. One so void of any semblance of logic that it makes you question humanity.
If you want to have a good time - your party will likely consist of Medic, Protector, Landsknecht front row and Survivalist + Alchemist back row.
The somewhat debatable is Ronin instead of lands for bossing a bit faster but complete loss of AoE options.
Troubadour vs Alchemist - another debate but honestly alchemist is just way too convenient throughout the game even though troubadour is much better during bossing.
2) Etrian 2 - you didn't like the most imbalanced classes of Etrian 1? Devs didn't either, now they are PRETTY MUCH USELESS, ALL OF THEM.
How to make a good party? Skip getting the Medic, Protector, Landsknecht, Alchemist and Survivalist. Notice something funny? Yeah, that's EO1 party. Troubadour is also worse now, but not complete garbage at least.
What's left? 5 more classes + a bugged class. Yet again no real choice is given to you if you want a solid party.
All those previously meh classes(aside of ronin who was decent) are now OP as fk. Genius solution? Yep.
A few new classes added, the unlockable one being absolutely bugged in this version making it essentially unusable in a way that devs wanted you to play it.
Etrian 1/2 original games are among the worst dungeon crawlers the world has ever seen unless we count the fun map drawing of DS which is kinda an irritation on PC.
3) Etrian 3 - actually a game. It's a pretty solid crawler. Mechanics become more complex, classes are SLIGHTLY more balanced without as much 'forcing' you into one specific party setup.