Won on another run. On that run, I had a wolf fetch (familiar), the Foresight and Wild Heart god skills, good might, low wits. I started with the grathsack, a food bag made from the stomach of a dead Firstborn. Run started out pretty well -- spamming foresight to find treasures.
But things took a turn for the worse in a cave -- I found a dead troll with Firebrand in its back (a legendary sword), and when I had my berserk smash the troll so I could get the sword, the trollshards killed everyone but me, the berserk, and a fighter. Even my poor wolf.
By now, I was running out of days, gold, food, and souls -- I had 9 days left, 5 souls, 24 gold. Earlier in my run, I'd found Amarok (the Great Wolf, a possible end boss) using Farsight, so I figured I'd try to kill him. But he was on the other end of the map.
Fortunately, I was about two days' journey from a Songstone (menhirs that operate like moongates in Ultima; ordinarily you need to use souls to travel through them -- you can also win the game by pouring enough souls in to go back to the Cloudlands).
I had an item called the Lur (an ancient trumpet) that can open Songstones for free. I gated from the one near me (Westgate) to the one nearest Amarok (Northgate). Northgate was also near a stronghold and a village.
I hit the village to buy food (5 food for 1 gold in farming villages), then realized I could use my remaining gold to hire two fighters at the stronghold -- and I would have two days to spare! But cutting across some hills, I found my way blocked by a cliff.
Couldn't risk climbing down, so I went the long way (losing a day), bought the fighters, and made it to Amarok on the last possible day.
Amarok is guarded by a pack of wolves, but for three souls you can use the Wild Heart skill to drive them off. We then fought Amarok. A lot turned on whether my original fighter would flee -- his morale had been worn down by that point. But he held!
A few rounds in, Amarok howled for more wolves. Between him and his helpers, the berserk died as did one of the new fighters. But we prevailed! Of course, there's no ending yet, so I got anticlimactic placeholder text left by one of my team mates.
Still! After seven years of development, I finally won Fallen Gods! Perhaps in seven more years, it'll get released ...