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Fallout Fallout 1-2 builds


May 9, 2009
You mean bathe an area in radiation?
Can that even be done?
Nah, I did it with irradiated food. It increases the radiation count, but it doesn't create a radiation event (doesn't create on critters) which is the important part - that's where the stats are checked.
I forgot the Fruit you find is slightly radiated if you eat it.
Also does it actually heal you?
I remember not being healed by it at all in Fallout 2.
It should heal you a little bit, at least in the Restoration version.

Ryan muller

Oct 10, 2021
So i decided to make a Gatling laser build for my next Fo2 Hard playtrought

The build:

going for no companions this time and low END
Why throwing though? Plasma grenades?

Edit: also why science? You can get to 127 just by reading books. Do you want more?
Yeps, tbh i dont need any other tag aside from Science and Energy so i just went with throwing for those grenades i can hoard and use at V15 + Plasma later on

Science is for convenience, theres a bunch of dialogue checks for science in this game, mostly gives nice bonuses of XP, either this or speech are good sources of XP, i wanted to go for high INT + Science this time, it helps that i can get super stims quite early with Myron.

buffalo bill

Dec 8, 2016
Does anyone have a good build for an ironman playthrough that would somehow avoid getting randomly critted?

(other than stealth no-combat builds)

Ryan muller

Oct 10, 2021
Does anyone have a good build for an ironman playthrough that would somehow avoid getting randomly critted?
Anything that has high sneak would be useful for this purpose i think. High sequence can help too, but usually sneak is enough (as you can usually spam sneak retreats)


May 9, 2009
Science is for convenience,
Yeah, I thought so... :)
Does anyone have a good build for an ironman playthrough that would somehow avoid getting randomly critted?
Take sneak as a tag skill and play solo without an NPC (Sulik for early Klamath/Den is OK). Ironman in Fallout is all about breaking line of sight. To make it easier, you can use sneak to aggro enemies 1 by 1. Other than that, build doesn't matter. It's kind of like playing a roguelike. Break line of sight, use doors as 1-tile wide killholes etc.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot. You absolutely want to take Bonus Move on lvl 6. Allows you to break LOS without spending action points and allows you to kite wanamingos/deathclaws/floaters etc... excellent perk.
Jan 7, 2012
Assuming you don't have cover, the best way to avoid being critted is to avoid being hit, which means being at maximum range (which means maximizing your guns/energy weapons skill and possibly having high PE). AC-boosting perks like dodger are kind of irrelevant, it's basically only the same as being 1 tile further from the enemy.

It's hard to hit eyes at that range so fast shot builds have an advantage in not needing a huge amount of skill point investment, though I still wouldn't really recommend them for a non-et tu playthrough since you kind of need AP ammo to make unaimed shots consistently good. Without it your natural progression is all wonky vs. the enemies you face. Of course that can be overcome with meta knowledge.

And yeah bonus move = god. If you are using et tu or whatever it is that allows saving perks for later levels then consider saving your level 3 and taking both bonus move perks at level 6. 4 AP to move per turn is like double god. The only other plausibly useful perk is endurance but the real deadly crits take off 80% of your DR and DT anyway and psycho can already max your DR with decent armor. Do use psycho ahead of time if you think a battle is deadly, 90% DR will laugh at burst fire cunts as long as they don't score armor penetrating crits.
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
Actually Fixt broke the game even more with their "laser patch". Basically making power armor useless in the endboss fights (since both Master and Lou use Gatling Lasers), and Tesla Armor became the strongest armor to wear.
Really? Damn. But wouldn't it be compensated by the fact Hardened Power will resist Normal and Explosion weapons wielded by the other Super Mutants? Which might come to play in the final battle due to the Super Mutants coming from the Corridor of Revulsion.

To be fair... isn't Tesla Armor supposed to be worth it? It always seemed super-useless in both Fallouts to me. By the time you get Tesla, you likely already have Hardened Power Armor. AFAIK the only moment in FO1 and FO2 where Tesla is useful is attacking Navarro, where almost everyone and his mom has a Turbo Plasma. I honestly have no idea what is the point of Tesla in FO1 - a dev fallback in case the player is doing the Cathedral but failed to score Power Armor? I know speedrunners use it.
I actually did changes in ettu to make lasers fun again .... I nerfed the plasma rifle. It uses double the ammo now + has half the range as before (imo still too big of a range). What's funny about this is that nobody noticed any of those changes yet, which tells me that I should have went even harder on it. That said, the laser rifle is more of a sniper energy rifle, so you need the apropriate perks and crit chance for it. Personally I stopped using the plasma rifle a long time ago and only go with the laser rifle. Plasma is simply lame as shit.
Hmmmm... I would have to try and see how it compares now. Double ammo is interesting. Range might be a bit of a careful touch, lest it becomes as short-ranged as the Alien Blaster - which compensates by being OP.
Have you tried to nerf the Turbo Plasma Rifle to only up the AP not the damage? Its still very cheese, but less than the total ownage it becomes due to the increased damage.
Yeah, Laser Rifle is more of a sniper weapon.

I do think the problem of Lasers is not just that Plasma is vastly superior, its that every single armor that's not Leather has better resists for Lasers than for Normal dmg. Which does makes one wonder why Laser weapons are even a thing, if lasers provide no advantage vs armor in relation to bullets. Which probably gets even worse now that ammo modifiers work again.

Lasers being the long-ranged sniper weapons of Energy Weapons vs Plasma being the short-ranged weapons would be interesting.
Regarding super mutants, you can increase their amount of hitpoints and basically turn them into the Fo2 mutants. By default, ettu super mutants already have double the hitpoints now (except the bosses).
I know! I already do that. Great setting btw. Super Mutants should be, well, Super.
Top of my mind, I use x2 or x3 Super Mutants.
I remember Harry in x3 being a defacto Act I boss with like 360 HP. That was kinda funny.
Wish we could use fractions for it, like x2.2, 2.5.
Feels like x2 is not enough and x3 is too much. Something like 2.5 might be perfect.

Btw, is it possible to make the FO2 engine allow higher HP than 999? Imagine The Master with 1500 HP on x3 or 1250 in x2.5.
This kind of contradicts everything you wrote, though. You say ettu has adopted flaws from Fo1, but then you want a switch that makes the game exactly like Fo1 at all times? It can only be either or.
I didn't say Et Tu adopted flaws from FO1, I said FO1 had flaws whose solutions in FO2 were adopted by Et Tu (because it uses the FO2 engine and has the options for that).
My wording may not have been clear.
Not at all times, I meant stuff like bug-fixes only and some FO2 conveniences like pushing companions, Take All button, etc.

Might be worth it to have some sort of Purist/Semi-Purist switch?

Ryan muller

Oct 10, 2021
To be fair... isn't Tesla Armor supposed to be worth it? It always seemed super-useless in both Fallouts to me. By the time you get Tesla, you likely already have Hardened Power Armor. AFAIK the only moment in FO1 and FO2 where Tesla is useful is attacking Navarro, where almost everyone and his mom has a Turbo Plasma. I honestly have no idea what is the point of Tesla in FO1 - a dev fallback in case the player is doing the Cathedral but failed to score Power Armor? I know speedrunners use it.
Tesla isnt useless, it has better laser resistance than PA, its supposed to be the strongest armor that the player have acess to if they didnt join the brotherhood

It was designed as a casual feature to help players tho, but its a great armor.


Jul 16, 2008
Yeah, that's the thing. Most endgame enemies have laser weapons, so if you make them hit harder against power armor, why even wear power armor. The protection from bullets and explosions doesn't really matter that much at this point in the game, imo. I know it's a bit of a paradox, but there really is not an easy way to "fix" this. Wasteland 2 tried to fix this issue and ran into exactly the same issue... endgame armor became useless.

Personally I'm also sad that the tesla armor is so sidelined. But it's really hard to fit it into the game if you for sure will have a power armor anyways. Maybe it's position in the cathedral top floor is bad and it should be possible to find it earlier... On the other hand, it's perfectly possible to stumble over the cathedral *before* you even know about the Master and Mariposa. Since the cathedral is so close to the boneyard, it's not unreasonable to assume a new player might randomly stumble over it and then find the tesla armor before even knowing of the brotherhood.

So yeah... I guess in a way the tesla armor is really just a kind of fail safe and not meant to be in the regular armor tier progression.

Wish we could use fractions for it, like x2.2, 2.5.
Pretty sure you can? The only thing I disallowed was setting the modifier to 0.5 etc.

Have you tried to nerf the Turbo Plasma Rifle to only up the AP not the damage? Its still very cheese, but less than the total ownage it becomes due to the increased damage.
If I change it too much from the original, people will cry and demand more "purist" features, which I really can't be arsed to make in that case.

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