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Fallout 4 - mods thread


Nov 11, 2015
Yeah, you need manually type your esp/esm file in plugin.txt and make them read-only.

I'm actually wondering if anyone has installed this mod manually with no errors whatsoever, especially with other crap such as Armorsmith and Legendary Modification mod.


The mod author makes somewhat vague instructions and basically implies to do it NMM or MO.


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Well I'm playing some FO4 again DosBuster, and well you said small mods. How about a mod to add variety to the scenery of Bawstan. Strangely FO4 feels less unique than FO3. You can go from one end of the map to the other and you'll look around and feel like you haven't moved anywhere. Maybe it's because FO3 although it had its flat spots too, didn't fill the map with so many of the same repeating objects - overpasses everywhere etc. I know chuckwhatshisname is working on interiors, but that still leaves exteriors.


The Real Fanboy
Aug 28, 2013
God's Dumpster
Codex USB, 2014
There are repeating objects but that's to be common in a city object (lots of underpasses), however, overall I think the world art is one of Fallout 4's strengths since it does have variety, more so than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 did have a large contrast between the Wasteland and the City though, whereas Fallout 4 melds it together. Fallout 4 also has a much larger color palette than Fallout 3 as well.

Even so, editing exterior worldspaces is a hellish task since Bethesda has a hand-made navmesh and if you make changes to a worldspace you'd have to fix up the navmesh and you'd also cause other issues with item placement and even where they've set up triggers.


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
I also read yesterday that Bethesda in their wisdom don't do culling of cells if you make changes to meshes in that cell. It's possible that's fixable with the GECK, but considering that, the above, and the earlier formlist cap, it seems to me like FO4 is the worst game yet to worldspace edit through mods. F4SE might fix the formlist cap but the culling might require another 2 years of hax or something.


The Real Fanboy
Aug 28, 2013
God's Dumpster
Codex USB, 2014
No, you can cull cells you just have to re-generate Occlusion, I did it on my mod to test. Granted, you need to have a beefy CPU to do it but it's possible.

By the way, if you don't have at least 16GB of RAM, an Intel i5 or i7 released in the past 2-3 years, and a 900-series GPU then I don't recommend using the CK for anything other than editing game settings. You're often going to have Fallout 4 the game running, the CK running and other programs like 3ds Max running at the same time.
Possibly Retarded The Real Fanboy
Jul 9, 2014
Ancient Aliens Spaceship
Jeez, F4 wth survival and all official addons real rocks now, + about 150 mods from Nexus and we had some nice introduction into greatest entry of fallout universe ever created.
Can't wait next, after FAR HARBOUR mods, official expansions etc. For now best mods i can quickly suggest are: Conquest by Chesko , Snap'n' Build , Homemaker, Robot Home Defence, AWKCR, Enhanced Blood Textures, OLD WORLD RADIO BOSTON (marvelous over 3gb pack of radios, with voice overs made by fans, objects, etc. ), Murdering CHainsaw (just... don't ask) , Vault Central and Build Your own Vault (together they let You design Your own vault ) . ANd so many more. SO just... PLAY and ENJOY.
Jul 27, 2013
Took the RK47 route and downloaded this combination of mods:
http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11853/? - Mutant overhaul, adds new mutant types, like Nightkin and glowing mutants, and makes mutants an overall more diverse and deadly foe
http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2463/? - Weapon rebalance, makes some previously useless weapons useful, as well as giving a general damage boost to almost all weapons, especially melee
http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12395/? - The core mod, spawn extender, greatly increases the number of spawns in the world, pretty modular, I keep it default for everywhere but the glowing sea.
This combination has made for some seriously enjoyable and brutal combat scenarios, fighting through the glowing sea with max spawns for instance has been my most memorable moment in this game. Robot companions and followers on a muddy hill amidst a radstorm by a church that reminds me way too much of the cathedral in Fallout 1 get suddenly accosted by huge numbers of mutants. The mod seems to spawn them in waves making it seem like more and more are charging to take the hill, some behind the dead trees and cover, a behemoth, mutant hounds, snipers, nightkin, even with my highest tier fully upgrade x-01 set I'm still getting my hp down to 10% after a few seconds, my companions start falling, dropping my fusion cores like nukes on clusters of mutants only to have dozens more charge the hill, throw a vertibird signal grenade for backup, pop all my chems and healing items, jetpack down upon another cluster and then charge them down with pain train, mopping them up with the gatling laser afterwards.
Barely managed to survive at the end of it all, lost so many fusion cores/drugs/stimpaks.
Would definitely recommend this combination of mods.
Was some serious Warhammer40k shit.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
Why remove it, you can just ignore building. Just slap a bed there if you play survival.

One of the later patches seem to have massivly reduced the appearance of "a settlement needs your help" quest anyway. Well of course Beth being Beth it broke my game when I checked it: Preston is caught in a continious loop trying to get into my pants and never gives any quests anymore, and Radio Freedom is mute forever.

Free at last!

I would like a mod that replaces most of the settlement spots with premade settlements tho. Small ones. But knowing modders they would place a sprawling metropolis everwhere to show off their creativity, so I guess my wasteland stays empty.

typical user

Nov 30, 2015
Is there a mod that completely removes the whole "settlement" feature?

Just ignore it. Go to the settlement, make them join you, ignore them until they decide you are passive. I beat the game focusing just on Sanctuary Hills and not giving a damn about quests from other places. "My daughter has been kidnapped" "cool story, hope you fiind your white knight".


The Real Fanboy
Aug 28, 2013
God's Dumpster
Codex USB, 2014
Where them good mods at? (overhauls, quests and whatnot) Briefly went through the top-list on nexus and there's barely anything worth downloading.

A lot of skyrim modders are finishing off something they're working on before looking at Fallout 4, there's a lot of newbie modders rising up who are in the process of just learning how to do more complex things.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
So after many months I decided to do some heavy modding. While trying out different mods I found one that I quite like http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3815/? since it similar to Requiem.

It does many things and one of those is rebalance the health and damage enemies receive, while limits your health.

For example most Ghouls will die instantly if you hit their head but shooting in their body deals very little damage, while if they come close they will kill you quickly. Making group of them a very scary encounter especially since I play on hardest difficulty without VATS.

typical user

Nov 30, 2015
I personally recommend this mod for balancing reasons: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11657/?

It reduces everyone's health pool, makes all weapons stronger as well as nerfs most damage perks. It is highly compatible with other game balancing mods as it doesn't touch armors, drugs, other perks, supports all DLCs and most weapons added by other mods aren't OP by default, actually they are weaker than vanilla guns. Most creatures at lower levels will die from 2-5 shots, automatic and big weapons are powerful but balanced by the fact that you need big caches of ammunition to use them. Higher level enemies such as mutants, behemoths and deathclaws are still dangerous but if you have minigun they will die without much trouble.

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2037/? - this one I recommend to install before the above for AI tweaks so enemies are more aggressive.

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1486/? - To make other mods work even better install this loot overhaul, you will have to barter for ammo and drugs, most containers will have usual stuff or barely anything useful at all, you won't find fusion cores in trash cans or bobby pins and bottle caps in dryers, most first-aid kits will have antiseptic only.

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12050/? - fits with other mods rather nicely. Repairing power armor requires much more resources and more perks in return when you wear it you are almost invincible (but you can still be killed by minigun-toters)


Apr 22, 2009
Is there a mod that completely removes the whole "settlement" feature?

Just ignore it. Go to the settlement, make them join you, ignore them until they decide you are passive. I beat the game focusing just on Sanctuary Hills and not giving a damn about quests from other places. "My daughter has been kidnapped" "cool story, hope you fiind your white knight".

Trying to replay this game with DLC's again (got bored last time).

And this is what I am doing too. I only complete these auto-generated quests if they take me to some new place, else I just ignore them. Actually, I ignore them most of the time..

It's the dumbest fucking thing. The people kidnapped are ones wearing the high quality combat armor and carrying shotguns and grenades. I armed everyone with best armor and they still somehow get kidnapped, even though they never go out of their settlement and their settlement is surrounded by turrets. Bethesda being Bethesda, never thinking through with their "features".


Jan 3, 2016
At least Bethesda is advancing the state of the art, instead of sticking to 30 year old static scripting like every other RPG developer.


Apr 22, 2009
At least Bethesda is advancing the state of the art, instead of sticking to 30 year old static scripting like every other RPG developer.


They turned a detailed RPG into a simple shooter with mild RPG elements similar to Borderlands. That ain't progressing jack.


Jan 3, 2016
At least Bethesda is advancing the state of the art, instead of sticking to 30 year old static scripting like every other RPG developer.


They turned a detailed RPG into a simple shooter with mild RPG elements similar to Borderlands. That ain't progressing jack.

Fallout 4 is much more detailed than 1/2/NV.

Just compare something like power armor - in previous games it just gave you +STR. In Fallout 4 power armor has a dozen unique mechanics.
Aug 5, 2009
At least Bethesda is advancing the state of the art, instead of sticking to 30 year old static scripting

Instead sticking with the same frankentein-ed engine for 14 years. Longer, actually, though the difference between Morrowind's iteration and Oblivion's seems more striking than Oblivion to Fallout 4.
Last edited:


Apr 22, 2009
Fallout 4 is much more detailed than 1/2/NV.

Just compare something like power armor - in previous games it just gave you +STR. In Fallout 4 power armor has a dozen unique mechanics.

Babby's first "RPG".

typical user

Nov 30, 2015
There are repeating objects but that's to be common in a city object (lots of underpasses), however, overall I think the world art is one of Fallout 4's strengths since it does have variety, more so than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 did have a large contrast between the Wasteland and the City though, whereas Fallout 4 melds it together. Fallout 4 also has a much larger color palette than Fallout 3 as well.

Even so, editing exterior worldspaces is a hellish task since Bethesda has a hand-made navmesh and if you make changes to a worldspace you'd have to fix up the navmesh and you'd also cause other issues with item placement and even where they've set up triggers.

I can't understand where is Fallout 4's world art superiority. Everything seems small, clumped together and it doesn't have any landmarks that stand out in distance (well there is Prydwen, Mass Fusion Building but that's it). I don't like how small settlements are, how enemies have camps next to each other and how this world feels fake. There are no huge farms, trade routes, districts off-limits and no unique places like Sierra Army Depot, Toxic Caves, Necropolis. Well there is Glowing Sea but in previous Fallouts areas like that were on entire world map albait toned down. Graphical fidelity like color pallete is entirely different thing. You don't pair together voice-acting and soundtrack just because those two things are perceived with your ears.


Fallout 4 is much more detailed than 1/2/NV.

Just compare something like power armor - in previous games it just gave you +STR. In Fallout 4 power armor has a dozen unique mechanics.

Just because the game has more polygons doesn't mean it is more detailed.

Power Armor has unique mechanics in Fallout 4 'kay, but where is reputation and disguise system from Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas? Where are severe drug addictions and excellent story-telling? Where are specialized character builds where each play differently? Where is reactivity to your actions and your alliances (you can bring supermutant to Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4, in Fallout 2 you will be shot on sight by Enclave if you bring anyone into their camps)? Where is fun in this game? I replayed Fallout 2 at least 5 times and will play more, I want to play Fallout 1.5 Resurrection, wheras I deleted Fallout 4 after completeing it ONCE and I don't intend to look back at it not even try to replay it.


Apr 22, 2009
Funny thing is, when I played it I forgot about Power Armor completely after using it the first time in the beginning.

I was like level 30 when I realized I had like 30 power cores in inventory (and have been using power armor to store shit at Sanctuary).

Basically, if you know how to play FPS games, you will never have the need to use it (unless the game forces you to).
Aug 5, 2009
Power Core accumulation is strange, anyway. Oh look I just found three in a trash can. Eh?

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