Nikaido Well, since we're talking about Fallout 4 in here, they still technically have a monopoly on "sandbox" console-friendly post-apocalyptic hiking simulators with RPG elements
. But really, I just wouldn't worry about Bethesda at this point, both DA:I and W3:TWH don't really seem to promote that freeform sandbox experience, with 1st person IMMERSHUN mode, complete control over the character's appearance and ability to pursue whatever guild or doing any LARP-like thing on the world. I mean, I'm a Gothic fanboy and I deeply loathed TES games for most of my life, always wishing that PB's games would be the ones that get super popular. It never did of course
, and that series was as close to a competitor that they had. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is pretty much the only game that somewhat tries to take a direct jab at the TES formula.